Every Minute on the Minute for 7 Minutes:
1 Paused Back Squat
Warm up to 80-85% and perform 7 paused singles. Pause for a 2 count at rock bottom. Focus on staying active at the bottom and driving the bar explosively to stand. Have a rack mate check depth and call your count.
Paused Back Squat
Work up to a heavy triple (in three total work sets). Pause for a 2 count at rock bottom. Focus on staying active at the bottom and driving the bar explosively to stand. Have a rackmate check depth and call your count.
Post loads to comments.
4 Rounds for Time:
40 Double-Unders
20 Deadlifts 185/125
20 Double-Unders
Rest 3 Minutes between rounds. The Deadlift weight should be light. The goal is to perform them unbroken on the fast end. Scale Double-Unders to about half attempts/makes as necessary. The Doubles should be done within 25-50 seconds.
Post times and Rx to comments.
Jason C. making his first Squat attempt at Sunday’s Starting Strength Program Total
Register Now For Starting Strength Program (formerly known as Strength Cycle)
We all want to get stronger. That’s because we implicitly understand that building strength is the foundation for increasing overall physical capacity. It has been proven again and again that lifting heavy primes our bodies to be more effective and efficient at metabolic conditioning workouts. Strength is the only mode of training that supports everything else we do in the gym and in life. Plus: it’s pretty badass.
Upcoming Program Times and Dates:
A cycle: Novice, 7pm Mon/Wed and 6pm Fri | Monday March 14th – Friday May 6th
B cycle: Intermediate, 7pm Tues/Thurs and 10am Sun | Tuesday Mar 15th – Sunday May 8th
C cycle: Morning Novice, 6:30am Mon/Wed | Monday March 14th – Wednesday May 4th
D cycle: Continuing Education, 6pm Mon/Wed | Monday March 14th – Wednesday May 4th
E cycle: Late mornining, all levels, 10am Mon/Thurs, co-taught by Coach Margie | Monday March 14th – Thursday May 5th
Each cycle will culminate in a CrossFit Total on Sunday, May 8th.
Class Sizes: Space is limited to 4-8 participants
Class Length: 90 minutes
Cost: 3x Per Week Cycles:
$300 paid upon registration and then another $300 at the halfway point
Cost: 2xW Cycles:
$200 paid upon registration and then another $200 at the halfway point
Group Class/Open Gym/Active Recovery/Yoga/Pilates Add-On Option!
This add-on membership allows our 2x/week Starting Strength Program to attend two additional classes per week, outside of the regularly scheduled strength cycle classes. This includes group classes, open gym, and Active Recovery/Yoga/Pilates.
Price is $100 per four weeks, first bill due at sign-up and second bill ($100) charged automatically to the card on-file four weeks later. Register here!
If anyone is confused as to which cycle they belong in or has any questions, they can contact Jeremy directly at Jeremy [at] CrossFitSouthBrooklyn.com to discuss placement.
CFSBK Open Intramural Team Competition Week 1 Rankings
Open Workout 16.1 was a doozy, gang. When the dust settled, team Your Pace or Mine? came out on top in Week 1. Definitely your pace! When asked to comment on the Walking Lunges, team captain Mike Crumsho responded, “I’m not a role model.”
1. Your Pace or Mine?: 22
2. The Little Lebowski Urban Achievers: 25
3. All Castro Oiled Up: 28
4. Sore Winners: 29
5. It’s My Open and I’ll WOD If I Want To: 31
6. Blue Steel: 35
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Rest Day
The Man Who Won’t Let Go The Awl
What Makes Swearing So Damn Satisfying, Anyway? NY Mag
Last day of work before Iron Maidens (I swear).
Pause Squats – First at 195, rest at 200. Nick noticed that I was a little soft at the bottom and beginning to booty pop on my way up (my words, not his), so focused on staying braced and rising up all at once.
WOD: 15:22 Rx. Best round was 1:27, worst was 1:52. Deadlifts all unbroken, double unders varied tremendously in success (as seen in the times).
Yesterday: Worked up to opener-ish weights (Squat 235, Bench 115, Deadlift 315). Still mildly debating exact numbers. Good laughs with Kelly trying to remember commands.
6am with NickDowell
Pause Squat
These pretty much sucked right from the beginning. Mostly because they expose my bad habit of getting soft at the bottom. Struggled to stand all of these up but no misses and I liked having to focus on tight core throughout.
