Fitness: Snatch Pull + Snatch
Work up to a medium heavy load on the complex, aim for a few pounds heavier than last week.
Performance: Snatch: 80%-90% x 1 x 3-5
Warm up and perform 3-5 singles between 80% – 90%.
Snatch Pull: 3 x 3
Pull more weight than last week.
For more information about the snatch pull, check out this article and video.
Snatch Balance: 1-1-1-1-1
To learn more about the Snatch Balance, check out this article and video.
For Time:
50 Burpees
Post workout results to comments.
Steph M going to work on Pull-Ups
CFSBK at CrossFit 718’s Summer Games
The following teams will represent CFSBK at Crossfit 718’s Summer Games this Saturday, July 25th. The first workout is scheduled to kick off at 12:45pm, all are encouraged to BYOB and BYO beach chair and cheer on our teams! More info can be found here
Swole Patrol: Coach Whit & Brendan N.
Quad City: Coach MeLo & Alex B.
Snatch & Jerk: Lauren S. & Alex N.
Coach Fox & Coach Lady Fox
South Brooklyn Terps: Coach K-Harpz & Jason M.
Good luck teams!
Why compete?
By Chris Fox
As a youth I was not very involved in competitive sports, so I can’t speak to that angle on why competition is a healthy aspect of training as an adult. Sure, I’ve played some pick up football, basketball, rugby, baseball, etc…but the consequences were only week to week, never having long lasting meaning to me. As an adult I have found new meaning in what training and testing mean to me. I’ve trained with intention and set performance goals for more than a decade and found Crossfit within the past 6 years. Crossfit was the first time that I had ever really tested my performance in a competition setting. The beauty of Crossfit, and the related fitness sports that go along with it like powerlifting, olympic lifting, strongman/women, adventure races, etc… is that while you are ‘competing’ with the people you’re sharing floor/track/trail/platform space with, you must also compare your performance to your own previous performances. Sometimes the goal may be to only finish an event. First time out? Just get through it with success. Other times it may be to best your previous years placement or possibly to achieve a top place in an event. In my case the goal is to get better as an athlete and to not slip backward as the competitive environment gets more and more, well, competitive.
I’ve no illusions of winning any powerlifting meets, olympic meets, the Crossfit Games, or even any of the local throwdown style events. Does that mean that my participation is silly? Hell NO! I get to hang with some cool folks, push my limits, and measure where I lay not only in comparison to my fellow athletes but also in relation to my previous self. As a (very) soon to be 40 year old male, society would have me believe that my best days are behind me. I respond with a resounding “NOT” and strive year after year to be a bit better that the me from the year before. I enjoy the process, the goal setting, and the satisfaction of knowing that I prepared for an event as best as I could. Or, in learning what I might do differently the next go around.
We test ourselves day in, day out at CFSBK. There are metrics to be recorded for sure, and you should be tracking them regularly. I encourage you all however to step outside of your comfort zone once in awhile and and test your performance in those not so cozy places where the others are. You might find out that you hate it, but you might also find out that it inspires you to be better or at least have some outside of the box fun. At the very least you’ll have learned something about yourself.
Understanding Volume JTSStrength
Have you ever had a dream like this???
Been meaning to write a quick congratulations to Rob U on that deadlift from the Strength Total – way to go!!
I've missed a few days in South Brooklyn, had to go up to Burlington VT to p/u my daughter who was at her first four-week sleepaway camp. While I was up there, I popped into Crossfit Burlington. There are four or five in the neighborhood, but this was the one within walking distance of downtown where I was staying.
The workout was an ascending ladder of 10-20-30-40-50 reps with a time cap (this is the part i cant remember) of 22 mins: abmat situps, hand release pushups, double unders and rowing 10x's the reps – so 100m, 200m, etc). I almost finished with 400m when they called time. Only a few people were able to finish the 50 round. Everything went well – even the du's which i was able to string 5 to 10 together – except the pushups. I lost my pu's in the 30 round and could only get through the 40's two and one at a time.
As far as a review of the place: they were great, very welcoming and very accommodating to me. They didn't do the round of 'intros and q.o.d." which i always miss, but I haven't seen another crossfit do that except SBKlyn. The group class I watched, and the one I participated in seemed to have a very good vibe and they all cheered each other; as they did for me when I was struggling to get my work done.
The only odd thing about the place, and this isn't a criticism, but an observation, is that they don't post the workouts. So i really didn't know what was going on until I got there. The owner, very nice guy, very friendly, said they never post the workouts.
