Fitness: Clean and Jerk 3-3-3-3-3
Work up to a medium-heavy triple on the clean and jerk. OK to bail and reset each rep.
Performance: Power Clean + Hang Clean + Power Jerk + Jerk
Work up to a medium-heavy load on the complex.
Post loads to comments.
AMRAP, 12 Minutes:
90 Double-Unders (or 200 Single-Unders)
60 AbMat Sit-Ups
30 Dumbbell Hang Clean Thrusters
AMRAP, 12 Minutes:
50 Calorie Row
40 Toes to Bar
30 Power Cleans 135/95
20 Muscle-Ups
Post rounds and Rx to comments.
CrossFit HQ made a video of Froning and Fraser (the Fittest Man on Earth and second Fittest Man on Earth) doing Open Workout 15.5. We think it’s pretty hilarious.
- Happy birthday, DH3!
Standardized Warm-Ups: A Note From Coach Fox
As you may have noticed in classes, we’re experimenting with a few new warm-up options. There are still two versions of the Standardized Warm-Up (SWU) to choose from. If you come in one to two days a week, we recommend that you stick with one of the options and develop some strength and proficiency with those movements. If you come to class three to five days per week, we recommend you alternate between the SWUs to vary the stimulus and keep things fresh.
The new Gymnastics Warm-Ups (GWU) are for those of you who already show proficiency in the basic gymnastics skills that SWUs include (push-ups, pull-ups, lunges, squats, hollow rocks, etc.) and would benefit from some dedicated class time to work on more advanced gymnastics skills, such as inversions and muscle-ups. While some of these elements show up in cash outs and some of you practice before/after class, we’re going to see if adding them in to actual class time helps us collectively get better.
There are two versions of the GWU: one aimed at Inversion Strength and one aimed at Ring Strength. Each has a few levels at which to practice based on where you’re at skill/strength wise. If you’re not sure where to start, ask a coach.
You should already demonstrate proficiency in the basic skills that show up in the SWUs if you want to choose a GWU. Squats, push-ups, pull-ups, lunges, hollow rocks, etc., are the bedrock upon which solid movement can be built. Also, the SWUs can still benefit anyone! Can you ever be too good at a push-up? If you’re feeling a bit creaky or simply want to get warm and loose, then you can still opt for the SWU.
As always, we appreciate your feedback! Love it, hate it? Let us know either in the comments section of the blog, or by emailing Coach Fox and Coach David (Christian [at] and David [at]
Standardized Warm-Ups
1. 3 Rounds, Not For Time:
15 Kettlebell Swings
10 Push-Ups
5 Pull-Ups or Toes to Bar (Strict or work on kipping)
2. 3 Rounds, Not For Time:
16 Lunges or 12 Pistols
12 V-Ups or Hollow Rocks
8 Ring Rows
Gymnastics Warm-Ups
1. Spend 8 minutes working on Inversions:
A) Free standing, self spotted
B) Free standing, partner spotted
C) Wall Kick-Ups, work on balance by bringing heels off the wall
D) Wall Walks
For all versions, work toward balanced weight and a hollow body position.
2. Spend 8 Minutes on Ring Strength:
A) Strict Muscle Ups (singles, doubles, or triples)
B) Banded Strict Muscle-Ups on low rings (singles, doubles, or triples)
C) 3 False Grip Ring Pull-Ups and 3 Ring Dips
D) 10 second Ring Supports and 5 False Grip Ring Rows
The Truth About Barefoot Running T Nation
When You’ve Just Finished Training and You’re Super Hungry
Bill Starr: May He Rest in Peace Starting Strength