3 Rounds For Time of:
Row 500m
12 Deadlifts, Bodyweight
21 Box Jumps
Post time and loads to comments.
Accessory Work
Handstand Review + Practice
Steph P demos the OHS at her Level 1 Cert
Tomorrow is the NYC Marathon and 4th Ave may be hard or impossible to transverse. If you're coming from the west side of 4th ave, plan on taking a little longer to get to the box. You may need to cross the street underground, the Manhattan-bound Union Street stop, 4th Ave stop and Atlantic Pacific stop all let out on the east side of 4th ave.
Happy Halloween!
Come on down in your Halloween Costume today
Pat Barber does "Christine" CrossFit
We’re in Jersey today and will be checking out Crossfit Morris County. Make sure you all take pictures of your costumes! See you guys tomorrow. I plan on taking the 9am class and then watching the marathon outside the Lyceum (hopefully). Good luck to Steph and Gabriel(?)!!!
Speaking of the marathon…
Tomorrow I will be guiding an Achilles athlete on the course. His name is Todd and he is visually impaired. I believe this is his 10th (!) time walking the NYC Marathon. If you’re out there and see us (I believe my guide shirt will be bright red, and Todd is tall, 6’3″) make sure to cheer loudly for him and for all of Team Achilles!
If we depart the start at 9:30 AM, I believe we’ll pass the Lyceum some time between 11:35 AM and 12:05 PM.
Nice Crossfit and Marathon, I might do that.
Looking forward to this WOD today even though my hamstrings are still sore from Deadlift Pullups.
I did this @ 3/4 bw because my lat still feels a little weird. 13:56–it was challenging enough.
Good luck, Steph.
Coach shows at 9am to open gym for 9am class…tunes radio to classic rock station.
Coach to class, “we usually just warm up on our own. Whatever gets you going”.
Jess, telepathically to Chris, “uh, ok”.
21-15-9 for time of:
Thruster(35#db), SDHP(88), HLR
HLR was hanging leg raise, which I took to mean knees to elbows.
See y’all tomorrow!
Bummed to have missed this. Stupid dentist appointment.
Will be making it up tomorrow, if anyone else is interested…
Metcon at CF in jersey:21-15-9 of:20lb dumbbell thrusters53lb SDHPK2ETime–11:22
Very different vibe than SBK. I completely lacked motivation and energy. Makes me even more appreciative of the coaching and comraderie that we have. Thank you all!
That was a good one! 13:05. My streak of “5 seconds more than I was shooting for” continues damn it!
Hand stands were fun!
Huh. I’ve often wondered if I would be so hooked if I had gone to someother…uh…(cough, awkward pause) box. I really hate to use that word…do I have to? Anyway, the point I was trying to make is…I really like you guys. I, like, like-like you.
9:13 as RX’d — need to row faster.
Good being in the same heat as Scott and Ryan, great motivation to move quick.
9:05 as Rx’d. I should have pushed the row a little harder in the last round. It was also great having Dan and Ryan in my heat to push me.
WUrowed 1000m increasing speed by 10sec every 300m
“CHRISTINE”12:10Rx’dgreat WOD.
i didn’t think it would effect me as it did, but i was wiped from days of broken sleep. should have gone faster…
Acc Wkhand stand practice was great. more please.being upside down was always scary to me, the gymnastics cert really helped me overcome that fear.still, i’ve got to get inverted more. that’s the only way to make it feel easier.
Chris: was this the first crappy CF affiliate you’ve been to? quite a surprise if you’re used to going to awesome places like sbk isn’t it!
christine, 13:17, rx’d, 150 lbs.
hand stands felt good, felt like I was pretty controlled on the kickup, had trouble getting hollow while up there.
y’all suck for not showing up in costume. meh.
10:41, this was harder than I thought it would be. need to cycle more consistently on the box jumps.
My shoulder isn’t ready for rowing. Instead I decided to the Y (and get a little extra sleep)…
The bar at the Y is hard to hold, but no problem for the shoulder.
30 round sit-up tabata @ 11 reps per round
A little iffy on the shoulder, using the arms for momentum. Really kind of sucked after a while. I wish they had abmats. Instead had to use a folded towel. Not the same at all.
That’s all. The shoulder is getting better, but didn’t want to risk anything.
“Christine” rxd 11:47
jumped off the box in bjs which new for me, now just need to do it faster. rowing really hurts my butt, combination of effort + pressure from seat. am i doing something wrong or just being a wuss?
Due to back issues I had to go easy w the wod. did 50% BW DL, not sure how tall the box i used was but felt like about 6″. I was hesitant on the row the first two rounds because of my back but when i realized i could handle it i pushed my row a bit harder on round three. Time was somewhere around 12-13min
“Christine”15:08105# deadlifts=85% BWFelt good. Decided to go for “smarter not harder” today to work technique. Broke stuff down in sets even if I could have pushed a little more. Finished with some gas in the tank and anxious to try this as rx’d.
Happy Halloween everyone!!!
