Our Memorial Day “Murph” event, in honor of our veterans and troops, was a huge success! A big thank you to Michele for handling the grill, and to our volunteers: Jess B., Amanda Mc., Nishi, Andrea, and our Front Desk staff. Thank you to our photographers, Coach K HarpZ and Thomas H.! Thank you to Alan L. for donating the keg that kept up fueled post-WOD on behalf of Ho’Brah Taco. And a huge thank you to Coach David for keeping us watered and fed, and to Coaches Fox and Lady Fox for making sure we all sailed through the toughest workout of the year! Most importantly: thank you to all who have served our country. This workout was for you.
- Happy belated birthday to Christian R. and Alfredo C.!
There’s Still Time to Join Olympic Rower Coach Nick For a Rowing Clinic on May 31st, at 2:15pm
Do you want to improve your effectiveness on the erg? Do you dread rowing workouts? Or maybe you love them and want to row more on the side? (If you answered that last question with a hearty “yes,” you are a crazy person. Just so you know.) This one-hour clinic will include the following:
- Review of the machine: foot height, drag factor, how to set up workouts, how to review scores after workouts, etc.
- In-depth breakdown of the rowing stroke (recovery, catch, drive)
- Drills to improve common technique errors
- Workout
Nick started rowing in junior high school. He competed at two World Rowing Championships (1998, 1999) and the Olympic Games (2000), as well as various other international meets.
There’s a 20 person cap on the number of participants, so sign up now!
If you didn’t tell us already, how did “Murph” go yesterday?