5 Rounds for time of:
5 Power Snatch 115/75
5 Overhead Squat 115/75
25 Double Unders
*Last Power Snatch leads into first Overhead Squat
Post loads and times to comments.
Ladies of the Competition Class
CrossFit South Brooklyn Competition Team!!
CrossFit South Brooklyn is proud to announce the launch of it's newest class, SBK Competition Team. This class is for the advanced CrossFitter who has an interest in competing in CrossFit on the regional and national level. Programming is challenging and focused. Attention is paid to the more esoteric aspects and full squat versions of the Olympic lifts, advanced gymnastics skills, team workouts, and WODs that hit harder in general. Scaling options for these WODs are little to none and srtict ROM standards are enforced. We’ve invited a few athletes to join the beta version of the class based on either previous participation in competitive CrossFit events, an expressed desire to compete, or the ability to do most if not all WODs Rx’d (and with competitive results). We’re stoked to put together a team to represent South Brooklyn at the CrossFit Games and other events this year! The class currently meets on Tuesday at 7pm and Sunday at noon and is by invitation only. Email Christian@CrossFitSouthBrooklyn.com or Jeremy@CrossFitSouthBrooklyn.com for info.
Speaking of Competition…..
For those interested in competing in a CrossFit competition there are two great events coming up over the next couple of months:
CrossFit Long Island City is hosting a pretty unique event on January 29, 2011. Their "Frostbite Competition" will feature intense CrossFit WODs in freezing cold temperatures. Click HERE for details/registration.
Our good friends CrossFit Queens are putting on a women's-only competition "Hail to the Queen" on February 26, 2011. This event was created to showcase the strength and skill of the local CrossFit community's female athletes. Click HERE for details/registration.
Rest Day Dinner with Will S. and Robin R.
Red Meat Gives Women Strokes? No. Primal Wisdom
Hey Robb, This Person Said Gluten Free Diets Are Bogus Robbwolf.com
Awesome tough titsday with Coach Margie and the ladies last night. We covered press and used belts for the first time. My mind was pretty blown learning the hip-initiated press, and I ended up doing my last CFT press 1RM about 8 times!
I’m in for the CF Queens ladies comp! Tried signing up earlier this morning but it seems their website was being finicky. Will try again later. Any other ladies wanna join me?
Also…didn’t get a chance to post yesterday, but Huge CONGRATS to Scott and Suzy! Can’t wait to see a pic of Gus!
I think I’ll be joining you Jess!
Hey everyone, I bought a slot for K-Star’s mobility cert on Sunday Feb 6 but I can’t use it. Anyone want to buy it from me? Email me at charlottejerome(at)gmail(dot)com.
Now, off to re-read Fox’s article on the rotator cuff…
pretty sure i’m in for the Queen comp, and i’ve heard from some others that they are getting error messages. queen “b” brandy is working on it.
i’ve also signed up for the frostbite, but unsure if i’m crazy or not….
lastly, if anyone is down for a team comp in philly, my friend’s box crossfit south philly is hosting a team comp April 3 – 2 guys and 2 girls
south brooklyn represent in south philly?
Hey kids –
I have two job openings in my department at my advertising agency. Please feel free to circulate these outside our little blog.
Both these roles report directly to me.
1. full time: sr. interactive project manager. You must have proven experience in online advertising, worked in an agency before, and preferably in the pharma arena.
2. short-term (couple of weeks max): resource coordinator. Avail immediately (as in, Monday.) Ideal candidate has worked at an interactive agency before, has contacts in the digital community (designers, coders, information architects, etc) and knows how to find the right folks for immediate freelance opportunities. Experience with employment contracts, timesheets, etc preferable.
Emails to mignyc@gmail.com.Thanks.
Power Snatch/OHS/DU: 14:38? with 95#
WOD: 10:30 with 47#
The OHS got really challenging really fast on that one.
Starting Strengthish Day 3
Back SquatWarmup: 45×5 95×5 135×5 165×5 185x5Work: 200x3x5
Bench PressWarmup: 45×5 95×5 135x5Work: 155x3x5
DeadliftWarmup: 135×5 185×5 225x5Work: 260×5
Back Squat was harder than I think it should be (whatever that means). Others felt good. Working to find a bench grip that’s less bothersome on my wrist.
Wod – 8:28 (85)
That was a lot of fun. That was my rep-out weight and I only did seven, so I’m extra happy with my effort tonight.
weight too light, intensity insufficient.
Mr. Fox gave me a great alternate WOD due to my lack of overhead squatting ability coupled with my wrist injury.
10 KB swings, 10 goblet squats both at 2 pod, 25 double unders5 rounds – 11:03Kicked my ass, gassed out on round 4 and round 5 was rough.All swings and squats were unbroken as were all double unders except the first round, which was for shite.
Today’s work:
BSQ: 240x5x3 of sh*tshow. All 15 reps were weird.
Bench: 210x5x3 Saved once again by the manboobs.
Pullups @ rapidly increasing bodyweight 10/10/7
Very frustrating, I was clicking on my squat for a while, and it feels like its evaporated.
Time to regroup and devise a new plan of attack. I think it is going to involve hefty doses of mobility work and some light/tempo days to try and dial in technique for the heavy days.
I was saved by hanging out with the 7PM class who were all very fun and hit a very technical WOD with aplomb. Favorite moment was Jess Bailey’s audible “WOW” and accompanying look of shock when (as referenced above) the OHS caught up with her. It goes without saying that she dialed back in and finished the set. Quite amusing.
Due to shoulder/pec troubles, I did power cleans and front squats instead:
12:50 at 100#. It was a rude awakening that my double-unders have fallen off. Need to work on them before and after class more often.
Good times with Shane and Alec tonight.WU: 3RNFT Jump rope high knees :15 on, :10 off, 8 lateral raises 21/ # wts.,9 scap push ups, 8 ring rows
Bench Press 5-5-5(33x5x2, 43×5,53×3,58×2)68x5x3
Liking the bench press
3RFT: 5 Power snatch 43#, 5 OHS, 25 DUs 6:47Felt good. Could have done 2 more rounds but form would have degraded.
Snatch/OHS/DU WOD11:05 at 49#(I warmed up with kilo plates and added 2.5 lb. plates to each side without thinking about the fact that adding fractionals, too, would’ve made it a nice, even 50#.)
DUs 25 in the first round, then 15 per round. The DUs are just not clicking for me these days. I will make it a point to practice and get my groove back.
The snatch and OHS elements of the WOD were no problem, though.
As always, I had fun with the ring work (back levers).
Snatch/OHS/DU WOD as Rx’d 8:55.
Discovered that I OHS with a narrower grip than I snatch… so this felt a bit funky at first until I adjusted my last rep of snatch to a narrow grip in prep for the squats.
Overall am very tired. Working too hard, insomnia issues – poor recovery. Hope this improves soon.
forgot to post yesterday
snatch/ohs/du wod10:13RX
i really dislike ohs in metcons. thats all.
WODRx’d weight, gave myself a 10 minute cap.4 Rounds of a bit of a shit show in the 10 minutes. Holy Bananas.