As Many Rounds as Possible in 15 Minutes of:
3 Power Cleans 155/105
3 Pull Ups
6 Push Ups
9 Box Jumps
Post rounds and Rx to comments.
Skill Work
Front Lever Practice
Ring Inversions 101
The CFSBK Paleo Potluck was a huge success! Thanks to all those who came out. ABC's Nightline even came out to cover the event!
I…um…cheated…on the Paleo Challenge…now what?
by Chris Fox
So, you were out to dinner/lunch/brunch/drinks/whatever with family/co-workers/significant other/friends/enemies/whoever, and in a moment of weakness had a big plate of pasta/pizza/bread/potatoes/whatever…now what? Are you a failure? A loser? You had a burger WITH the bun? Seriously, do you have zero will power? Why can you not follow through with this thing for 60 days?
Fret not, folks. This is but a road bump on the highway to better living. You “cheated”, so what? The mountains will not crumble, the ground will not open up and suck you in, and, you are NOT destined to keep repeating the same pattern. What do you do? Pick it back up right where you left off. Simply make sure the next meal you have falls within the guidelines you set for yourself. Remember those goals and photos? Take a look at them. Reassure yourself that you are doing better now than you did before then, and you will be doing better in the future. Keep doing the best you can. The biggest mistake you can make is to tell yourself you “fell off the wagon” and are back into old habits. That is a self destructive though process and an excuse to keep “cheating”. Just get right back into your groove. Bad habits are hard to break, and (News Flash!) you’re gonna mess up every so often. The good news is that all habits are hard to break, and the more good choices you make for yourself the more you are ingraining yourself with good habits. There’s a whole bevy of cohorts and coaches in your corner cheering you on to do well.
The CFSBK Olympic Weightlifting Cycle!
Want to spend 8 weeks improving your olympic lifts? Check out our upcoming Olympic Weightlifting Cycle. The class will focus on mechanical efficiency and technical proficiency emphasising proper position, tempo and finally load. The program is comprised of full squat variations of the lifts, squats and a selection of basic plyometrics and assistance exercises.
Whether you are looking to be a better Olympic lifter or Crossfitter this class will help improve your numbers and cut your WOD times.
For more information and for registration links, Click Here!
What was your favorite dish from the potluck last night?!
WODPC @ 155, C2B Pull Ups, and 24″ box1 box jump shy of 9 rounds
Fav dish was the Chicken Chile Verde!
Had a lot of fun last night at the potluck and ate a great variety of amazing food. I’m looking forward to seeing the recipes up on the Paleo Challenge page comments.
My favorite was the lamb moussaka! I have some ground lamb in my freezer that was destined for a reappearance in Fox’s great lamb meatball recipe but I think I’ll try something new this time!
Thanks Fox. My Catholic guilt was already killing me, and you post on the blog about cheating on the paleo challenge. So here’s my confession:
I had a beer Friday night. Just one. It was delicious.
thanks for the article fox. not going to lie, being on vacation on the beach can bring its temptations – especially when the group you are with thinks you are nuts for the way you are eating. i had a few moments (and an occasional beer, oh my!) but instead of worrying that my paleo challenge days were over, i am now even more motivated to stay on the wagon now that i’m home.
i really enjoyed everything i ate, but i think my two favs were the pumpkin soup and margie’s lamb dish. recipes please!!!
A big thanks to Ariel and Michele for organizing the whole affair! Great job!
And hats off to all the chefs – it was a great feast. I still can’t get over the array of slow cookers.
I loved the lamb moussaka and bigos.
rob’s pot roast was my favorite (just picked up meat from Grazin to make one myself today!); i also enjoyed the pulled pork, ariel’s chicken in tomatillo sauce, and nick pine’s bigos – i haven’t had bigos in YEARS. oh and Mrs. Osorio’s curried shrimp!!
speaking of which, David’s dad is kicking everybody’s ass in the challenge, it would appear. damn!
special thanks to Shane for you-know-what, too.
i was describing to a friend how we had a pot luck at my *gym* and everything was delicious and made with such love and care, and transported in many cases with some difficulty, and how dozens of people came, how we sat around for hours under those atmospheric lights, using jump boxes for tables, and he looked at me and said, “Dude, I’m so happy for you. You have found your tribe.”
Posted last night so won’t really repeat myself, but the potluck was FANTASTIC! Excellently organized and so much good food, seriously. My fav also goes to Ariel for her chicken chile verde. Oh, so good!
Also, a few of us talked about watching the Jets/Patriots game today at 200 Fifth Ave. We’ll probably be on the left side of the bar. Game starts at 4:30, but might get there early to try to snag seats.
I forgot to look at the index cards to see who made what or what I was actually eating. Everything was really good, the yellow lamb guy, the meatball whatchamacallits, the sausage with other paleo goodness.. they were all great! The potluck was a huge success! Thanks to all the organizers and everyone who schlepped their giant cookers all the way down to the gym.
Also- that “Paleo Drink- Mysterious” was off the hook.
my favorite was the salmon coconut chowder with celery root…Would love that recipe.
My fav was Margie’s goat/plantain casserole. I gotta learn that… There were so many amazing dishes though– what great cooks we have!
Thanks to Ariel and Michele for getting this thing together– it was a blast and I look forward to another gathering of the tribe soon.
