Back Squat 1-1-1
Press 1-1-1
Deadlift 1-1-1
Post loads and the sum of your best lifts to comments.
Athletes will have 30 minutes to establish a 1RM Squat and around 20 minutes each for the Press and Deadlift. Please come in with an exact or ball park figure for what your opener will be in each lift. The coaching staff will assist you in planning your warm-ups and making sure your numbers make sense. Each class today will take about 90 minutes to complete, please show up a little early and do a general warm-up on your own. One of either gym will be available for you before class.
Christian Reiss concludes his 8 week Strength Cycle with a CrossFit Total. Here is his attempt at topping the gym leader board… will he make it?
- Color us bummed, there is no Yoga for Athletes today! Instead check out Active Recovery at 11 and 12. We can tailor the class for folks who are going to Total.
- Despite the extended class times, all classes will start on the hour as normal.
Spotting Technique
Everyone’s last warm-up and all three squat attempts must use spotters. We will discuss the details in class but below are some key points and good examples from Friday mornings group class.
Key points
Spotters should move with the bar and each other through the lift.
Stay close enough to be effective but not so close you interfere with the lift.
If the barbell starts going back down and/or someone says “Spot!” the lift is over and hands go on the bar.
The lifter NEVER BAILS THE BAR when spotters are present. They are there to protect you, don’t endanger them.
- What good squat spotting looks like.
- And here is an example of what it should look like when someone misses an attempt
In case you missed it, we also made a video about how to spot the bench press recently, however will not be necessary today.
Happy lifting everyone!
Good luck to all Totalling today!! Can't wait to see you all lift and break some numbers! Also good luck to Fox, Margie, Jeremy, Charlie and Rob Is today at the USAPL Meet! Y'all are gonna kill it!!
Good Luck to everyone totaling! Sending strong vibes your way!
8am: Great day! Partnered with Matt and James, really good buzz, everyone PR'd pretty majorly. 300 was my squat goal and I got 315 pretty easily, which felt great. Also good to do an earnest deadlift PR for the first time ever. 315+160+435= 910.
8am with DO and MeLo. Today was a good day of lifting:
My total lifts were:
Squat: 220×1; 230×1; 250×1. 250 is a PR by 25 lbs, so I'm pretty happy with that.
Press: 120×1; 130×1; 140×1. This is a PR by 20 lbs, though it's been a long time since I tested a RM press – either way, I'm very happy with this.
DL: 300×1; 320×1; 335xf. My previous DL PR was 315, so it's PRs all around for me today. Not a bad way to kick off the weekend.
Happy lifting and good luck to all!
It was great morning for PRs.
Hit 305# for the Back Squat which is my first time over 300.
Press was a big PR of 145#.
Deadlifted 365# which was a 30# PR.
815# Total. BOOM.
9am, first time going for a 1RM in the press and deadlift…
Still sore this morning – on Thursday I decided to DIY: 2 rounds warmup, 4x{20 reverse lunges, 10 OH press, 20 calf raise, 20 pushups} w/35# dbs, then 6 rounds of running intervals. The intervals were not super hard, but still, as it turns out high rep reverse lunges and OH press are not the best way to prep for a total.
Today, good vibes in the gym:
HBBS – 320, failed @ 335. Didn't visualize -> didn't succeed. Not too upset, 320 was great and I'm pretty confident I can hit 335 another day.
Press – 135 (PR). Maybe have 140 in me, this wasn't too sticky.
Sumo DL – 325 (like a 40# PR or something). I have a bad back and don't normally DL, but this felt solid. Wouldn't want to go heavier w/o some kind of consistent practice.
total – 780. Came in hoping to beat 750, so pretty happy with that! Pulling over 300 was unexpected – sumo DL puts less stress on my lower back and these all felt fine.
Paid a visit to Center City CrossFit in Philly this morning.
Part 1: 3RNFT of 5 push-ups (Rx was ring dips, but those are still a no-no) and 3 deadlifts at 75% of 1RM, resting 1:00 after completing each movement. This was a little too easy, especially given that I was doing push-ups instead of dips. I kinda wish I'd weighted the push-ups.
Part 2, 15 min partner AMRAP, partners alternate movements (not rounds):
10 DL 105# (Rx)
20 med ball goblet squats (Rx wall ball)
30 cal row
We got I don't know how many calories shy of 5 rounds. This was a weird one. The rest period between the row and the squats or the wall ball was too short, and the rest period while someone else is rowing was too long. Maybe they should have made it 20 calories for the gals?
i had so much fun today!!! had a great time with my bar partner, phil. we both PR'ed all three lifts. last time i totaled was 3/1/15, and today i added five pounds to my squat, five pounds to my press, and ten pounds to my deadlift. super thrilled.