Today we removed air conditioners–which feels kind of weird since it’s hotter than a witch’s teat (which maybe is appropriate for Halloween). Husband says, looking at the air conditioner: “Gee, it’s too bad there’s not someone here who’s functionally fit.” I really didn’t want to bite, but I did. I removed one he removed the other. This really may screw up the division of labor in our household.
did k2e instead of box jumps. during k2e on the first round decided to do 15 instead of 21. damn those things suck. pretty mush paced myself on the row and the deadlift to make sure my form didn’t go too much to shit. shoulda pushed harder on the row at least. had fun baby sitting kamal (sp) post wod. little dude is awesome. also had fun at brunch witht the crew. now its time to actually turn my stove on.
Great work today with Handstands and “Christine” everyone. Sorry about the noise issues.. it bums me out too and makes things a little more stressful for everyone. I appreciate your patience and understanding.
Thanks to Sameer for dressing up. I brought my costume but then no one else seemed to be wearing one so I didn’t put it on. Im not proud of myself for that.
Next year costumes are mandatory. Halloween is the most sacred day on my calendar.
Malcolm, Laurel and myself are planning on walking in the Halloween Parade tonight. We’re meeting around M&L’s house around 7pm then heading into the city. All are welcome, costume a must. email Malc if you’re interested:malcolm.spittler(AT)gmailDOTcom
Jess – we missed you! I was looking forward to seeing you destroy this workout. It was brutal for me, but I think you’d like it.
Came in thinking Wooohhooo Rx’d for me! Didn’t pace myself well on the row, came into the deadlifts and did 4@135, then said “SHANE, I can’t do 12 of these, help!!” Dropped down to 115 and finished out the WOD like that. Maybe if I’d started at 125 I could have managed ok. time was terrible: 17:12! I could definitely feel the drinks I had last night too. blech.
It was fantastic to watch Charlotte on this one – I only hope that someday I can blast through this workout like she did.
Body was feeling horrible from the antibiotics I am on this morning. Really wanted to skip this wod. Thankfully David put me in the first heat so I didn’t have time to talk myself out of it.
15:21 Rx’D which for me means 160.
I love hand stand practice. I am beginning to feel a little comfortable inverted.
12:52 as RX’ed. Good kind of misery–if only I could cycle the box jumps better.
Next year I’ll be much more into the Halloween thing, promise. I’m using the move as my excuse this time around.
17:03, this was a fun one!I’ll look for you guys in the parade, I’ll be at 16th and 6th.
16:32. I was a little hesitant and fearful about boxjumps because I haven’t done them in months since, like the second before I hurt my back, but it was good to do them again. It was a good workout though. I paced myself and felt beat but in good way.
David, Laurel, Malcolm, other paraders — if you see a group of girls dressed as 1980s aerobics instructors doing a choreographed dance routine, those are my friends! (I was too lazy to join them. Instead I’m handing out and eating candy for time.)
Tam(son) — heh heh. You said “box.”
Christine16:5795# (a bit more than half BW)
it’s fun starting to do the WODs with everyone, really like the energy.
ChristineSubbed 45 KB swings @ 1.5pood for the 500m row. We need more ergs! Soon come.DL @ 225# (94% bodyweight)Box Jump (all jumps!)20:44
The KB swings wore me out. I need more work with this. I must remember to drive with my hips and keep a soft bend in my knees.
Handstands were fun. More please.
Christine17:40Scaled down to 95# DL.Rows were better than expected. Deadlifts were much slower than expected. (But when Shane says, “Put the bar down. Set your back. Drop your butt…now pick it up,” you do.) And boxjumps were just what I expected. (= so-so; but I jumped all but 2 of them.)
I love handstand practice!
Tam – Have you ever tried to explain CFSBK to a non-CrossFitter? Paul and I were talking about CFSBK to a good friend and I couldn’t describe it without saying “our box.” When I did, I kind of looked at her apologetically as she twisted up her face up.
I did this one really easy b/c of the 26.2 I need to cover tomorrow. 52 lb deadlifts, did step ups instead of jumps and finished in 15:32.
I found out my athlete and I will be in the 8:45 AM wave of runners, thank goodness! So look for us between 11:05 AM and 11:35 AM, approximately. I believe we will be on the “root hill” side of the street, not the “Lyceum” side. I may also be wearing a light on my back, no joke. Not as good as a rainbow umbrella hat, but still…
13:28 as rx’d that was a good little burner. I thought I did pretty well considering my hamstrings were still hurting from deadlifts the other day. Needless to say Bodyweight deadlifts are much easier than 1.5.
Want to practice more handstands but Kamau was keeping me busy today.
Thanks again everyone for helping out (especially Cloyde).
Finally posting…14:19 approximately as Rx’d (150# DLs, which is about 5 lbs less than I weigh now and 5 lbs more than I weighed pre-Linus). Thanks Jeremy for the box jump coaching and David for the DL coaching.
I’ve said it before but it remains true: I need to re-obtain my cardiovascular fitness. DLs were no problem, but I was so gassed from the row & box jumps that I kept needing to catch my breath. I feel like sub-12 is possible someday…