Advanced: 85%x3x5
Beginner/Intermediate: 3-3-3-3-3
If you don’t have a 1RM then spend today’s exposure finding a heavy 3 rep that still leaves some room to move up in weight by 15-20 lbs. We’ll be doing triples as the heavy day with linear increases for this squat cycle so don’t hit the wall on day 1.
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2 Rounds NFT of:
15 Strict Toes to Bar or Knees to Elbows
15 Single Leg RDLs, each leg
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Good luck to Jeff B on the Bar Exam today!
Congratulations to Coach Chris Fox for passing his motorcycle license test!
Odds on Salo?
The CrossFit Games are a mere 3 days away! Who do you see on the podium for the men’s and women’s divisions this year? Last night it was announced that there will be swimming involved in this years Games. Hope the competitors took a tip from the SBK Red Hook Swim Club and included some laps into their training!
It also goes without saying that we’re all putting our money on “The Warrior”, Jacinto B to take the top spot in the 60+ Masters Division. Fun Fact: Jacinto will be the oldest competitor at the Games this year!
The Taste Of Salt
Check out resident author extraordinaire, Martha Southgate who will be promoting the release of her new book, “The Taste Of Salt”. Check out these advance reviews:
“Extraordinarily moving and keenly sensitive tour de force that will linger in your mind and heart for a long time.”—James Hannaham, author of God Says No
“A haunting novel about the ways we hurt and are hurt by the people we love most in the world, and about how, despite that, we find solace in their love.”—Ayelet Waldman, author of Red Hook Road
“The Taste of Salt is a beautiful and heartbreaking portrait of a modern family. Employing a chorus of voices and perspectives, Martha Southgate probes the depths of her troubled characters with clarity and tenderness.”—Dan Chaon, author of Await Your Reply
WOD Gear CrossFit Training Apperel
Adrian Bozman is “Ready” CrossFit