I'm not sure why, maybe the mystery of not knowing the wod inspires people to show up. But it seems like it would preclude the cycles of lifting that we go through. Although I can't say for sure – maybe they do have programmed lifting and just don't write about it, dunno .
All in all, would highly recommend Crossfit Burlington for the location (one mile from downtown burlington) atmosphere and hospitality. And the mystery aspect sort of threw me off, which was fine for one visit, but I am a creature of habit and I like the programming on DeGraw.
Oh, I forgot to point out that their facilities are very nice – large, open, they have a second building which was holding a yoga class when I left – varied stuff like a monkey bar course, some walls to climb over.
6am with JB and DO
Snatch: Hit 165# for my 1 x 4. Speed was good, and DO gave me a good tip to make sure I was getting mid-foot for setup. Will try for 170# next week.
Snatch Balance: Worked with MattyChm and got up to 165# on this as well.
Burpees: 1:44 for the 50 burpees. At rep 30 my legs started to lock up, at 40 I took a 1 second pause and then hit the gas for the remaining 10. My heart is still racing.
I 8> burpees.
Richard, I've been to quite a few boxes that don't post the WOD. I kind of hate it, especially lately, because I've been injured for so darn long and I don't really want to show up to a box where they don't know me only to find out that the WOD is entirely composed of things I'd have to modify or scrap altogether. Or at least, if I do, I want to be prepared with ideas for substitutions so I'm not taking the coach's time away from regular members. "Hi, you don't know me, but can you make up a completely different WOD on the spot?"
I hasten to say that emailing ahead of time can tell you a lot about whether a box is prepared to deal with injured people. Most of those I've gotten in touch with have responded enthusiastically and made it clear that they're not only glad to help someone who's hurt, but also knowledgeable enough to do so. But there have definitely been a couple of places I've visited in the past (fortunately, NOT while injured) that I would not trust my safety to while injured.
Anyway, that was a total digression…suffice it to say that I'm glad SBK posts WODs, and not just because it gives me a little time before I get to class to come up with injury subs.
Fun 6am class with DO and JB
Snatches at 135#.
Snatch pulls at 180#.
Snatch balance at 155#.
Finished the burpees in 2:23 and I'm not sure I could have gone faster. By the way, if you are ever in the mood for a big slice of humble pie do a burpee test next to Michael A. and BK.
Rare 7am today with DO and JB. Was at work until 11:30 last night and slept through the alarm.
Snatch: worked up to 75kg, which is right at 90%. It was not very consistent though. Made 2 and missed 2.
Snatch balance: left shoulder is grumpy again so packed it with a band instead of the snatch balance. I focus all my mobility efforts on hips, ankles, and knees… Think I need to start giving my shoulders some love on a regular basis.
50 burpees in 2:17.
6am with JB and DO
Snatch: Worked up to 100#. Need to focus more on catching these lower. But happy to be doing this pain free and back at my old weight.
Snatch Balance: Worked up to 100#. Helpful cues from JB to help me find the bottom of my OHS which I always think is about 2" higher than it is.
Burpees in 2:21. First 43 felt great, last 7 felt like death. I cannot even imagine how it's possible to take 37 seconds off that time into Michael A territory.
Nice post Richard. My old box in Ann Arbor did intros, but had another tradition: on someone's birthday everybody had to do a round of burpees corresponding to that person's age. Being pretty old, I didn't reveal my birthday, which would have meant punishment for all.
7am @ local gym
Taking a break from SC, so I've been dropping in to my local gym once a week. But I desperately miss CF and may even make an appearance in group class one of these days… or maybe OG one a Friday.
LBBS: 115lbs 5 x 3
I dropped weight considerably to something I know I can keep form.
Press: 55lbs 3, 3, 4, 3
Was going for a 2 x 3 with a rep out, but then I hit 4 and that was it. So I went for anther set.
Deadlift: 155lbs x 5
Not bad. Couldn't bail weight so it was harder on the way down.
make up post for yesterday:
(morning: short jog on beach + about an hour of paddling and catching a few waves)
30 cal row: 1:53
20 HSPU: broken up 4×5 kipping with lunges in between
30 OH fwd lunges, altnerating, Fat Bar @ 80#: 3×10… this was rough
snatch drills
3 position snatch: 63, 83, 93, 93
terrible. caught almost everything at 93# in a power snatch.
