EMOM For 16 Minutes:
Even: 1 Snatch
Start at 70% and go up a few pounds each rep if it’s moving well.
Odd: 5-7 Tempo Ring Dips, Tempo Ring Push-Ups, or Tempo Push-Ups
2-2-X-2 Tempo (2 sec down, 2 sec hold bottom, explode up, 2 sec hold top)
Exposure 4/8
Post loads to comments.
4 Round For Time:
45 Double-Unders
30 Squats
15 Burpees
Rest 1:00
Sub for double-unders is 20 attempts/makes.
Post rounds and Rx to comments.
Coach David often asks Coach MeLo to pick him up. You should ask her to pick you up too, it feels nice | Photo by Thomas H.
- SAVE THE DATE: Do you like to dance, drink, and raise money at the same time? On October 24 from 8pm to midnight, CFSBK is hosting BROOKLYN NOW’s second annual fundraiser. Learn more here!
- Happy belated birthday, John T. and Crystal C.!
Upcoming Schedule Changes
- Kids Club at 9am is CANCELLED this Sunday (9/6).
- LABOR DAY UPDATES: The following classes will be offered as a modified schedule for Labor Day (9/7). Please note the changes to the morning and evening classes:
- 8:00am
- 9:00am
- 10:00am
- 12:00pm
Check Out CrossFit Teens at CrossFit South Brooklyn!
Have a teenager who is looking to gain a competitive advantage in their sport, improve their fitness, learn new skills, and have fun in a supportive, social environment?
CrossFit Teens is a strength and conditioning program that is specifically designed for teenagers and helps them develop a lifelong love of fitness. In a group setting, teens participate in fun and engaging workouts that deliver measurable results and prepare them to be well-rounded athletes. The workouts consist of constantly varied, functional movements that deliver a fitness that is broad, inclusive and general and scalable for any participant at any level.
Classes will begin with a warm-up and icebreaker-style question. Each class will include skill practice and a strength development aspect, specifically designed to be accessible and appropriate to teenaged athletes. Classes will finish with a WOD, or Workout of the Day, designed to test work capacity, endurance, skill, and strength in a fun, competitive, but inclusive environment. As the school year starts, post-class homework time will be included to take advantage of the increased mental capacity brought about by movement and physical exertion.
Summer: Monday/Wednesday at 3:30
Fall: TBD
1x/Week: $120/Month
2x/Week: $200/Month
10 Class Punch Card: $325
Drop In: $35
We asked this QOD on the blog around this time back in 2009, but we’re asking again: what is your all-time favorite book?
Gone With the Wind!
I read it for the first time when I was nine. I was stuck at my grandmother's house for the summer and there was nothing. to. do. I've probably read it at least 20 times since then (there was a time in high school where I'd finish the book and just start right back at the beginning again).
Laying aside the fact that yes, the book does romanticize slavery, it's just a killer story with great characters, and one that stands up to reading and rereading. The way I think about Scarlett O'Hara has changed a lot over the years. When I was a little kid, I thought she was impossibly glamorous, and thought only about the hoop skirts and the balls. In high school I thought her endless pining after Ashley was romantic. In my twenties I started to think, "She's not a very nice person, is she?" (After all, she marries one husband out of pure spite and takes her second husband away from her sister to get his money for taxes.) And now that I'm in my thirties, I have a lot more sympathy for her — she's a resourceful woman who does whatever she has to do to survive in a world with very limited options for women.
Close second: Atlas Shrugged. Please know that Objectivists don't all eat babies for breakfast!
6am with Jess
Snatch – Worked up to 145#. As usual I don't feel comfortable with the movement until there is some real weight on the bar. Ugly fail at 115# and then some snatch perfection at 135# and 145#.
Ring Dips – I tried my best to stay on tempo for all of these. First two sets were 7s at 5/2. The rest were 5s at 3/2.
WOD in 13:32.
This was a crusher! I think my heart rate is still elevated 4 hours later.
DUs were broken up like crazy in the first round and then unbroken for the next three sets which means I should probably warm them up better.
Air Squats were much slower than they should have been. Like slower than my Murph squats. Not sure what that is about.
