High Intensity
Back Squat 85-70% x 3 x 2
Front Squat 85-70% x 3 x 2
Add a few pounds to your last high intensity day.
Exposure 8/16
Front Squat 3 x 5
Add a few pounds to your 3 x 8 exposure last week.
Exposure 5/8
Post loads to comments.
AMRAP 15 Minutes:
30 Russian Kettlebell Swings 72/53
200m Run
10 Handstand Push-Ups
Scale the HSPU to 1 or 2 AbMats, or scale some volume as necessary. The intention is to do the 10 reps in one or two sets. Sub 3 Wall Walks with a :05 Hold at the top if you can not perform the handstand push up.
Post rounds and Rx to comments.
Kathleen R. from CrossFit Virtuosity at our Subway Series event | Photo by Ewan B.
CFSBK Kids Club Night: Saturday, September 26th from 6pm-9pm
Want a night off for yourself and your kids? Sign up for our first CFSBK Kids night out! Your kid will engage in fun movement activities and games, eat pizza, and watch a movie.
What: We’ve organized a night of CrossFit kids physical activities and games. We’ll all share a pizza dinner and then watch a movie on the CFSBK big screen.
When: Saturday, September 26th from 6 PM -9 PM
Who: Kids ages 3-12, parents can stay if they want or go out on the town.
Cost: $50 per child with a 40% discount for additional siblings. Dinner will be provided. Late pickups will result in a $25 fee.
RSVP Required. Email cfsbkfrontdesk [at] This event is capped at 15 children so RSVP soon!
Join the 2015 Fight Gone Bad Fun!
There are still spots open for Fight Gone Bad. Learn more here, and register here.
We are open for any and all donations for prizes. If you own or work at a business that wants to provide some sort of prize (no matter how small!) for our top performers (for the WOD and fundraising) please email David [at]
Since 2008, CrossFit South Brooklyn has conducted a yearly fundraiser in the form of a workout called Fight Gone Bad. Last year, we raised over $40,000 for the Brooklyn Community Foundation (BCF), a local organization dedicated to improving the lives of people in Brooklyn by strengthening communities through local giving, grantmaking, and community service. This year, we’ll be partnering with BCF again and hope to surpass last year’s donation numbers.
Man Suddenly Regretting Asking To Be Taken Seriously By Peers
HBBSQ: 170x5x3. OMG 5s are so much better than 8s! Although this time around the humidity in the gym was absolutely enervating. I don't know why it should have felt any worse today than other days, but it totally did.
…which is why I made a conscious choice not to go crazy on the WOD either. Just felt like death the whole time. I used a 20kg bell because the 24 felt uncomfortable on the thumb/wrist juncture, and 25# DBs. 3 presses shy of 5 rounds.
So sore on the right side. I guess it's been a while since I've swung a KB with both arms for that kind of volume.
10 x OH squats (PVC)
5 x kipping swings
15 x hollow rocks
Press (1@8RPE, 3 x 5@8RPE)
45 x 5, 65 x 4, 75 x 2, 85 x 1, 90 x 1 @7.5RPE (PR!), 95 x 1@9RPE (PR!) 80 x 5@9RPE,
75 x 5 x 2@8RPE
So happy!! That's 10lb PR 🙂 I hadn't done a heavy single in a year but still. 100# does not seem so far off now.
Joined 7:30pm class (just Mary, whose HSPU's were awesome!) for the WOD.
30 x KB @24KG
200M run
10 x DB press @30#
Three reps shy of four full rounds. We ran 400m by mistake in the first round. Fun WOD. Lots of pressing for me yesterday!
Yayyyyy Charlie!!!!!
Congrats again to Melody!!
Yesterday's SC Class:
45×5 95×5 (pause) 115×5 (pause)135×3 (pause)155×3 165×1 175 5×3
REALLY friggin excited by this! 175# felt really good with room to grow! Super stoked about this PR especially!
Pause Bench
45×5 55×5 65×5 80 5×3
Felt good! Working on my right shoulder not being so crooked and turned in, definitely got some time to practice on that!
Barbell rows
70 10×3
Tomorrow is my last strength cycle for awhile, will miss it! But gonna keep going at OG and maybe hop in some group classes until the SS Fall Classic! V excited for the meet!
6am with McTuro
FSQ; 135x5x3
This is a 15# jump from last week (although less reps today) and is still moving well.
WOD – I'm working to retrain my shoulder movement so I kept it on the lighter side and focused on good positioning.
5 rounds + 200m run using a 16kg KB and 15# dbs
Nice work Charlie and Cam!
