Deb P. works out some "issues"
Coach Nick's C.R.A.S.H-B's Rowing Workshop
Final reminder that Coach Nick will hold a FREE workshop here at 12pm on Saturday, the 22nd. While the focus of the session will be on preparing for the Crash-B's it's a perfect chance for members just interested in improving their rowing and getting a better understanding of maximizing time spent on the erg.
Please email Nick(at) if you're interested in attending.
You Lost It, We Found It
It's that time again, please come into the gym and check the lost and found container by the fridge for your valuables. We've got a whole lot of water bottles, winter gear and even boots and shoes. Please check the bin next time you're in the gym as we'll donate our findings to the less fortunate at the end of the month.
What's the last album you bought?
Adrian Bozman teaches the Kip using the hips
CFSBK BFF Adrian Bozman teaches Kipping Part 1 & Part 2
The Paleo Diet's Secret Mistress Paleolilith
The CrossFit & the Politics of Supplementation Progenex
Protein Wars, and Why Selling Out is So Damn Easy Unscared
Lymbic System – Shutter Release
I also got called out for saying “record album” last week, old habits…
Stevie Wonder, Musiquarium
Josephine Foster + Victor Herrera Band, “Anda Jaleo”
Here is one of the tracks to stream from my somewhat comatose music blog:
What’s an “album”?
I am seriously behind on my crossfit gossip!
The affiliate that finished second at the 2010 Games, Crossfit New England, was disqualified in December after the discovery that two members of the team (including the CFNE co-owner Ben Bergeron) had taken a banned substance.,958/
(cesaria evora, Cafe Atlantico)
A banned substance? Was it gluten?
lol at joe. if thats the case call me mark mcgwire.
My Dark Twisted Fantasy- Kanye West
LOL=”album” I miss those (except when moving)
Glad you asked though. I just purchased one: jazz guitarist/comic/philosopher Andy Fite’s new also “20 from ’10”
Andy is a master guitarist, playing everything from Bach to bebop and an awesome song writer. And funny.
Check out the album:
He’s got a bunch of videos:
I thought you meant for real, vinyl album! I love my records! Alec scored a Dead Milkman record off the street awhile back. Other than that I think the last “album” I bought was Patti Smith Horses. And Easter. I had just read her memoirs.
Listening to music helps me with my “issues.”
Dead Milkmen! Awesome.
For Xmas I gave Nick Kanye, My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy; Cee Lo Green, The Lady Killer; and David Byrne/Brian Eno, Everything That Happens Will Happen Today.
Here’s my question: WHO IS PALEOLILITH??
@Fox, you must go directly to Black Gold on Court St. They sell actual “record albums” (and very good coffee), with, oddly enough, a strong 90’s metal/hardcore bias.
I got a pretty sweet Monk/Coltrane record there a couple of weeks ago, but was sorely tempted to get D.R.I’s “Dealing With It” and a ton of Black Flag.
Also, to anyone who caught my fierce unintentional dismount during the kipping tutorial last night and was concerned: I am totally fine except for some light bruises on my butt and ego.
The last things I bought on iTunes were
Apathy: Eastern Philosophy(thoughtful hip-hop)
The Smiths: Strangeways, here we come/self titled/TheWorldWon’tListen(I lost all the music on my old computer when someone spilled water all over it. a few days ago i realized I needed a smith’s fix)
And now that I understand what an “album” is. The last one I bought was the 400 Blows: Angels trumpets, Devils Trombones
Which I got at Black and Gold on Court. a GREAT record shop 2 blocks from my house!
the “banned substance” that they took was an ingredient found in an over the counter energy drink some of them drank the day of competition. You can read in the comments some more details. Personally, I don’t think they did anything wrong.
Lesson learned I suppose (read your ingredient labels)
Greatest ALBUM I ever received was from my Grandpa Gene.
At 7 years old:
For Those About to Rock, We Salute You!
I’ve been a dedicated fan ever since!
Last LP I bought on vinyl was Azymuth – Light As A Feather.
David –
I know, I read about two hours’ worth of backstory this morning before I posted to the blog.
I didn’t provide my personal take on it when I posted it here because I who gives a crap what I think. I’m just a simple caveman, etc. I was just passing along info.
I care what YOU think, though, needless to say:)
Ok SBK ladies, I have registered for the Crossfit Queens competition and think you all should join me! Registration is limited to 40 participants but only 26 spots remain. Would love to have a bunch of SBK ladies represent! Register here:
Also, I figured out who the mysterious blogger is! Paleolilith, your secret is safe with me. And, your recipe for the pork and mushroom gravy sounds yummy! 🙂
If “supplementation” is open source, anyone can get anything, then I see no wrong with it. It all comes down to gaming. Any legal issues are an aside for me. I personnaly think Barry Bonds, Mark McGuire, and the like have as much right to be recognized in the Baseball Hall of Fame (sorry, non-baseball fans, for the side-step) as Doc Ayers and Gaylord Perry. Even playing fields don’t exist in reality, athletes are always going to find an advantage.
Also, really enjoyed today’s links on supplements. The sentiment of trying to “out-paleo” or “out-natural” one another is poison, and something I’m glad to have not heard any of during our 1st 3 weeks into the paleo challenge. We are awesome people.
went on music spending spree for the new shuffle i got for xmas:
“Apocalypshit” and “Dance and Dense Denso” by Molotov. Both awesome. Imagine the Beastie Boys’ very bad cousins from Mexico City.
“Crazy Pack” and “XL” by Resorte. Hard and awesome. Think Mexican Rage Against the Machine.
“Mucho Barato” Control Machete. Like Cypress Hill but way more Mexican.
“Soy Sauce” and “Pinata” by Mexican Institute of Sound. Playful Mexi Techno. Fun.
I spent too many pesos.
i was going to come and say “fuck you, knee” but then i remembered it is my fibula that sucks.
fuck you, fibula.
Love, Love, Love, Control Machete. Si’ Senor from the Amores Perros soundtrack got me into them. I’m gonna check out those others now too. Tonight walking to dinner, Dharma said that Jessie has become 1/2 Irish and I’ve become 1/2 Mexican. I think it’s more like 80/20…
Def gonna check out the music store on Court too.
Strength cycle B: Intensity daySquat: 240×10 (hells yea)Press: 107.5×10 (sweet)Dead rack pulls: 300×5
I’ve been sick all week and weak. I was really not sure if today’s workout was even going to happen. Then I saw my numbers were 10 pounds heavier than I remembered. Oh shit. I killed it anyway and that was a good feeling.