Burpees were laughably slow until BK came over to coach me through them.
Speaking of BK. He finished with enough time to go get a bagel and a coffee and then come back to cheer the rest of us on. Crazy fast.
Midnight's Children by Salman Rushdie. Best book ever written.
FSQ: 115×5,135×5, 155×5, +175×5
Deadlift: 195×5, 220×5, 245×5
Ring Dips: 5×3
Hang Power Clean
EMOM 5:00
5 reps 75#
Rest 2:00
EMOM 5:00
5 reps 95#
Rest 2:00
EMOM 5:00
3 reps 115#
Rest 2:00
– FSQs felt awesome, so I went for another set at 175 which moved well.
– Coach Fox suggested I move to the Matador (instead of Ring Dips) for my shoulder's sake. Will do next week.
– It's been a year since doing any type of Cleans, so I went with a very light EMOM. It sucks starting over, but SO good to be back.
Everyone have a great Labor Day weekend!
Tie btwn Lolita and Moby Dick
Books (can't settle on one, sorry): High Rise (Ballard), Day of the Triffids (Wyndham), Wise Blood (O'Connor), Correction (Bernhard), Left Hand of Darkness (Le Guin), Get in the Van (Rollins)
Fitness: last night at 8:30
Performance back squat at 235x7x2
Performance front squat at 205x7x2
Both of these are 70%, and both felt great and moved really smoothly.
On the NFT work, I pressed 95-105-115-125-135. Took it slightly easy here since I haven't pressed in weeks (not enough days in the week to keep it going, unfortunately), but the 135 felt okay so maybe I could have pushed it a little. Ended up using the cans for all 5 walks, and the rows were the rows.
Why isn't it Friday yet.
Made up yesterday's squatting today.
HBBS: 225x7x2
FSQ: 185x7x2
Press: 105x5x3
Weighted Pull-ups: 20x5x9
Barbell Rows: 135x5x3
6am with Jess
Snatch – Worked up to 105. Focused a lot on thoracic mobility this week and it felt much better in my shoulders than last week. Now just need to focus on more knees out to give my hips somewhere to go.
Dips – Think I did one set of 7, four sets of 5, 3 sets of 4. Tried to keep some semblance of the tempo work throughout.
WOD – Giant, unmitigated disaster. Think I was 16 flat. After being pretty happy with my DUs recently they abandoned me today. As BK pointed out I was rotating the rope too quickly. Squats were slow. Burpees were slower. Legs felt like deadweight after round 2. Most demoralizing part was BK lapping me on the squats in round 3.
QOD – Unlike these other literary stalwarts I either read non-fiction or mindless entertainment. For non-fiction I'll say Citizen Soldiers by Stephen Ambrose and for mindless entertainment Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follet.
Noon class
Finally got over 200lbs. Started last week at 65kg and finished with 2 misses at 95 with one miss at 90 on the way up as well. Wanted to try and get north of 90kg today so started at 70kg. 92kg (202.5#) is a 2.5 pound PR and I was super stoked to hit it! I've really relearned some elements of the lift over the past year and it's starting to show. Guts and strength are now in my way instead of overall technique. The top number is great for me but I'm equally happy to be stanching 85kgs consistently.
Dips were a mix of 3-5 on the rings and 5s on the Matador. My right forearm is still brutalized from last week's ring dips.
WOD Rx'd in 10:41.
This got tough fast but was so few rounds that there was really no good reason to pace it. First round in about 1:40 and then pretty consistent after. QUADS!
I make time to read very few novels for as much as I enjoy them. Tops for me is the sci-fi classic Dune by Frank Herbert which I finally tackled last summer. Epic journey and so much to nerd out on. One The Road by Kerouac and Fight Club by Chuck Palahniuk round off my fiction list. Starting Strength by Mark Rippetoe is still the best non-fiction book I've read to date.
Pretty basic.
10am session today. Going to ease back in… Hip flexors are a mess and R shoulder is def still funky from the tweak before I left.
Warm UP:
a. Crossover symmetry.
b. 3 RNFT:
20 hollow rock
7 push up
5 slow air squat
Mobility in between: hip openers, ankles, lay mash, ant hip dist
45×5, 95×5, 135×3, 145×2
Decided to keep it light, just get in and move kind of day. Didn't feel great. Ant hip still feeling lit up and painful in the squat, esp left side. Everything tight from the hike last wk.