225, 235, 240, 245, 250, 250, 255
WOD Rx'd in 18:30
This was an all around shit show.
In other news…
Team All Castro Oiled up currently sits in third place and optimally positioned to take the lead in 16.2. We are not only cooler and better looking than the other teams but we have more 6am-ers and one Allie B. And no amount of Michael Crumshos will ever equal one Allie B. Deal with it.
You were looking strong this morning Kayleigh!!!
7am with McD and Nick
I decided to do the performance lifting since I am just coming out of strength cycle and squatting was the only think I could consistently do with the hand surgery. I was pleasently surprised when a 135 pause squat was easy. (Before strength cycle, that was not far off from my pr). I could have gone heavier, but since it was only my 2nd time lifting sans safety bar, I wanted to make sure my wrist could handle the pressure.
Still can't jump rope so I did air squats and cut the volume in half
1st time deadlifting post op today, so I took it light at 95. My grip gives out before my legs do. I am literally holding on by my finger tips.
Rounds were between 1:15-1:30. They got faster with every round.
You guys, we're on NY1! http://www.ny1.com/nyc/all-boroughs/news/2016/03/2/iron-maiden-competition.html
Came in this morning for my last day of pre-IM lifting, very light as per Jefe Jeremy's instructions:
Squat 150×5
Pause bench 95×5
All easy peasy, and documented by NY1 😀
PS, slow clap for the team name "Sore Winners"
Although I suspect collusion I can understand why we are currently and temporarily sitting in last place. Our team's strength was not 16.1. Our strength is luring other teams into the shoe closet and beating them with PVCs and the green back rubbing hook thing. Oh yes and also 16.2, 16.3, 16.4, 16.5 and 16.6.
If anyone knows of a tutor qualified to help out with pre calculus please email me at dgever@gmail.com.
Can we get the intramural league logo on a T-shirt?!?!
6am with McD and Nick
Perf. Squat: In kilos
149x1x7 EMOM
Metcon: 15:25 Rx. Doubles were mostly unbroken. Deadlifts were unbroken first round, 10-5-5 for rounds 2&3, and 5-5-5-fast singles for the last round. I found that moving immediately from multiple deadlifts while staying on tension into the 20 double unders was kind of jarring and uncomfortable each round, so my singles in the last set was in exchange for being able to do the last 20 doubles with a little more confidence.
Brad- I found the same thing. Every time I went back to the doubles I felt majorly weird- missed a few times on the initial skip, then once I got moving I was fine. Yuck.
Paused squat triples: 205, 225, 235
WOD @135lbs, finished in 18:20. Interestingly enough my doubles misfired a lot too. I had to do singles for the 40 section in the first two rounds because I couldn't get going. Then on the next round, I got 40 unbroken. Then again on the last round, I misfired. (The 20s all went off fine.) Weird.
12:00pm Group Class
Paused LBBSQ
Dub/DL Metcon
15:02 as Rx'd
Here are my finish times per round (including the rest)
R1: 1:26
R2: 5:53
R3: 10:36
R4: 15:02
All the Deadlifts unbroken, all the doubles unbroken except one trip up in the second and third rounds.
Approached this workout as if each round was the last push in an Open workout. I did not feel good after the 4th round. Had to take my shoes off and writhe around on the floor for a bit..
Tried to push it for the other Little Lebowski Urban Achievers!!
And proud we are of all of them! -Maude Lebowski
Opted to skip today's workout altogether because of Iron Maidens- of course I would have lived it but it didn't seem like the wisest move with the way my lower back has been feeling lately.
Pull-up pyramid.
Rowed 2 x 20 min pieces at 16SPM with 5 mins rest.
Need to start thinking about building up my endurance for this half marathon I signed up for!
I was in the potty during the white board brief before the metcon and I did all my rounds as
40 Double Unders
20 Deadlifts
40 Double Unders (instead of 20)
In the name of science and my ego this must be made clear!
Thanks for clearing that up, David. We were all worried it was time to find a new fitness role model.
My time, meanwhile, was 21:36. Had to scale the doubles to 1/2 attempts for the third and fourth rounds, because I was ten minutes behind everyone else and Coach Nick was like, "Jack, let it go."
Afternoon lifting with the hubby:
1) Bench (45×10, 75×5, 95×3) 107.5x10x3
2) Close Grip Bench 92.5x10x3
-thought I was going to have to move to 8's this week because last week felt hard. Having a lift off and a spotter helped!
