Handstand Push-Up / Dumbbell Split-Stance Single-Leg Romanian Deadlift Superset*
A1) Tempo (40×1) Handstand Push-Up:
5 x 6-10 reps
Add a few reps to last week. These should all be sub-max sets, adding a deficit if you’re able to. Full range of motion, no AbMats. No crashing or resting on your head! Perform the reps strict if you can. You can kip the concentric if you must, but keep true to the tempo on the eccentric through the full range of motion and do not crash or rest on your head.
A2) Dumbbell Split-Stance Single-Leg RDL:
5 x 6-10 reps
Add weight and/or reps to last week.
A1) Tempo (40×1) Seated Dumbbell Press:
5 x 5-8 reps
Add weight and/or reps to last week. Optional: Perform a Kick-Up to the wall with a few second hold immediately after each set of Presses.
A2) Dumbbell Split-Stance Single-Leg RDL:
5 x 6-10 reps
Add weight and/or reps to last week.
*Warm up and then perform a set of Handstand Push-Ups, followed by a set of DB Split-Stance Single-Leg RDLs. Repeat for 5 work sets of each, resting about a minute between movements. The last few reps of each set should be tough, but the goal is no misses.
Post loads/reps to comments.
Exposure 4 of 8
21 Minutes Not for Rounds:
7 Russian Kettlebell Swings, Left
7 Russian Kettlebell Swings, Right
14 Alternating Reverse Goblet Lunges
14 Russian Kettlebell Swings
Post work to comments.
CFSBK has grown a lot over the past few years. How do we manage some of our larger classes? Check out this preview of Part 5 of CrossFit Journal’s series on our Group Class Expectations. And don’t forget to poke around Inside the Affiliate, our business blog, for more insights on what makes the gym go!
The 2018 Look Feel Perform Better Challenge
It’s that time of year again… New Year’s Resolution time. While we believe it’s best to make choices in accordance with your goals and values all of (or at least most of) the time, we recognize that many of us use markers like the beginning of the year to kickstart positive changes. This year’s challenge will follow a similar model to last year. There are two levels that you can choose to participate from. On Level 1, you’ll focus primarily on food quality and eating from a large spectrum of whole foods (lean proteins, veggies and fruits, whole grains, and legumes). This is a perfect place to start if you’re new to healthy eating or are having to re-learn what that means for you. On Level 2 you’ll be tracking macronutrients and focusing on eating particular quantities of them, adjusting along the way as necessary. Due to the lasting success of many participants last year, we’re following the same 12 week format as in 2017. The reason behind this is that while extreme short term actions can bring rapid results, we’ve seen this often result in a “crash” where the individual rebels against the limiting factors of an extreme dietary challenge. We’d rather you have more inclusive food options and change a few manageable things over a longer period than change many things for six weeks only to get lost in a haze of bagels, beer, and chocolate cake once the challenge ends.
Who? The entire CrossFit South Brooklyn Community
What? A 12-week challenge meant as a collective kickstart toward healthier nutrition and recovery habits.
Where? Right where you are! Participants are encouraged to organize “rest day dinners” either in your homes or out at restaurants with fellow LFPBers. There will be twice monthly (non-mandatory, but helpful) LFPB Challenge Meet Ups at the gym in addition to weekly email “high fives” from us. The key to success is not sweeping immediate change but rather consistent practice each day, so consider scheduling some time to set aside each day to work towards your goals
When? There is an Info Session and Q&A on Sunday, December 17th at 1pm in the Annex. Here we’ll further outline the Challenge and answer any questions you have. The dates of the challenge are from Monday, January 1st 2018 through Saturday, March 24th 2018. We’ll also be hosting a potluck dinner at the gym on Saturday, February 3rd where you can meet and greet with fellow CFSBKers and sample some delicious ways they keep on track with food choices!
What will I need? For Level 1, only a desire to begin to make informed and better food choices. For Level 2, you’ll need a food scale and a set of measuring cups and measuring spoons since you’ll be measuring out servings of lean protein, clean carbs, veggies, and fats. Whichever level you choose you should plan to do a bit of food shopping and prep beginning the first week to make good food choices easy.
Most people will get great results and remain more sane on Level 1. Eating precisely by weighing and measuring foods works great, IF you’re the type of personality that doesn’t obsess over it. If you’re not sure which way to go, choose Level 1.
Why? To look, feel, and perform better! And, for some sweet prizes!
Wait, did you say prizes? Yes. The grand prize for both the men’s and women’s category is one month of FREE unlimited training at CFSBK, a $250+ value! There are also 2nd and 3rd place prizes for the men’s and women’s categories including a punch card for specialty classes at CFSBK and personal training!
Alright, you’re in? Great! Mark this Sunday’s Info Session (December 17th at 1pm in the Annex) in your calendar and look for more info on the blog throughout the week!
Yesterday’s Results Board: Front Squat + Jerk | Power Snatches, Overhead Squats, Muscle-Ups
Why Garbage Science Gets Published Nautilus
Weightlifting: Working with the PVC CrossFit Journal