Post loads to comments.
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Reps For Time Of:
Kettlbell Swings
Post time and Rx to comments.
“I tagged a chairlift at McConkey’s Bowl with a CFSBK sticker… we’re nationwide!”
-Tom S
New Coaches in Training
We let the cat out of the bag! In an effort to keep up with the demands of our awesome population, we’ve brought on two top notch people to step up as CFSBK Coaches. Melissa Loranger and McDowell Myers have been working behind the scenes for about a month learning the ins and outs of coaching. They’ll be ramping up for a total of 3 months before going live, stay tuned for more developments! Congrats MeLo and McDowell!
Alternate Training For This Weekend
We will not be holding normally scheduled classes this weekend while he host the CrossFit Powerlifting Certification with Shane and Laura Phelps-Sweatt. As an alternative to our members not attending the certification, we’re offering training options on both days:
Saturday 3/31
What: Track WOD
When: 9:30-11:00am
Where: Red Hook Track
Organizers: CFSBK Coach-In-Training Melissa Loranger and Rickke Manazala
RSVP: Please email: Loranger_Melissa(at)yahoo(dot)com so we can get an accurate head count
Cost: None, This will not count as one of your weekly classes if you’re on a recurring membership or punch card.
Sunday 4/1
What: Open Gym
When: 6-9:30pm
Where: CFSBK!
Coach: David
Cost: 1 Drop in or weekly class
Brooklyn Half Marathon
Feel The Burn 70’s Big
February 10th, 2001 the First WOD goes live online