9am with DO and MeLo
Very fun atmosphere in the gym. Wasn't too sure what to expect going into the total without having squatted or deadlifted heavy since hurting my back. While I didn't PR my squat or deadlift it at least gave me the confidence that I can work my way up to my old weights without any issues.
Squat – 245
Press – 135 PR
Deadlift – 305
Total – 685
My goal was to get the blue plates on the press so I'm happy with that!
Good luck to everyone at the USAPL Meet today!
@Charlie – I've enjoyed reading about your progress and training on the blog this whole time – have fun today!
Good luck to the USAPL lifters today! Go Charlie, you're going to do amazing!
1. I love how CFSBK took testing 1rms and made it an official and fun event. People are pumped about their numbers and generally where they are with lifting. I also loved how we were trained in spotting; I felt super safe.
2. Worm & Maggie killed it as partners. Worm joined the 200# deadlift club, and all three of us PR'd everything. So fun!
3. HBBS: 135*, Press: 65*, DL: 170*
As for the backsquat– took my first, planned attempt (in which I was confident and prepared for) and failed! For the first time ever. I put the bar on the rack and started crying. Thanks to KHarpz and Maggie & Worm for expert advice and coaching me through the frustration.
The first week I tried crossfit post-foundations last year, some girl cried. I remember thinking at the time, "oh my god. seriously!? you're crying? calm the f)^( down… it's just a workout". Sorry for judging!
I understand now that crossfit means more to me than just a workout. I do have goals related to the hard work and time I've put in–and honestly, someday, I'd love to compete RX'd like MeLo/Whit/ Steph M/Lauren S& B/etc! Maybe I'll get strong enough to compete…and maybe I won't…but in the mean time, I'm proud I am so consistent with working out, trying my hardest, and the improvement I've made over the last year. So yeah, Allie, calm down. You PR'd everything. Plus, it really is just a workout AND, like Fox says, it's a privilege to be in the gym at all. [I feel even more strongly about this after watching "Road to Conviction"]
Good job everybody! Now we can be very scientific with our numbers next cycle, which I think is what it's really all about?
1pm total
Squat – 325 / 335 / 340(f)
Press – 140 / 150 / 155(f)
Deadlift – 405 / 445(f) / 445(f)
335 and 150 were 5# PRs for me, so that was nice. Got stupidly aggressive with the deadlift PRs (my 1RM is 465, so I figured the 445 would be doable). Wanted to get over 900 for the total, but am cool with 890 for my first time out. Today's life lesson – it's okay to be confident, but be slightly more intelligent about it (with regards to making attempts in a lift you haven't trained in a while).
9am with David and MeLo
Awesome vibe in the gym today!
LBBS: 240, 255, 265F
Press: 85, 90, 95F
Deadlift: 275, 295, 305 (PR)
Pretty happy with how the total went. The squat and press tie my PR's from the strength cycle total in December and the deadlift is a 5lb improvement. I was a little disappointed that I didn't fight more for the squat at 265, but it's still great to see I've maintained my strength while doing regular group programming.
Can't wait to hear how the USAPL meet went!!
11 am.
Squat 240-250-260 (PR)
Press 135-145(PR)-147(PR)
DL 355-370 (PR) – 375 (FAIL and tweaked my back)
Total = 777
Was feeling solid today after 30 minutes of pre-class warming up. Happy about the triple PR. 370 deadlift felt pretty smooth, so decided to go for 375, which was moving up fine but then I tweaked my lower right back mid-lift. Not sure what went wrong. The only other time in last few years I've hurt myself deadlifting was also a day when I attempted to work near the top of my capabilities after not really training the lift for a while. So maybe that is not a good plan for me in the future. Working on moving around a lot and rolling out the tense area. Very fun 79 minutes today. 1 bad last minute . . .
I was mostly dreading this today, but not so bad! Hard to know where to open for each lift bc of injuries and travel…
LBBS: (45×5, 135×5, 185×3, 205×1, 220×1) 235, 245, 255
Maybe had a little more room?
Press: (45×5, 65×3) 75, 82.5, 90 (and tried 95 for fun, F)
This went better than I feared after 3+ mo off.
DL: (135×5, 185×2, 225×1, 275×1) 315, 335, 360F
Again, wasn't sure where to open since I hadn't DL'ed heavy in so long. Maybe was too greedy with 360? 335 wasn't that bad so I bet I had 350…
TOTAL = 680
11am class with NOAH who was really helpful planning lifts and weights.
Squat 305, 325 PR, 340(f)
Press 145, 157.5 PR, 160(f)
Deadlift 345 old PR, 365, 405 PR
This was a good day all in all with all the PRs. I would have liked to,go a little higher on the aquat and press but they were still a win.
Psyched about the deadlift though! 60# PR wtf happened there? Well it was awesome!