(E3/4) L1 5×3 Sets Across/L2 Max Effort
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compare to 3.13.10
For Time:
42 Double Unders
21 Box Jumps, 24"
30 Double Unders
15 Box Jumps, 24"
18 Double Unders
9 Box Jumps 24"
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If you don't have Doube Unders, you're going to practice for 12 minutes instead of substituting
World Kettlebell LongCycle Championship at Reebok NYC!
Anyone interested in going? Friend of the program, Lorna K will be competing!
Front Squat Saturdays:
WU: 270m run, 30 situps, 270m run, 30 situps.
Mobility drills in lines.
45×5, 95×3, 115×3, 135×3
Work Sets: 155×3, 165×3, 170×3, 175×3, 180×3 (a little ugly at the end of this one).
Nice to be working with Gabe – good support!
DU/BoxJump burner (first time on 24′ boxes, almost started disastrously by falling on the first jump!): 6:34.
Doubles sucked bigtime.
Warm up 400 m run, 270m runDid some line drills accross the street.
Front Squatw/u: 45×5, 95×5 125×5 135×3 155×1 165x1work: 175, 165, 165, 165, 165×2
Failed on the 3rd attempt. Really have to work on these to stay in my heels. Laurel pointed out to me that Im shifting to the balls of my feet a lot and using my quads to stand up. I think Ill have to do it at a lighter weight.
Then I did 12 minutes of double practice.
Cooldown walked all around CFSBK looking for my wallet.
So I know not a whole lot of you were around after 12, but we did our line drill warm ups right across the street from the gym.
I took off my shorts and accidentally forgot them there when we went back into squat. If anyone happened to see them or someone walk away with them (yea like Im gonna go hunt them down) let me know.
They were green camo shorts.
Today’s photo makes us look awesomely culty
@Fox: I agree – you can even see the little glass of Kool-Aid in the corner.
Hey Shawn sorry to hear you lost your shorts & wallet. Saw you walking around and was wondering what that was about, but you were a bit far away… hope you can recover it.
Squats today, sets across
wu 45×5, 95×5, 135×3
Then sets at 185
Then a/w: 6:03
Warm-up: untwisting regimen, dislocates, foam roller thoracic openers.
Muscle-up practice: got two strict in a row for the first time. Aimed for sets of 2, but that quickly turned into attempts at sets of 2.
Squats: (45×5, 65×5, 95×3)125x3x5
Hip is still not 100%, but it doesn’t seem to be aggravated by the squatting. These felt good and like I had plenty of room left to keep going up.
Accessory: attempt at mainsite WOD, ascending ladder of strict pull-ups and handstand push-ups 1 minute for each round. I got through the first three rounds and then got 4 pull-ups + 3 handstand push-ups. That fourth HSPU just wouldn’t go. Still, fun attempt.
Box jump/DU WOD: scaled to a 20 inch box to work the continuous jumping rather than step downs. 4:00 m.
Warmed up.
Did a pair of strict muscle-ups. First time stringing together strict ones. Couldn’t get the third though.
Front squat. 1×5. Did 45×5, 95×3, 135×3, 155, 185, 205, 215, 215, 225, 235F. I think 225 was a PR, will have to check on Monday when I have my big sheet.
Then attempted the mainsite wod. 5 rounds + 6 pullups and 1 hand stand pushup. The wall tore up the backs of my legs so I stopped in the sixth round knowing that I was going to be able to finish the round anyway.
Box Jump, DU wod. Rx’d 7. Double unders are slowly getting better. Box jumps are improving.
WU800m easy row
2xrun 300m, 30 sit upsdid 1 run, and 1 rowfoam roll goodness – lower bodystretching – samson, quad, mtn climbr
Front Sq(45×5, 75×4, 95×4, 135×3)155×3, 165×2
BJ/DU4:09modified to 20″ box
CD24″box jumps concentrate on landing lightlyext rotator workfoam roll goodness.
Love the pic. Awesome day at sbk, although I feel that the warm spring day has EVERYbody smiling!
Warmup: 2 rounds NFT of 270m run/30 situp, then mobility line drills.
Front squats: (45×5, 75×3, 95×3, 115×3)work: 130x3x5
These felt much better today than in weeks past. I really focused on using a narrower stance and keeping my knees out. Also feels nice to make progress week to week while doing sets across. I’m really looking forward to testing my 1RM though…
Accessory wod of:-42 double unders/21 box jumps (20″ box)-30 du’s/15 bj’s-18 du’s/9 bj’stime= 4:12
Kinda disappointed by this because my du’s blew today. Normally I could do this unbroken. Next time.
After 2×5 strict pullups, white band and lots of kipping practice. Trying to get more than 2 linked but I clearly need more practice. Thanks to Leo for demonstrating the butterfly Kip. I’m nowhere near figuring this out. Finished with a little bit of handstand practice.
Hehe, Jess wrote “bj’s”
Okay, now for serious:
Warm up: Run then 30 situps (2 rounds)
Front Squatw/up (22×5, 45×3, 55×3)65x5x3
Did a bit of double under practice before I left.
FSq 45×5, 95×5, 135×5, 155×2, 175×3, 175x2F, 165x2F, 165×3, 170×3
dragged myself in after a week of night work and only a couple hours of sleep. Got greedy with squats, should have repeated 165x3x5 under circumstances.
Worked with Sameer P who was strong and solid.
Got scolded by Christine for going at all. She did the Prospect Park du (5k run, 14mile ride, 5k run) in 1:46.
BJ (20″+45#plate) DU wod in 6:06. PR 29 unbroken DUs up from 18, then later 27, but many 0’s in between. Fun but feeling trashed.
meanwhile: we can hope our country is not destroyed today