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Compare to 6.08.09
Accessory Work
Wind Mill / Turkish Get-up Complex
Tom's son, Sam finds plenty to play with at CrossFit
"Jackie" Tournament Details
Our "Jackie" competition versus CrossFit Norcal is coming up this weekend. The event is as follows:
1000m Row
50 Thusters, 45lbs
30 Pull-ups
We're going to Rank and compare the following categories against each gym:
Top 3 men and women Rx'd
Top 3 men and women Scaled
Top 20 times overall, favoring rx'd scores over scaled
We've standardized the scaling options to a 35lb barbell and jumping pull-ups for people who cannot do the movements rx'd. Classes will run as usual with "Jackie" being the posted WOD for the day. Feel free to come in early or stay late to cheer people on. This is a deceptively tough workout and requires a Lot of stamina and endurance, those of you who took on the 1K row last Monday have a better idea of what to expect.
Do you have a "Jackie" game plan?
Greg Amundson does "Jackie" CrossFit
"Little Jackie" and Jackie CrossFit Kids