3) Today's Metcon: 13:45
-rounds were 1:06, 1:11, 1:09, 1:19
-tripped up on the doubles in all rounds but the first. last round tripped up at least 3-4 times. all deads unbroken and fast.
@Andrew: I would like very much to be beaten with a PVC right now. That sounds like it would do my upper back some good. When can I sign up for my session?
6:30 with Nick —
Pause squats up to 300#. Felt heavy but not max effort.
Scaled the WOD until it was basically double practice, BUT I can finally do these again!! A year ago I could do 50 unbroken somewhat consistently, but for the last few months doubles have been a complete disaster. Finally hit my stride after the first round today and had runs of 35, 29, and 25 or so. Good confidence builder, just in time for the open! Although my prediction for 16.2 is:
either (a) 2k row + Karen, for time, or (b) 12 minute ascending "DT" ladder: 135, 155, 175, 195, …
@do I writhe around on the floor when I make a mistake and don't correct myself on the blog! I feel your pain and way to work extra-hard!
@team blue steel you talk a big talk, but I heard Capt. Andrew S. Say he could barely hold on to the bar today during warm-up. #notconcerned
@Mattychm our team is unstoppable in spirit. We will win no matter what the score says because our attitudes are so extraordinarily positive. Also, I will take on Michael Crumsho in an air squat/burpee wod any day of the week. Heh– forget anything with rowing, wall balls, WALKING LUNGES(cough, tall team, cough 16.1)
Last night: only thing I remember is Natalie Rix and her insane run times! Phew, I'm out of shape. Yikes!!! Time to get back on it, Allie.
Tonight: bench PR @100#! Yay. Now I know my openers for Iron Maidens. Sad I didn't get to pause squat. I love squatting now that my booty exists and is in progress. #hipsdontlie #neitherdoesallie Wod in 17: something. Time is stupid because I did single/DUs and 95# deadlifts. Wodever.
@do this is one of those moments
I meant to add…@jackl. I love you!!!! Hahahha and coach nick's comment is on point. You're gunna get those double with an effort like that! I want to practice with you!!
6:30 pm with Nick and Noah
I worked up to 275 on the paused BS. I haven't done a paused BS in years and they kicked my BUTT. My glutes are never sore after squatting but they are sore as hell right now. I'm actually typing this as I sit on my lacrosse ball…lol. I'm definitely looking forward to AR with coach Whit tomorrow.
My wod time was 20:14. My rounds were: 2:00, 2:06, 2:00 and 2:08. I did the rx weight for the DL and DU attempts wich actually went better than I thought they would. I'm determined to get DUs by summer time. I haven't worked on deadlifts since last summer and definitely need to work on them at least once a week to get my groove back. I was doing more of a straight leg DL instead of the more traditional style DL.
@AllieB, I will practice doubles with you anytime! (But we should probably keep it a secret from our intramural teammates. Crossing enemy lines and all that.)
7:30 with Noah
BSQ 225×3, 245×3, 250×3 felt solid here today, glad I went for it. Thanks for the nudge Noah,
Metcon in 17:52 Rx
Double unders were pretty solid in round 1, did all the deads unbroken.
Got to double unders in the second round and found my legs weren't really working anymore. Had to shake it out for a bit and got back on track. Did second set of deads at 15-5, 3rd set at 10-10, last set at 10-5-5.
Felt pretty good here overall.
did non pause singles because I still feel weak after vaca and wanted to get some idea of an opener for Saturday. I've been unnecessarily hard on myself since coming back and feeling weaker but I'm going into Saturday to have fun and hopefully just beat my last year total. 🙂 excited to see some strong ladies lift !
Squat singles.
175,180,180,185,185 plus 165×3
Wod with 30 reps 20kg KB swings instead of DL because I didn't want to be sore for Saturday
Worked up to a heavish DL because I realized I hadn't deadlifted in over a week. 145×5, 185×2, 205×1
WOD 18:09
Half volume DLs because of IM and so I could concentrate on my DUs.
2:38, 2:08, 2:28, 1:53
Thanks to DO and all the coaches for making accommodations for those of us who are not in strength cycle and continued to do CF while training or IM!
2sec Pause Back Squat
80% 275# all 7 sets
WOD Rx 19:45
Questioning why I even workout. Lol