Work up a max triple for the day. Thrusters come out of the rack. No re-bend of the knee.
Post loads to comments.
In teams of 3, with one partner working at a time, complete the following for time:
100 Calorie Row
200 Wall Balls 20/10, 14/9
100 Calorie Row
Post partners, time, and Rx to comments.
Talia V. (with head in hands) and Katie M. behind her at last year’s CRASH-B competition
- Come watch the Starting Strength program Total today! Coaches Jeremy and Margie‘s Starting Strengthers will wrap up their eight-week cycle starting at 2:00pm. Lifters will be testing their 1-rep maxes in the Back Squat, Press, and Deadlift. All are welcome to come by, hang out, and do some cheering. Get ready for some massive PRs!
- Looking for info on the Open Intramural Team Competition? Check out the event page. Please be sure to submit your individual scores to the CrossFit Open website by 8pm Monday night. Team Captains: please submit your team score to the intramural spreadsheet by 12pm on Tuesday.
The CrossFit South Brooklyn Indoor Rowing Team – AKA The CRASH-Beasts – are competing at the CRASH-Bs in Boston today! CRASH-B stands for “Charles River All-Star Has Beens,” and it’s the premier indoor rowing competition. The CRASH-Beasts have been hard at work for the past 17 weeks in preparation for the event – that’s four months of rowing on the erg, all DIY training. The team consists of:
Sonya Cheuse
Arthur Dobelis (non-CFSBKer)
Coach Jess Fox
Jude Geis
Richard Greenspan
Christine Guerra
Manuel Guerra
Frank Howell
Billy Keefe
Jessica Lippke (non-CFSBKer)
Tim Mauseth
Mark McIntyre
Joe Mefford
Liz Mefford
Tom Shpetner
Rytas Stankunas
Mike West
Break some chains, CRASH-Beasts! Let’s send good vibes their way.
Hand and Skin Care for Rock Climbing Friction Labs
What Is Something? Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell
Hand and Skin Care for Rock Climbing Friction Labs
What Is Something? Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell
8 Pullup Shrug
8 Handstand Shrug
3X8EA Banded Pistols
18 Min AMRAP
Run 530M
10 T2B
20 Burpees
Good luck all you crash Bers!
I'm looking forward to cheering on all lifting in the Total today!
I did 16.1 yesterday and wow! I usually have a fairly good handle on what I'm able and simply not (yet) able to do. Yesterday I had no idea if I could lunge walk 65#! My OHS PR is 68# so lunge steps for 25 feet with 65 was really intimidating, Indeed, it was heavy and I couldn't do it at all on my weak side but I got across, leading with my left foot the whole time, then did my burpees, did it again, etc. for a whole 65 reps! Griselle was a great, encouraging judge. 16.2? Bring it!
8am with Whit & Fox
Thrusters – 125#
Worked up to 135#…and then on the way up from the squat on the third rep just decided I was beat and didn't push it up. Pretty silly stuff. Cycled 125# pretty easily.
Metcon – 17:10
Partnered with Matty C and upstart ghost partner Rich Froning. Kid looks like he might have a future in this. Both rows in ~1:40. WBs unbroken in 5 quick sets of 10 and a final round of 20. This never got too bad.
Coaches / staff, Thank you so much for putting together an amazing 16.1. The entire day was one big BOX of energy! Congratulations to all participants.
Good luck to all CRASH-Bs and Strength Totals.
Good luck Crash-Bers and totalers!
9am with Whit and Fox
Thrusters worked up to 155. Maybe could have done 165 but was happy to take it a little easier today.
Wod in 17:25 with Michael and Alex
This workout falls in my wheelhouse. Rows we split into roughly 33 cal each and wallballs in chunks of 20-25. Nice to have a day of easy work with lots of rest.
Front squat triples: 135, 165, 185, 195, 205
Partner WOD with Pat and Christian – finished in 17.25 – this was good fun.
Thrusters to 123 with Carlos and Whitney. They felt light though I'm not really doing a thruster so much as I'm doing a front squat and then a strict press.
16:38 on Metcon with Matt and "Middlebury Dan" as I've nicknamed him in my internal monologue We kept the pedal down on the gas through the latter half of the wall ball and second row which felt good.
11am with Katie and Noah.
10 x thrusters
10 x ring rows
15 abmat sit-ups
Thrusters with Niño and Rob.
As I expected. I had a plan and I stuck to it. 10lb off my PR for three, which I think is pretty good for today, all things considered!
WOD with Nikhil and Rob.
18:25 (?) women's Rx.
Surprisingly easy to go hard and fast because of all of that rest- which was exactly what I needed yesterday. Felt good.
Beautiful day out there! Enjoy!!
@ShawnCambell, congrats!
10 am w/ Fox and Katie
I figured it'd be a small crew at the gym this morning, post-Open. I was wrong. Huge class, with great energy.
Worked up to 115#. Maybe could've done 120 or 125, but decided to call it a day. Need to work on popping the hips to get the bar up. Like Rob, I'm sorta doing a front squat into a strict press.
