For Time:
Run 570 meters
71 Squats
71 Push-Ups
71 Pull-up s or Ring Rows
71 Wall Ball Shots, 20/14
71 Kettlebell Swings 1.5p/1p
71 Deadlifts 95/65
Run 570 meters
Post time and Rx to comments.
compare to 7.4.09
Come on down today for our annual, "JacintoStorm" WOD in honor of Jacinto's Birthday. We'll open up at 9am and start sending off heats of folks by 9:30. If you'd like to participate in the WOD, please arrive before 10:15am. As always multiple scaling options will be available so everyone can participate. Afterward, we'll have a paleo-style potluck and BBQ. Side dishes and beverages are appreciated!
Great work to everyone who participated in yesterday's Subway Series 5k. We had lots of PR's and a great time out in Queens. Below are the reported times, if you see an error please email David(AT) so that I can contact Paul and Brandy to make the correction.
Steph W 24:17
Jess F 24:31
Sarah H 25:09
Asta F 26:13
Juliana A 31:00
Ryan P 20:27
Nick P 21:11
Brian Z 21:28
Dan R 22:30
Carlos G 23:14
Joe W 23:29
Matt R 23:45
Chris F 26:54
Sameer P 27:44