R ankle was feeling quite funky afterward… part of me wonders if my body is hesitant to pull under quickly because my body is a bit unstable… R ankle, L knee/hip. who knows.
was looking fwd to a long training session today, but Penny took another turn in this week's never-ending saga of weird symptoms so we went back to the vet instead :-/
Michael A is insaaaane! Amazing.
Snatch: 45,50,55 felt great. 57.5: Did one rep and hit it, but I pulled to soon before it fully hit my hips. Tried to hit it 3 more times, trying to demonstrate patience and take my time on the pull. The pulls were successful and I got the bar high, but I needed to commit to getting under it. Helpful advice from Fox about pulling patiently, generating the most momentum from my hips, keeping a wider grip so the bar won't come out from my hips, and using a 22# bar since it's thinner.
Snatch balance: 60. Hit one rep, then bailed the bar two more times. :/
Burpees: 2:30. I definitely pushed myself, apparently I could've pushed more to compete with these morning folks! Got the amazing Crossfit throat burn I rarely ever get. CAN'T believe how fast people are doing these!! 2:20, etc… 1:41!?!? Quite impressive.
Great write-up Rich! Please remember to put it in the travel gym recommendations!
Some gyms don't post workouts thinking that their members will cherry pick and perhaps they want the allure of the "unknown/unknowable" element to CrossFit which is fine for competition and occasionally but in my experience people really love knowing the workout and knowing that the gym has taken the time to plan ahead.
9:30am Power Hour With Todd
Voodoo Wrap Wrists
Crossover Symmetry
70kgs (154lbs) on the minute for 10 minutes
Deadlift + Hang Squat Clean + Split Jerk
Worked up to 85kgs (187lbs) for two.
Good Oly session today, didn't miss a single rep.
4 Rounds for Time:
65m Heavy Sandbag Carry 70lbs? (gym to 3rd ave)
65m Heavy Medball Carry 80lbs (3rd to Gym)
50 Double Unders
Did this with Todd so we alternated implements for the "run". Finished in 12 something I think.
Its so nice out!
6am w/ JBDO. Worked up to 135# w/ power snatches. I missed a couple due to a soft catch. JB mentioned to narrow my catch stance. Balance snatch: 135-140(f)-140(f)-140. Same problem as the power snatch. Metcon: 2:02 Rx. Tried to keep up with Michael.
Fun 5:30 with Whitney and 'Ro. I haven't come in on a Thursday in months!
First snatching in a while. Worked up to a single at 143 on the fitness complex, which that last rep went really well. The biggest trick for me is getting aggressive. That and remembering how to snatch. #betheblob
I'm shocked that the burpees went so well for me. Finished in 2:32 with a very consistent pace. Wasn't even broken after – winded, for sure, but not hurting like I expected… should have picked a slightly faster pace.
Also- I really liked the article from Fox. I'm going to sign up for the subway series. Competing IS fun even if I'll come in last place!
5:30 class with whit and Ro
Worked up to 185 x 5 on the snatch. Failed 2 but the other 3 were solid
My hands are pretty beat up from Monday so I had to tape them up like a damn mummy
Did snatch pulls at 225 which was heavy but doable. Definitely not overhead anytime soon.
Worked up to 198 on the snatch balance
3:01 on the burpees
Overall my hands just hurt from some tearing and blisters, going away this weekend so they'll rest a bit with beer curls and tequila super sets!
managed to do a quick WOD before coaching tonight. modeled off the outlaw/comp WOD, with some slight adjustments… no DU's cuz ankle feels funny, and wanted to get more volume in on TTB than a max effort would allow. also no rest 🙂 thanks to Trevor for hopping in.
15 Slamball (20#)
10 TTB
Time: 6:29
TTB: 5-5 on first round, then 4-3-3 on all others. Slamball unbroken. Fun burner.
Fitness snatch: 53-58-63-68-73-78-83 fail x3, 83, 88 (f)
I failed three attempts @83#. I was soft at the bottom and soft in my catch (my lats are sore from trying butterfly pull-ups on Tuesday). Ro said I was doing an AMRAP (ie not resting enough), so instead of taking 30s to 1 minute breaks, I upped it to 3 minutes and then I hit the 83# on my fourth attempt. Thanks, Ro!
Snatch balance: 53, 63, 73, 78, 83, 88, 93, 98 (f) I know I squeezed in too many lifts in such a short time (again!), so I should have just started at a higher weight. My lats were just sooo tired so I doubted myself.
Burpees in 3:14. Even paced. Need to get faster at these.
Just saw the Constance / DO commercial on ESPN! I am so proud!