Alex B. mid snatch pull | Photo by Ewan B.
- Happy birthday, Coach Margie!
Fight Gone Bad 2015
Guys, we keep bringing it up because it’s that important and that fun. You now have six days (a mere 144 hours!) left to sign up for FIGHT GONE BAD 2015. Learn more here, and register here.
Also, we are now open for any and all donations for prizes. If you own or work at a business that wants to provide some sort of prize (no matter how small!) for our top performers (for the WOD and fundraising) please email Info [at]
Upcoming Schedule Changes
- Kids Club at 9am is CANCELLED this Sunday (9/6).
- LABOR DAY UPDATES: The following classes will be offered as a modified schedule for Labor Day (9/7). Please note the changes to the morning and evening classes:
- 8:00am
- 9:00am
- 10:00am
- 12:00pm
Long Island teenager told he only had a ten per cent chance of walking again takes his first steps just three months after breaking his neck in a Jones Beach diving accident DailyMail
The Giant Blue ‘Eyes’ of the Prawn Nebula CNET
Saturday's Programming
Clean and Jerk
Take 12 minutes to warm up a bit beyond your clean and jerk weight for the WOD.
Post loads to comments.
"2-Mile Grace"
For Time:
1-Mile Run
30 Clean and Jerks 135/95
1-Mile Run
The fastest "Grace" times are around 2 minutes. For scaling, choose a weight here that you can throw around a bit, maybe even cycle some of the reps and finish the barbell portion in no more than 7 minutes.
Post time and Rx to comments.
Late 8:30 class last night with Ro
Worked up to 180# on the snatch EMOM and the dips made me realize I need to do more of them more often
I didn't have enough time to run back across the street and grab my sneakers which wound up being a huge mistake. The WOD was a hot mess of terrible DUs, slow and steady squats and burpees. Not sure the end time.
Public Service Announcement: Don't do burpees without sneakers, I tore the bottom of my big toe like a hand blister. Now I hobble to work for the next few days!
Special snowflakin' it up at 6 AM. (What has two thumbs and an 8 AM meeting? THIS GIRL!)
Press w/football bar, 72.5x5x3. I failed this weight for 3×5 last cycle, so it felt good to make it.
Tomorrow's WOD with 165# deadlifts instead of C&J, 21:28. I probably should have gone 175 but was feeling nervous since I hadn't warmed up the deadlift at all. I'm such a friggin' slow runner, which is hilarious since I'm on the SBK leaderboard for the 5K. Pretty sure I could not even come close to matching that time (which I hit right as I was starting CF and was at my marathon weight) today.
6am w/ JB.
Worked up 195 on C&J. It felt good and solid.
Metcon: 20:40 Rx. First run felt good. C&J felt fun with all solid reps, all singles. Though felt I was taking to much rest between reps. I was hoping to hit Grace around 4mins. First few hundred meters of the 2nd run were awful and then got my stride. 1st mile: 7:35, Grace: ~5min, 2nd mile: 8:00 Difference is walking in the gym and chalking up.
6am with JB
Clean: Worked up to 133#. Skipped the jerk to avoid aggravating my shoulder. This felt really solid, but didn't want to go too heavy given the workout.
WOD in around 21 mins, with cleans at 93#. First run in 8 mins, cleans in ~4 mins, last run in ~9 mins. I started doing the cleans as singles and realized I should just cycle since I wasn't jerking. 7 singles, then 8-5-5-5. Still feel like my body temp is elevated 2 hours later.
6am with JB
Clean: Worked up to 225# with a slight press out. PR weight even though it wouldn't fly in a weightlifting setting. I'm aim for a better jerk and hopefully get a true PR in the next few weeks.
WOD RX'd in 24:30. First run just under 9 mins, cleans in ~4:30, last run in about 11 mins. I was hoping to do the C+J faster, but my plan to knock out some sets of 5 at the beginning didn't happen. I've got to get to running faster again now that my ankle is on the mend.
Hi Friends,
Andrew & I are out of town this weekend, if anyone is interested in picking up and enjoying our CSA share FO' FREE (fruits, veggies, and 1 dozen eggs) from Fishkill Farms – info below. You can just show up and initial for "Mulder" — someone, please take advantage!
Distribution Times:
Saturdays from
8:00am – 2:00pm
The Old Stone House
336 3rd St. Brooklyn, NY
6am with JB
Power clean and push jerk – Worked up to medium heavy 155. Feeling good today and didn't want to go too heavy given the upcoming 30 C&Js.
