Partner Metcons
AMRAP 15 Minutes:
25 Double-Unders
5 Lateral Bar Burpees
5 Deadlifts 275/185
Partners alternate complete rounds. Scale to 50 Single-Unders or 10 attempts for Dubs. Rx is jump out/jump in for the Burpees. The barbell should be on the heavy side of medium for you, unbroken at least to start out.
Rest 5 minutes, then…
AMRAP 15 Minutes:
5 Bar Muscle-Ups or 10 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
5e Single-Arm Dumbbell Thrusters 50/35
Post rounds, reps, Rx, and partner to comments.
Today: CFSBK Spikeball Tournament!
An afternoon of friendly Spikeball de Mayo competition. Haven’t played before? Don’t worry! It’s pretty simple, and this video explains everything. You can also check out some fun photos from our last tournament. All are invited! Please sign up below if you plan to participate. Teams (of 2) can declare beforehand, or we’ll pair you up at the tournament. The top 3 winning teams go on the leaderboard until the next tournament!
Today at 4:00pm. We’ll start with about 30 minutes of practice and organization. The tournament proper will begin at 4:30, but please be at 597 by 4:00 so we know how many people are participating.
Go here to sign up for the tournament!
Yesterday’s Results Board: Rest Day
A Weightlifter, Powerlifter, Bodybuilder, and CrossFitter Face Off BarBend
Optimal Back Arch in the Snatch & Clean Catalyst Athletics
8am Strong Fit
Zercher carries for the first time, and they really crunched me at 195+130. 12×140 sandbag throws in 1min was fun!
9am Short Circuit
Spent a bunch of the strength section stretching out and rolling my back from Strong Fit. Joined for the metcon which was super fun (and not back heavy!).
Didn’t have time for a 3rd class today 😝 had a little FOMO from all the folks enjoying the partner workout.
Fitness Saturday!
9am group class with Nick n Whit!
Partnered with Jaime which was super fun – enjoyed our relative strengths complimenting each other through our both metcons.
A) 16 rounds + 16 (?)
I did this at 155#. Started with 10dus, but after going unbroken on that a few rounds I bumped up to the full volume. Hit a PR at 22 in a row!!! Stoked about this.
B) I think we were within 2 reps of 14 rounds.
I did 5 kipping pull-ups each round. Took a while to find my kip, but after that I could do at least 3 in a row and the last two in each round were a sketchy effort. Need to tighten up the kip big time, but happy with this & far & away the most pull ups I’ve done in a work out. Makes me feel like half-Murph volume might be possible this year!
10am SC with Brett & Gregoire
Good stuff as always – the banded shoulder rock crab thing felt amazing after all the pull ups. Front rack KB walk was a revelation – don’t think I’ve ever had anything force me to engage my core so much! Should do these more in my warm up.
Cash out: Steak & Eggs with Jen B.
Whoever said Strong Fit was adult recess was totally right. Especially when today’s mini-metcon ended in chaos. Ha!
Short Circuit strength moves covered a bit of the same ground as Strong Fit (Arnold press when we’d just done TGUs with presses, double KB carry when we’d done Zercher carry) so I probably should have gone a little lighter on those movements.
My midline feels good and worked out now!
Did yoga instead of my usual AR. Enjoyed the chillness of it all.
9 am group class
One way to test if your 1RM for deadlifts increased, is to do your previous 1RM 5x for multiple sets. Amazingly, me and my partner made it through 13 sets. Getting more of a feel for the jump rope and feeling the tension in the movement in each swing. Still doing single unders, but i’m able to do them faster which will eventually lead to doubles.
Also did 10 am Yoga, which was a nice rest from the days work 🙂