WOD w/ Mal and Mike
16:10 Rx
This was a fun one. We broke up the row into 20-20-20-14-13-13. And then did the wall balls mostly in sets of 10, with a few fifteens thrown in at the end.
I have a feeling my shoulders are going to be mad at me tomorrow.
Noon w/ Noah and Katie
Worked up to 110# on the Thrusters. A little less than I'd hoped, but with all of the overhead work this last week, I didn't want to push it.
I'm realizing this weekend that my favorite WODs are partner WODs – it's super motivating (and the rest is nice too). Greg, Tyler and I busted through the row / wall ball / row in 15:05 Rx'd. Strategy was 33 cal row at a time to save on transition time and 10 wall balls at a time. Greg and Tyler split the last 40 wall balls so I could rest up to kick off the 1st 3rd of the finale row portion. Really happy with the time on this one.
Noon with KHarpz and Noah
Thrusters: My benchmark for this was a FSQ + Push Press + Thruster complex from last summer that I did at 205, so I figure my thruster 2rm is ~205. Was trying to get somewhere in that neighborhood. Based on how 195 felt, I think 205 would have been pushing it, but not by that much.
Metcon with Mark and Chris: 14:30 Rx. We rowed 20 calories at a time. Except for my second row on each round where the last pull didn't quite click over to 80 and Mark got stuck with 21 calories to finish it out. Wall ball plan was to go in 10s, but we realized quickly there was a lot of rest so we were each doing 15-25 a shift. If anyone is doing this at OG, don't be afraid to really put the pedal down. There's lots of rest.
Some accessory work after group class:
E2MOM for 10min: 2 L-Sit Muscle Ups + 5 ring dips
E2MOM for 10min: 10 T2B x 2 rounds, then 8 GHD situps x 3 rounds.
1:00pm with Katie and Noah
My first time finding a 3 rep thruster and I did a little better than I thought I would.
75×3, 95×3, 115×3, 125×3 130×3
Today's wod was a fun one. I teamed with 2 awesome ladies…Allie and Jackie.
We finished in 21:37 and a good time was had by all.
thrusters, rowing, wall balls… Read today's wod this morning and procrastinated until I finally made the 1pm class! Like ALWAYS, glad I did! Wasn't that bad!
Thrusters: did 3 sets at 83. Didn't want to push it because I felt myself hyperextend in my back at one point and I didn't like it.
Wod with Jaclyn and latasha! Co sign the good times. Let me just say, the short sets of 10 wall balls were not bad, especially when "baby got back" is playing, the weather is nice, and you realize bikini season is upon us…
AG was great. Good scap emom, pistol practice, and a fun wod of things I feel confident with (TTB, hspus, running,burpees). It was kind of fun to have a workout in group class with my two worst movements juxtaposed with a workout with some of my best in AG.
Good job everyone pushing themselves physically today: totalers, crash-b folks… And let's be honest, those of us who hate thrusters/rowing/wall balls and still made it to the gym.
Thrusters – 45, 95, 105, 115, 125
WOD with Pat and Samir 17:23 (#16lb WB for me)
Fun to do a three partner workout.
Fun OG group to make up 16.1 — I came in hoping for 6+ rounds and thought this was going to be a c2b workout for me… then I started warming up the lunges.
5 rounds + 1 = 131 reps. All lungs, muscles didn't really get too tired, I just couldn't breathe. Intentionally broke up the lunges towards the end. Brad gave me sound advice that, I swear I tried to follow, just on a 5 second delay… felt a little messed up after, but that went away pretty quickly. A little late for this advice, but if you finish the 1st round 30 seconds under your time target… you just messed up your pacing!
I'm slightly disappointed to not hit 6 rounds, but not too much, I worked pretty hard for those 131 reps. I know from my last open experience that these workouts are hard, and they're going to highlight my weaknesses. Current rankings: #174,331 in crossfit games (or whatever); #1 in about to eat what's in my slow cooker.
16.1 during OG – Rx 126 reps
After feeling like crap for a few days, I really wanted to get moving again. Let me just say, I could not have done this without my star judge/motivator Jess Bailey. She kept me moving, calm, and assured me I wasn't going to die as I started to run out of breath. Jess you rock. Thanks to Snisky, Gris and Rob for cheering me on.
I completely lost all sense of time during this workout, ctb went well but completely drained my O2 capacity. Was actually happy to get a break during the burpees, just wanted to keep moving. Wow, happy that's over.
Back squatted instead of doing thrusters because I need to get them in before IM and was too sore from Cindy Thursday and Friday, then well, 16.1. Thanks Fox and KHarpz!
LBBS: 95×5, 145×3, 175×1, 190×1 then 125x5x2 pause squats
Was supposed to do 200×3, but the 190 moved so slowly so I stopped there. Not too worried I didn't hit my numbers today bc my gluts are pretty fried from yesterday.
Parter WOD with Ellie and Sarah M. in 19:25
Perfect WOD for today! Went pretty hard, with ample rest in between.
Then Kayleigh arrived so decided to bench as she deadlifted.
45×5, 75×3, the rest paused singles: 105, 110, 115, 117.5