WOD – 22:58 rx. Never done Grace before, let alone a mile long Grace sandwich. Coming in was thinking I'd do it at 115 but after warming up the power clean and push jerk decided to go Rx. Slow first mile in 7:30, c&j were all bailed singles in around 6-6:30. Think I could definitely push faster here but took it easy since I didn't know how well I could keep it up. Painfully slow second mile in around 8:00-8:15 min. Sprinted the last half loop as there was no way I was letting Mike M's approaching footsteps pass me at the finish.
Fun workout and put me in a really good mood for the weekend. Linda did ask MeLo to pick her up this morning as she wanted to feel good. She's still waiting.
Stella the shoes for you are here! They are in the smaller shoe closet on the far right of the shelves, neon purple, with tag still on them. If you can't find I'll show you next time I see you in class. XOXO
15 days away from any gym and heading back tomorrow. Today was the 3rd feeble attempt to work up a bit of a sweat. I can only hope lots of wholesome food, extra sleep, fresh air and meditation will help offset a gross lack of training as I try to get back into the swing of things.
25 mins of floor Pilates, then
3 rounds:
10 power planks
10 jumping squat
10 v-ups
3 rounds:
6 kipping hspus
10 push ups
20 reverse lunges off a step
3 rounds:
10 supine band pull aparts
10 overhead band pull aparts
10 banded pause squats
5 rounds:
3 hand stands free standing
6 pistols (3 ea leg)
Lax ball and stretches
10am class
Power Clean and Jerk
235 is a power PR
2 mile Grace
This was awful. I hate running. First mile in about 9, second took over 11 with some walking. Grace was almost a break.
Made up yesterday's WOD
Snatch – 125,135,145,145,150,155,155,160 – up 15 from last week by the end. All felt good
Ring dips – 7,7,7,7,7,6,6,6 – these felt better than last week too
WOD in 9:51 Rx'd. Much tougher than expected. Those squats caught up to me.
Dropped into CrossFit Full Range in Providence Rhode Island. More review on travel gym recommendations page.
DIY Warm-Up before class
Crossover Symmetry, about 2:00 of mobility on my hips and Tspine
2 Rounds of 10 squats, 5 pushups, 5 pull-ups
A bunch of line Drills
Every other minute for 20:00
Hang Clean + Clean + Split Jerk
Worked up to and did a bunch of sets at 185lbs
Back Squat
A bunch of % works with reps that went up and down. I wrote it down on a white board before I did it and forgot to write it down before I left.
That was it, no metcon, cash out or assistance work. The Fitness programming had some farmers carries and stuff but I wanted to clean and jerk. Thought about doing a little burner before I left but ended up talking shop with the owner until it was time to leave.
Nice people, good programming and nice space. I recommend it. My only criticism was that there didn't give you any warm-up time. We were supposed to start our clean and jerks at 75% and before I finished putting the first plate on the bar the coach was like.. okay guys clock is starting in 10… so I just used the first few sets to warm-up on my own.
Got some work done in between coaching classes today.
A. supine Hip Flexor/quad stretches with sandbag x2 ways, 1:00-2:00 each side
B. Mash: lats, tspine
C. Crossover Symmetry, Shoulder Mobz (Int rot pack with band and pvc, flex/ext rot with band)
D. 3 Rounds NFT:
10 hollow rocks
8 box step ups L (16kg), 4 on R (16kg)
8 glute bridges
8 1-legged glute bridge L, 4 on R
L side is so embarrassingly weak on both of these movements. Going to put this or similar accessory work into my training 3x/week consistently. Will keep doing more/double reps on L until things start to even out a bit!
Cash Out: irish coffee, bloody mary, and margaritas at brunch… just a healthy sampling :-X
Strength Cycle 12PM
Front Squat
45 x 5, 65 x 5, 95 x 4, 135 x 3, 145 x 3, 155 x 3, 165 x 3 x 4.
This felt good!! Can't believe how good! This is a bit of a breakthrough for me.
Pause Bench
45 x 5, 75 x 4, 95 x 3, 115 x 1, 125 x 1, 130 x 1, 115 x 4 x 3
Sumo Deadlift
135 x 5, 175 x 5, 195 x 5 x 3
Wanted to lay with this a bit. It feels so weird. Heavy off the ground and on my hands but such a short distance. Think we are going to be adding into my programming. NOt sure how I feel about it but I would like to try again and get better at it/ used to it.
Came back for 6:30 group class with Whit and Ro.
Snatch @ 63#
Matador dips x 3
45 x DU
30 x squats
15 x burpees
15:22 Rx
Burpees were slow slow slow. But I landed flat on my feet for each one.
Fun OG Sesh w/ Coach/J/Big Meech/Larry Hoover
Jerk OTM 56kgx1x5
Push Press @ 36x3x3
10 back extensions
10 incline T2B
10 banded clams
Light week in the cycle. 🙂