6am with McRo
Squat: 315x3x2. Felt heavy, but not as bad as I was expecting. Don't feel like I have squats in a groove, but I could muscle the weight up.
Front Squat: 235x3x2. Had to rush these sets as the allotted time was ending, so its good that the weight still feels light. Either back squats warm up front squats extremely well for me, or my estimated 1RM was too low at the beginning of the cycle.
WOD: 3 rounds + 20 swings with 32kg bell and 50# strict db press. Back is still spicy from Monday, so I took this slow.
Noon class
32kg broken up form the beginning.
200m shuffle
5/3/2 Strict HSPUs
3 Rounds + 28 swings. Word on the street is that the early classes "may" have run about 100m instead of 200…
hit a "comeback" milestone for squat work sets yesterday after a LONG struggle back up that hill. i've been working with margie for a few months, and it's made so much difference in my form, work capacity, programming and results.
thanks, margie.
Easy-going day with two little NFT triplets.
Hip mobz: flex/ext, int/ext rotation, hamstring
3 rounds:
8 glute bridge
8 gb L, 4 R (these are getting a little easier, yay)
10 v ups
Crossover symmetry (done in two sections)
3 rounds:
4 pistols L, 2 R (using rack support)
5 chin ups with 5 sec hold on last rep
:15 L sit, focus on L leg extend
–L hip flexor pain on pistols. Feels really weak and crappy, like I've actually lost strength in pistols on that side.
Supine hip distraction.
Will test out some more dynamic lifts tmw.
Charlie, you're a machine.
HBBS: 165, 195, 220×5
Bench: 155, 175, 195×5
Barbell Lat Pulls: 150x10x3
According to Mr. Wendell, next week, I'm moving to sets of 3, so hopefully these # will go up.
100 DUs
50cal Row
I was going to do 3 rounds of this, but upon regaining consciousness (in a pool of my own filth) after the row, I decided to go home.
12pm class:
(45×10, 135×5, 185×3, 215×1)
230x3x2–all with belt and all pretty solid. getting a good bounce.
-first set without a belt and not as sharp. 2nd set with a belt and it felt so good.
4 rounds plus 3 KBS, rx'd.
-first 2 kbs unbroken then in 15/15 and 18/12.
-first 2 hspu in 5-5, then 5/3/2 and 5/5 for last round.
overall it was the heat that slowed me down. might be the most I've sweat in the gym all year.
Great job, Cam & Charlie!!!
Front Squat 5X3 105# (where I ended 3X3 in July!)
WOD: 20kg bell (aka white) and 8 HSPUs with 2 mats.
4 rounds + 30 kb swings +a casual walk to the door.
Plug for anti-gravity: If you would have asked me in May if I'd be able to do HSPUs in a wod in September, I would have laughed. AG has been amazing for building the skills of HSPUs/pull-ups/T2B, etc. It's the best addition to regular group classes! Everyone should try it out!
Little impromptu early session today 🙂
Decided to try some snatches and see how the knee felt…and, no pain or cranky knee!
Snatch OTM
Snatch Pull
50kgx(3+1+1) x 1
54kgx (3+1+1)x 2
BackRack Reverse Lunges
5e @ 95
5e @ 115
5e @ 125
Assault Bike Reverse Tabata
Contemplating a change in programming, lots of good chats with coach. Always amazed by his ability for big picture shit. Good to know that no matter what route, I am in good hands.
LBBS @165# (~87%)
FSQT @135# (close to 90%)
Tipped over slightly on the back squat and lot on the front squat. Hoping it's bc I was feeling weak from missing both squat exposures last week. Asha and I were discussing how some people are SO upright when they front squat. I just don't know how to get my body to do that!
WOD with 24kg KB and 25# DBs. 3 rounds +30. Swings were TOUGH. Presses were tough too, especially with my left arm.
Nice PRs Cam and Charlie!
Couldn't make class but got some platform time while Siena was in CrossFit kids and Elaina was in whatever land she was in on the sofa
Bbell Warm ups
Every 2 mins for 10 min
Power Clean, Clean, Split Jerk
35kg, 40kg, 45kg, 50kg, 55kg (failed jerk)
Front Squat sets of 2
45kg, 50kg, 55kg, 60kg
5 rounds NFT
3 chin ups
3 ring dips (broken up)
Not coming close to my best numbers and everything felt tough..
But I'm less sore now and happy not to have to miss another training day completely
Thank you McDowell and David
HBBS – 265x3x2
FSQ – 225x3x1, 225x2x1 – Failed the last rep
Lower back was in bad shape from yesterday's DLs. Would have had this under better conditions. HBBS felt pretty good considering how sore I was.
WOD – 5 rounds even (possibly with an abbreviated run)