High Hang Clean
Start at about 60%. Work up to a max for the day. Focus on an aggressive second pull (knees and hips extend, come up onto toes, shrug) and immediately pulling yourself under the bar in the third pull to catch in an active front rack. These should remain relatively light compared to your best Clean or Hang Clean. Increase load if it’s moving well, but you may work to a moderate weight and stay there, focusing on speed under and staying connected to the bar.
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5 RNFT or 20 Minutes:
5-10 Dips
5-10 Pull-Ups
20 Russian Kettlebell Swings
Use today to either develop strict Dip/Pull-Up strength on bars or rings, or to work on your kipping skills if you have some strict Dips/Pull-Ups. Choose a medium-heavy weight on the Kettlebell Swings. Here are two useful videos from Gymnastics WOD:
Kipping Pull-Up Progression
Kipping Dip Progression
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Sean and KMo share a tender moment on the Reverse Hyper in 608. It’s not just a loveseat! Here’s Kelly Starrett on how to use the Reverse Hyper: Part 1 and Part 2
- NY1 was at CFSBK yesterday morning to preview Iron Maidens and interview some members of our team. Watch the video here—it’s awesome!
- The fifth LFPB Q&A Info Session, “Eyeballing Portion Sizes,” is TONIGHT at 6:30pm.
Everything You Need to Know About Iron Maidens
This Saturday, March 5th from 9am to 7pm we’ll be hosting our second-annual Iron Maidens Raw Open powerlifting meet. This event will be running out of 597, and the platforms in 608 will be used as a warm-up area for the competitors. We will still be running group classes in the remaining space at 608. We will, however, be cancelling Yoga for Athletes, Active Recovery, and Open Gym (2-4pm) on Saturday.
For people doing the CrossFit Open, 16.2 will be programmed as the “Saturday” workout for Friday’s split classes and will be the group class workout on Sunday.
We will also be offering extended Open Gym hours this Sunday from 4 to 8pm, so you’ll have ample opportunity to complete 16.2!
What else? Well, as you probably know, Iron Maidens competitors have been raising money to fund the Iron Maidens Stay Strong Scholarship, which will help to send 10 women from Grace Outreach to college. As of today, we’ve raised $24,665, surpassing our original $20,000 fundraising goal. We’re not finished! The more money we raise, the more women we can help. Every additional $3500 helps 1 woman pay her college tuition for 1 year. If you haven’t donated yet please consider giving just $5 to support women staying strong through college. And help us continue spreading the word about this campaign! Go here to donate to a lifter’s campaign.
Last, but certainly not least, there will be food and drink, so come hungry! Cafe Grumpy will set up an espresso bar, Liddabit Sweets will have a table, and Kimchi Taco Truck will be selling delicious food outside. The after-party will go down around the corner at Threes Brewing.
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Squat | Double-Unders, Deadlifts
Proper High Hang Position CrossFit Invictus
A Simple Way to Spark Creativity Pacific Standard
Rob Underwood (@brooklynrob) says
I got misty-eyed from the Iron Maidens video. So So So So proud of all the amazing women lifting Saturday and all the folks who have pulled this event together. Just amazing.
MattyChm says
6am with JB and Lady Fox
High Hang Clean
Worked up to 210# which is only 12# off of my full clean 1RM. Everything felt really on point today. Found myself heavy on my heels a couple of times. I think I was leaning too far back on the third pull.
NFT Work
Did a bunch of strict pullups and some butterfly practice.
Strict ring dips.
32kg kb swings.
Dan G. says
6am with JB and Lady Fox
High Hang Clean
Worked up to 185# which is not event 80% of my power clean. 1 failure at 175. I focused on getting low and probably didn't put enough effort into getting the bar high. But the 3rd pull is something that I really really need to work on, so this might have been the right idea.
NFT Work
Practiced stringing together kipping pullups with lots of advice.
Strict dips.
32kg kb swings.
Natalie says
7 am with Jess and JB
High hang clean: worked up to 98# on these and it felt pretty solid. I tried and got 103# but I think I dipped forward so wasn't a true high hang pull.
NFT work: This was fun! I think I only did 3 rounds or so and spent a lot of time working on butterfly pullups. Two helpful pieces of advice were to keep my feet together and look at the ceiling while approaching the bar. Definitely spent some time flailing around but some of these looked pretty legit I think. One day!
Sean G says
8:30PM last night
PBS : Performance EMOM w/ Dave. Worked up to #275. Slow coming out of the bottom but I guess that's kind of the point. Felt good to squat again since I missed the last two exposures.