Superset with chins: 5×5
3 RFT:
50 doubles
20 slamball @ 20#
:30 rest
Time: 5:19
Doubles in one or two sets each round. Slamball unbroken.
Good little gasser.
QOD: Probably Master of the Senate by Robert Caro. It's the best of the four (so far) volumes of his biography of LBJ (and much more interesting than it sounds). Other possibilities are Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep by Phillip K. Dick, Martin Eden by Jack London, or The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay by Michael Chabon.
8am group class:
Even–Snatches: 35, 39, 40, 40, 42f, 42 (92.4#), 42f, 40
-not a great day. Overall ended up 10# lighter than last week. was rushing the pull and my shoulders felt weak and unstable. was also catching a little high.
Odd–Tempo Matador Dips: 5-5-4-3-3-3-3-3
-thought I'd be able to hold 5's but again shoulders weren't feeling them. still a few more reps overall than last week.
11:09 rx'd
-Quads on fire! Those squats definitely surprised me. Du's were unbroken in the 2nd and 4th round. Was fun trying to chase Austen!
Cash Out:
5×8 v-ups/tucks
5×8 arch rocks
Great classes this morning. What a sweat fest!
Love the photo on the blog today!
6am with Lady Fox
Snatch- 63# for the emom. Kept it light given my shoulder issues.
5 banded matador dips
WOD in 15:16 with 20 DU attempts. DU's need more practice. The squats were way harder than I was anticipating and the burpees were a slog.
QOD: recent favorite is The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt, which was suggested by someone else in an AR class
Tuesday evening squats followed by AG:
Back Squat 165 x 7 x 2
Front Squat 125 x 7 x 2
I <3 low intensity (both just below 70%). Will go up 5# (over 70%) next time.
65, 70, 72, 75, 80 – This single is just below my 1RM, which was a pleasant surprise.
Farmer Carries with Green Kbs — 24 kg, maybe?
And finally kicked up to the wall a few times during AG.
Today's Snatch at 10AM:
Started at 73 and worked up to 88 with the snatched, paired with 4 ring push-ups each round. Felt much more stable than last week.
WOD in 11:38, I think. Those squats were rough.
Snatches: 63-63-63-68-68-68-73-73
Went better than last week. Need to push up on the bar- was getting soft in my elbows.
Dips: 3 on the matador for the first 5 rounds + 2 tempo pushups, then 2 dips+ 3 pushups for the remaining rounds. I did a lot more dips last week, but I don't think they were tempo. Today's were sort of tempo. Controlled on the way down, but can't confidently say there was an explosion on the way up.
WOD with 20 DUs/attempts in 12:52.
DUs: First round horrible, but improved with each round
Air squats: Slow and steady with a few pauses because….QUADS!
Burpees: Slow but unbroken. Tried to turn it on for the last 5 reps of each set.
I love CF because no matter what type of mood you are in when you enter the gym, you always leave happy!
As a character in what might be the biggest steaming pile of pseudo philosophical dogshit in the last 100 years, I sincerely apologize on behalf of my creator to anyone who suffered through her "novel".
Snatches: I thought today would be the day I'd go above 60, alas…
42, 47, 52, 52, 57,57, 62(f) >:( I'm dropping in next level weightlifting ASAP. You know there's a fundamental problem when you've been snatching 57 since February and you've only missed snatching maybe *one* week since then.
Wod: 12:07. 20 DU attempts. Pushed it faster on the squats… Tried to push the burpees but slowed down here or there. I bet this wod would be amazing cardio if I could really do 45 DUs. Someday…
Oh! The best books: Watership Down for a good cry, Brothers Karamazov when you're feeling existential, and Lord of the Rings (Silmarillion and Hobbit included) for escapism. Bam!
Did the snatches at 53,58 and 63. Definitely room for an increase but they felt pretty snappy.
WOD RXd. 1st round of DUs unbroken. the rest in sets of 30 and 15.
About to head up north for 9 days. Bye cfsbk!