8 Mid Hang Power Cleans, 115/75
10 Push-Ups
12 Box Jumps
Complete as many rounds of the triplet in 4 minutes as possible followed by a 2 minute rest interval. Today's workout is 3 rounds.
Post rounds for each work interval to comments.
Accessory Work
WU: 3 Rounds NFT
5 Toes to Bars
:10 Elevated Samson, Each Leg
:20 Lateral Plank, Each Side
:30 Lateral Hops
CFSBK's Own Mike W Leads a Bike Tour through French Alps
Check out Reilly Cycling Tours for more information
Tomorrow (Thursday 10/15) is an OUTDOOR WOD. We will be meeting at the Turf Field on 3rd Street and 4th ave. Please dress warm and come ready to move. Morning classes will meet at the Lyceum and evening classes (5, 6 and 7pm) will meet at the field.