Metcon : 22:08 RX'd
Didn't want to do RX since there were a lot of deadlifts but I was shamed into doing it by Coach Nick. Double unders unbroken for first two rounds and 3rd set of 40. After that they fell apart, especially the 3rd round of 20 which was comprised mostly of extremely aggravating singles and a few doubles/triples. Double unders while fatigued aren't the easiest. Deadlifts, despite my reticence, went ok. Broke it up 11-9 / 7-7-6 / 7-7-6 / 5-5-5-5. Did not think I had that in me so I'm pretty pleased all in all.
Brendan B says
7am wtih Jess and JB
Got a really uggo one at 150#, but hit 145# well. This was super mental for me. JB pointed out on my last rep that I was keeping my hook grip in. Total force of habit from cycling reps but that definitely was the limiter in getting the bar into the front rack on heavier reps. Need to work on that.
Got about four rounds in. Did weighted strict pullups working up to 20# total for sets of 5. Orange KB felt light, which I guess is a good thing. Dips gonna dip.
Whit H says
9AM session
warm up: rowing, hip/ankle mobility, tpsine/lat mash
3 rounds:
8L, 4R glute bridge on bench (:02 decent on L side)
12 hollow rock
pvc drills/bb drills
Warm up BB for…
min 1: 5 Snatch (95#), 5 TTB
min 2: 10 cal row
min 3: 5 C&J (95#), 5 TTB
min 4: 10 cal row
(repeat twice)
muscle up accessory: 2×2 kipping with false grip. felt snappy and getting high on the turnover!
Jack L. says
8 am with Fox
Hang Cleans
105-115-125-130-135 (make but ugly)-135 (better)
This is 87% of my 1RM. Felt good.
NFT Work
Something is not right in shouldertown. My right side wouldn't pull on the pull-ups. It was a very strange sensation. It didn't hurt. It just wouldn't engage, like, at all. Decided to scale to 3 to 5 chins, 5 matador dips, and 20 swings with the green bell. Did that for three rounds, then got nervous that I was going to hurt myself right before 16.2 and spent the rest of class (plus 15 mins after) rolling around on an orb.
I think today's weirdness, my ongoing problems setting my back for the deadlift, and my inability to kip are all connected to the same shoulder mobility issue. I'm just permanently rounded forward. Any ideas for accessory or mobility work I should be doing to correct this?
Thomas says
6am with Jess & JB
Hang Clean; worked up to 175# felt good.
I have more there for hang cleans. 175# is only 20# of my 195# pr. I need to test that again soon.
NFT Work
Straight sets of 10/20 respectively for matador tips, and 21kg KB swings.
I got some great tips on hips and timing from JB for my kipping and butterfly PU.
The tweaks really helped. Thanks again JB.
Fox says
10am class
Worked up to 195ish. Didn't feel so great today.
Stuck to strict pull ups and ring dips for the NFT
Charlie says
Squat (2 x 2 @60% of opener)
45 x 10, 95 x 8, 135 x 3, 155 x 2 x 2
Bench (2 x 2 @60%ish of opener)
45 x 5, 75 x 4, 95 x 2 x 2
It was all I could do to call it a day but I did it!
Allie B says
Had to make it to 8:30 class– surprised it doesn't turn into a casual AR class more often!
HH Clean:
DO is an amazing coach. Helped me PR my snatch a week ago, then gave great cues tonight about how to really pull under the bar as it gets heavier. Felt so different. Can't wait to grow here.
NFT: 5 dips, 5 strict pull ups, then alternated :20 L-Sit & KB swings. Moved pretty slow, but not concerned considering Iron Maidens is Saturday.
Sooooo… 16.2! We're all castro oiled up and ready to get it!!
Noah says
Noon with Ocaptainmycaptain.
Worked to 215 on the clean, felt pretty good although it plays to my strengths. Good catch from DO on bumping the bar a bit out- dropped to 165 and hit 2 there and felt much better and more vertically tracked.
Did 3rds of the NFT, have had a weird upper back strain since Monday that is so deep that it feels like I pulled something in my soul. Called it, then did an hour of yoga with Sasha- much harder than cleans!
Soccer tonight with Los Tacos de Pelear. Grateful to have a day where I got to move a lot. Even more jazzed that we had SEVEN CF Teens today in an awesome, energy packed class!
Latasha Burnett says
Looks like I was right again…16.2 is cleans. That makes me 2 for 2…lol.
lady fox says
Solo session today:
High hang cleans
-worked up to 65kg (143#) though I was a bit all over the place on some.
Accessory work included several rounds of butterfly chest to bar pull-up practice, kipping ring dip practice and some strict handstand push-ups.
Kinda looking forward to 16.2!