And a shout out to Shane for all the lime work.
The potluck was awesome (in the hot dog sense)! What a good idea. And fantastic food! My favorite was definitely the curried goat with plantains… *must* get recipe. Goat, yum.
Also nice to see the inside of the box for a change! And taunt Herschel. Was sort of hoping David-on-his-box would name everyone in the room…
115 lbs 20″7 rounds + 3/3/6/4
AMRAP-15 minutes3 105lb. cleans3 Green band pullups6 unbroken pushups9 20″ Box jumps–surprisingly bouncy
9 rounds even–and still drunk from the Packer game. The inversions were a profoundly bad idea.
Last night was so much fun! Great food and great company. Nick pi’s bigos, Malcolm’s pate and Charmel’s spinach sausage dish were my faves, as well as the sinfully delicious bacon wrapped figs from Dan and Asta, mmm! Super excited about my the leftover pumpkin chilli I brought home too. Thanks so much to Ariel and Michelle for organizing and hostessing, and to Herschel for making me laugh so hard I cried by sniping a fatty beef short rib off our table with such velocity that it splattered us all with meat juice.
Great vibe in the gym today. Ring work!
Super excited that we’re hosting a CF Gymnastics cert!
Paleo potluck was a ton of fun! Everything was great, but I was partial to Margie’s goat and plantain dish.
Advanced class today
HSPU 8 (max) then 6, 4, 6 Didn’t rest enough before the middle set
Partner WOD with Paul – 17:56(?) Partner/Team WODS are always a lot of fun. Especially the game-planning aspect
11am Group Class
Warm-UpDroms etc
Nice to work on Levers. I hadn’t done a front lever in like a week so it was a good kick start back with my practice. These felt good and I went to full front lever with a spot and it wasn’t as hard as I thought It would be.
WOD155Clean/Clapping Pull-Ups/Push-Ups/24″ Box
8 Rounds + cleans, plyo pull-ups and push-ups
This felt like a slog for me. Kinda slow and hard.. not feeling so much gas in the tank, I think from the reduced carbs over the last few weeks.
Still got a great workout
115 lbs on the cleans, 20″ box
10 rounds + cleans, pull-ups, and three push-ups.
The goal was to keep moving throughout, and I felt like I was fairly successful. Took a couple breaths between box jumps and cleans to re-set mentally and keep a maintainable pace going.
@Fox- What! Hosting a gymnastic cert?! Details please!!! I want in!
Next question-What is a bigo? I keep reading about this and I am now hungry and curious.
i think fox said the gymnastics cert was gonna be in November…?
BIGOS is the name of a traditional Polish dish. it’s a stew of (surprise!) cabbage, meat sausages, tomato, sauerkraut, etc.
it’s the national dish of Poland and common in various guises in many other similar places.
Thank you Michele. You are a regular gastronomic encyclopedia. 😉
(i only know that cuz i lived there!)
is the gym on the normal monday schedule tomorrow?
Very nice post. I love it. Waiting your new posts. Thank you…
Normal schedule tomorrow.
Gymnastics cert registration linings on the left events column. Highly recommended
My favorite dishes were the bigos (Nick Pines), Asta + Dan’s date/bacon/crack bombs, and, er, pretty much everything to be honest! So much good food, and my breakfast today was ridiculously nice — potluck leftovers selection + a fried egg on top! It doesn’t get much better 🙂
I’ve posted my moussaka recipe to the Paleo Challenge page. Thanks to all for organizing!
WOD 11 rounds135# power cleans (should’ve done 145#)c2b pull-upsPush-ups were a breeze. Practice has been paying off.24″ box jumps
this is the spot. the prices are about as good as any i’ve seen for gras fed cow. i’ve been more than satisfied with my past orders. put in your order early to get the cuts you want.
WOD115# power cleans. 20″ box jumps.10 rounds plus 2 power time in this or similar workout will move up to 125# and 24″
135 PC3 pull ups6 push ups9 24″ box jumps
10 rounds plus 2 pcs
So bummed we missed the potluck, sounds like a good tasty time!
It’s snowing like crazy up here at Sugarbush in Vermont and I’ve made great strides in skiing: no crying, no gripping fear and the beginnings of parallel turns! It’s all very exciting.
And we have good news on the Socializing While Paleo front. We are a group of about ten people and after a full day of skiing yesterday, Will and I offered to buy groceries and cook dinner. We had steaks, broccoli sauteed with lots of garlic and a green salad. It was so simple and tasty that all of the non-Paleos barely knew that we had totally Paleoed them! They did not seem to mind, which made it so much easier.
We also made a big paleo breakfast which everyone loved, and it was great fuel for a long day of skiing. We made some beef jerky before we left and that was enough so I didn’t have to worry about having to find paleo-friendly food on the mountain.
That being said, I was really excited to see Fox’s write up, as I’ve totally been enjoying a wine-filled après ski. And I’m just going with it.
Yay paleo! Thank you CFSBK!
Jeremy and I had such a great time at the potluck on Saturday! Definitely helped me get through the weekend, especially the Jets game at my parents house, where my mom served up all kinds of pasta and cheese that I didn’t eat 🙂 Here are the recipes for the pumpkin turkey chili and the pumpkin muffins that we brought….can’t wait for foundations in just three weeks!
Turkey chili: