(E3/4) Go heavier than your previous triple
Technical (form) faluires are still considered missed reps
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Compare to 1.10.11 & 1.3.11
For time:
Strict Knees to Elbows
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We will be operating on our regular schedule today!
This is the third full week of the Paleo Challenge? How're you feeling? How are you performing in the gym? Have you begun settling in to the ancestral way of life?
Making a Weeks Worth of Meals in Advance Robb Wolf
Pole Vaulter Rasmus Wejnold Training Youtube
Knees to Elbows CrossFit.com
I watched the Jets vs Pats game yerterday, at a bar, and had 2 whiskeys. That’s instant karma from my write up yesterday. I felt kind of like shit when I woke today, groggy and unrested, bah.
FOX!You can do it.
I had dinner at fette sau last night for the first time…I had one fork of beans (my fave)…but the rest was all meat and kraut.
Everyone at my table was drinking beer. I passed…I cannot believe my willpower, and I cannot wait to get wasted
I’ve slipped into not cooking AS much as I was the first two weeks but have still stayed full on Paleo and am cooking most of my own meals. The only blemish was at Palo Santo when the owner came by with some sangria on the house which I drank about a 1/4 cup of and then he came by with dessert wine which I again only had about a 1/4 of. Even with that little amount I didn’t feel great right afterwards. Otherwise I’m happy to say I’ve stayed totally strict.
Overall I feel Great on strict paleo. A little less wind in my sails for Metcons since I’m biasing lower carb intake but overall Im feeling really good
I think im going to end the challenge with a celebratory ice cream sandwhich from beirkraft
Lifted 265, 275, 285. Felt pretty good. Fought for back position.
Wod was 8:08.
Fun to be at a noon time class for once.
215-230-240. First time I’ve gone over 200 so that felt nice.
Wod was 6:48.
Really enjoy starting the work week with a nice 7AM deadlift.
nice large noon class
My experience so far is that it’s a real pain in the ass eating out and trying to explain what I’m doing to family and friends. I have been cooking more than I think I ever have (very good thing) and doing some experimenting.The first week I felt no difference other than satiety came quicker with less bulk. Second week I noticed some slight nausea in the evenings for three days (not sure if this was related to the diet or just had a bit of a bug but Malcolm gave me some good advice ref diet adjustment and my body getting used to change). I started to feel a lot tighter/leaner in my body (tight as in more muscle less fat). I feel definitely more energetic and feel I need less sleep although I’m forcing myself to get more/better sleep. I do feel stronger as well and actually like I have a bit more gas for the metcon’s. Over all… I’m feeling pretty damn good (disclaimer-I was a carb binger, eating quarts of rice and piles upon piles of pasta at a sitting).Just yesterday my wife complained that I’m too skinny. Loosing weight was not my goal and I think I am down more than I like. Any advice for bulking up a bit on this?
Long post but I have to mention one more thing – I’ve found it not hard at all to pass on sugars, pastries and alcohol. This has come as a huge surprise to me (birthday cake was on hand for a family member over the weekend with a chocolate ganache and hazelnut frosting – I passed on it without a problem).
Robb Wolf whips himself into an awesome little tizzy (in the comments too):
DL–275, 285 (lost the second rep from grip, pulled another good rep after a few secs), 285. Felt totally solid.
Burpees/K2E subbed down to 15/9/6 K2E which were probably pretty much just tucks by the end. 6:57. Ugh.
DL: (95×5, 135×5, 165×3, 185×3)205×2, 215×2, 220×2(PR)Always fighting for back position; second rep of last set was not the prettiest.
WOD: 7:37 Rx’d. Resorted to a little kip to squeeze out the last three or so K2E’s.
5pm is not my usual time, and it was fun to see some different faces. Good meeting and working with Andrew on the DL’s.
Dmak – If you want to stay dairy-free and keep/add bulk then you want to make sure you are taking in enough carbohydrate and fat (I am assuming your protein is high, which is should be).
Don’t be shy with the starchy veg (ie sweet potato, parsnip, beets, squash, chestnuts), especially post workout.
Also keep fat intake up.
