Front Squat
Performance: High Intensity, 85-90% x 3 x 4
Heavier than your last High Intensity exposure.
Fitness: 3 x 5 Linear Progression
Heavier than last week.
Exposure 6/8
Post loads to comments.
5 Rounds Not For Time or 20 Minutes:
8 each leg Dumbbell Step Ups, as heavy as possible
8 Full Body Floor Levers
5-8 Strict Dips or Dumbbell Bench Press
Choose a box that places your knee above your hip when your foot is on the box. Stand all the way up tall using the lead leg and don’t turn these in to dumbbell dealifts on a box. Scale the floor levers to tuck or half tuck as necessary. If you can perform 8 reps of the full body version then scale up to levers up and down. The dips can be done on the rings or the matador, add weight if possible. If you can’t currently perform at least 5 at a time there then sub heavy dumbbell bench instead.
Post rounds/time and Rx to comments.
CFSBK’s second Art Show is tonight from 7:30-10:30pm. Free entry and alcohol.
Joshua Peters, a local Brooklyn artist (and fellow CrossFitter and coach!), will be live painting a mural from 8-10pm. Check out more of his work on his website, at Strength to Spare. He just painted this insane mural at Freedom Barbell Academy in Long Island.
Coach Whit, a lifelong dancer, will be doing a short performance at 9pm to Nina Simone’s song “Nobody Knows You When You’re Down and Out.”
Most importantly, come check out art from fellow talented CFSBKers. Below are all the artists whose work will be on display:
Colette Komm
Camille Cruz
Jessica Bailey
Lauren Borducci
Aileen Hanna
Katie Harper
Jenna Jerman
Alona Katz
Tim Mauseth
Inna Aizenstein
Saul Melmen
Nate Miller
David Osorio
Trevor Safford
Brian “Baz” Zimbler
If you have any questions, email Kate at Katharine [at]
If you take any photos tonight (and we hope you do!), use the hashtag #CFSBKART so we can all see them!
- SCHEDULE UPDATES: AntiGravity and the Teaser class are CANCELLED tomorrow!
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