WOD 2.21.19
6 Push Presses
6e Rear-Foot-Elevated Split Squats
6 Kettlebell Hold Dead Bugs
Warm up and work up to a few challenging sets on each exercise. Barbell comes off the floor for the Push Presses. Use dumbbells held at the Hang position to load the Split Squats, but focus on doing these as perfectly as possible, with good range of motion and balance.
Post work to comments.
Week 3 of 7
4 Rounds for Time:
50 Double-Unders or Alternating Foot Steps
30 Squats
10 Pull-Ups, Self-Assisted Pull-Ups, or Ring Rows
Post time and Rx to comments.
Want to take on Open Workout 19.1 in a fun, supportive environment tomorrow night? Sign up for a Friday Night Lights heat!
Persistence, Resilience, and Truth
By Arturo Ruiz
Persistence, resilience, and truth. This time of the year there is so much to learn. For CrossFit athletes, the goal is to take a riskm, stare at yourself in the mirror, and get comfortable with being uncomfortable. The CrossFit Open is upon us, and I love watching individuals grow and learn through the process. Facing fear, anxiety, and stress about others’ perception is all a part of our experiences. They are real, and remember to not just push them under the rug. Use reliable resources to discuss these feelings, and use me to understand the context of what you may be feeling and experiencing. Those who do not judge or have bias toward your journey will be ones you can consistently look to for guidance.
For those who are not competing in the Open, this process and journey still has similar impact. Use it to your advantage and open up about the challenges you are facing, your successes and your failures.
Consider this:
Epictetus was once asked which words would help a person live a life of peace and goodness. The two words, he said, were ἀνέχου (bear) and ἀπέχου (forbear). (Another translation puts it at: Persist and Resist).
It’s remarkable how this wise man living in the ancient world, raised in a different culture and very different circumstances, speaking a very different language, in very different philosophies, could come to express the same concept.
But that’s why we must take it to heart. There is universality in their simple formula (though it’s not an easy one): We resist giving in, resist temptation, resist despair, and resist degradation. We persist in our efforts, we persist in trying to be a good example for others, we persist in our training, we persist despite the obstacles thrown at us.
The definition of forbearance perfectly captures both those ideas: Patient self-control. That’s our aim. Forever and always.
Have a great Open!
Yesterday’s Results Board
6 Surprising Ways Improving Your Thoracic Spine & Shoulder Mobility Can Help You Reach Your Goals Girls Gone Strong
CrossFit Open Technique Tips: Double-Unders Boxrox