And eat more. More than might be comfortable.
Great semi-private with David and Alec today.
WU: 3RNFT 1 min. row 18s/m, 5 muscle ups (assisted), 15 GHD sit ups
DL 2-2-2(95×5,115×3,135×3,150×1) 160×2,170x1xF,170X2
The fail just had no tension in the set up. Like a black hole just swallowed me up. The last 2 were “soft.”
AMRAP 7 min. 7 DB squat clean 15#, 7 pullups Good stuff. Started getting the groove of cycling the squat cleans. pull ups continue to feel strong.
DL: 265, 275, 295(f)Wod: 8:58 (my knee to elbows were only good for the first 21 so not rx’d)
Back Squat315x5x3 PRPress167.5x5x3 PRPullups4,4,2 (though I am worried that I am not doing full ROM on these)…
Strength Cycle
Squat – 3×5@210Press – 3×5@110 still feeling the effects of yesterday’s advanced WOD in my shouldersDeadlift – 1×5@305 surprisingly easy – also was able to use a hook grip for all 5 reps
shoulders so messy from yesterday’s metcon that i had to beg off today.
i’m making rob israel’s pot roast with a beautiful chuck I got from Grazin Angus Acres, putting it into the crock pot, and going to bed.
6pm Group Class
Warm-Up3 Min RowDroms Etc
Deadlift(135×5, 185×3, 225×3, 275×1, 295×1)305×2, 315×2, 325x2Happy about that, there is still some room in the tank for more lbs.
Burpee/K2E Couplet5:32 as Rx’dHello Abs!
Gabrus,Don’t Worry! You’re not.. at least the last 4 or so reps that I saw. You might consider working in some :05 Holds at the top into a negative for a bit to gain some finish strength. Start with 3×3 of these and don’t do much more.
Quick post…tired.
Deadlifts:(135×3, 165×3, 195×2, 215×1)work: 235×2, 245×2, 255×1(PR!)
Wod:7:14 modifed to 15-9-6 k2e (though they were more like k2pits)
WOD6:34 Rx’d
Strength Cycle B: Volume day
Squat 210x5x5Press 98x5x3Chins 7,8,8
I’ve been fighting a cold all weekend and I felt it today. Definitely did not have edge, but luckily it’s not intensity day.
I’ve been feeling fine with the diet and this cold is definitely more work-stress related than anything. I started to lean out a tad and my performance lifting has been good– I hit (calculated) barbell PRs and my best chin-up session ever last week so I definitely think I’m eating enough, have a good balance of carbs in the mix and am in stride.
@Michele: let me know how it turns out!
Nice huge noon class yesterday! I could get used to mid-day workouts.
DL: (95×5, 125×3, 155×3)175×2, 185×2, 190×2
Wod: 8:14 w/ K2 mid-chest or however high I could pull them. I think the next time burpees come up in a metcon like this I might take Fox’s suggestion of trying squat thrusters instead – the push-up part of the burpee slows me down so much I don’t get too much ‘met’ in my metcon.
Paleo: I feel good and am sleeping good. Blood sugars looking great. Body comp doesn’t seem to be changing but maybe it’s a) too early to tell and b) I’m still eating too much/allowing myself too much coffee and heavy creme.
Nick and I were bummed to miss the potluck–we were down in DC visiting my folks. The cheating post could not have been better timed–it was tough explaining what we were/were not eating (rice noodles made an appearance in chicken soup, etc.) especially for me, since I’m also off eggs & nightshades. I ate a few cherry tomatoes b/c I forgot about the nightshades. And we drank wine at dinner both night. (When the man who just got part of his aorta replaced offers you some of the best stuff from his cellar, you do not say no.)
In general I’m not feeling as good on this challenge as I have on past ones. This could be b/c my thyroid meds have needed adjusting (just dealt with that last week), but Nick and I both feel exhausted and draggy all the time despite being fairly militant about getting enough sleep. Frustrating.
did this one today, Tuesday.Deadlift: 285×2, 305×2, 315x2WOD: Burpee/K2E–7:51 as rx’d (ok, last 5 of the last set I threw in a slight kip).