Coach Jeremy competing in the 2008 CrossFit Games at “The Ranch” in Aromas, Califorina.
The Little Things
Here are some little amenities and services you may not know we have.
Loaner Bike Lock and Bike Pump: Got all the way to the gym and forgot your lock? We’ve got a Kryptonite U Lock at the gym you can use to keep your wheels safe. This is not a substitute for bringing your lock consistently! Also if you’ve got a flat tire there is a pump by the roll-up gate.
Hair Ties: Need to tame your locks? There are free hair ties for members available at the front desk. We got you!
Stickers: Rep CFSBK! Grab a free sticker or two at the front desk. Tom S has been notoriously tagging ski reports around the country with the old skull and bones.
Tape: Need to wrap your thumbs for snatching or wrists for everything? There is always athletic tape at the front desk. Ask a coach regarding how and why to use it if you’re curious.
Espresso: There is a Nespresso machine on the kitchenette in 597. Nespresso pods are $1 each, there is a small red bucket to throw a buck in. Caffeine is an ergogenic aid!
Shower stuff: There is soap, shampoo and conditioner available in the showers as well as body lotion on the counter. We’ve also got a hair driers and towels. <GYM PSA> The towels are for shower use only, please do not bring them onto the gym floor. Also no human being needs more than two towels AT MOST.
Things for your Kids: At the couch area in the front there are Legos, cards, Jenga, coloring books and paper, crayons, markers and educational kids books about art, history and science. They’ll probably just be on their ipads but.. we’re just saying they’re there.
Finally, not an amenity but did you know we post the following day’s workout as the first comment on rest days? #knowledgeispower
Here are the weighted vests Games athletes will be wearing for “Murph”
Here is what Nike parked in front of the Stubhub Center
Annie Thorisdottir as Drago
A Beginners Guide to CrossFit by Greg Glassman CrossFit
A Brief History of Timekeeping SciShow
Front Squat
Fitness 3×3 LP Add 5-10 lbs to last week
Performance 3×3 Add 5-10 lbs to last week
5 Rounds for Max Reps
1 Minute Row (cals)
1 Minute Ring Dips or Push Ups
1 Minute Kipping Pull Ups or Ring Rows
1 Minute Rest
Cash Out:
75 Hollow Rocks in as few sets as possible
HBBSQ, 185x3x3. I felt SO fatigued going into this. Guess two days off in a row are not a good thing.
WOD, I haven't done the math yet but I did situps instead of pushups, and ring rows instead of pullups. Still not ready to do either pushups or pullups for heavy volume.
I seriously just want to melt into a puddle on the floor now and not move for the next several hours.
I love special hidden features! I have taken advantage of:
-bike lock
-hair ties
-espresso for the first time last week to help get me through a heavy five squat, it worked, 15# increase!
Other favorite added value stuff:
-Crossover symmetry
-Mobility gadgets of all kinds, especially the voodoo bands lately.
Bike ride to Fort Tilden yesterday with Charlie, Next Level Weightlifting this morning — all i can say is tiring but fun.
In class, we did 5 sets of 5 jerks in a row. Low weight it's true but that was taxing. Worked on snatch singles at a heavier percentage. I am needing to work on punching arms. Then clean pulls and front squats.
Tomorrow — 40 miles on bike as part of the "Epic Ride." Oy.
6am, doing yesterday's work with McDowell. I worked up to 115 on the snatch pull/snatch complex. Pulls still feel weird, but I can definitely see the benefit. Snatches felt good, though as usual I could have gotten lower under the bar more quickly. I worked up to 110 on the snatch balances (75×2; 85×2; 95×1; 105×1; 110×1, 100×1). I need to do about 10,000 more of these. I don't necessarily want to, but it'd improve my snatches by a lot.
I did the 50 burpees in 3:10. I was hoping for a sub-3:00 time, but I'm not too bummed about this. I hope we test this again before too long.
Best gym ever.
Good morning with McD…Snatch up to 165…and then all over working on getting tighter at the start…and getting my eyes up!
Snatch Balance starting @ 145 up to 185 w/ 5# jumps
50 burpees – 2:18…didn't stop, just couldn't go any faster on those last 20…1:44 is an absolute joke.
6am with burpee loving JB. I'd like to see a JB vs Michael A burpee throw down.
FSQ – 175 x 3 x 3. Still moving well. Like my HBBS need to focus on being back more on my heels.
WOD- Kept the 6amers in suspense since it wasn't posted before class. Somewhere around 215 reps total with push-ups and kipping pull-ups. Averaging 21 cal on the row, 13-14 push-ups, and 9-10 pull-ups. Kip fell apart starting in round 4 but at least I didn't tear. My hands are still on fire.
I planned on doing the cash-out in 3 sets of 25. My plan did not work.
Yesterday did not go as planned.
I've been feeling some nervy pain in my left arm/ biceps after I squat heavy, most likely connected my very low bar position. Tried to adjust and it all fell apart, and I had a bit of a meltdown. Anyway here is what I did…
Squat- unbelted
45 x 10, 95 x 5, 135 x 4, 165 x 4, 185 x 4, 225 x 4*, 225 x 1, 135 x 5
So 225 x 4 felt light!! But I seemed to lose tension or something in the later reps which may be what is causing my tendency to collapse my chest under the heavier weights so tried to do the same weight with the bar a little higher but everything felt wrong. Found a spot on my shoulder/trap with the LAX ball which seems to be where the issue is stemming from.
Bench Press
45 x 5, 75 x 4, 95 x 4, 115 x 3, 120 x 2(6.5RPE) 125 x 2 (8RPE) 130 x 2(9RPE)
Arm was sore. I guess this is a clear warning that I may be about to cause myself an injury so I need to be VERY careful. Thanks Margie for being the voice of reason.
Got over it and, as mentioned above, went for a long ass bike ride to Fort Tilden with Amanda… THANKS AMANDA!!!! And ate some fish and chips and went swimming and had the best day.
Feeling very grateful right now for all of the things I am capable of doing. I never would have been able to do something like that a few years ago.
Life is so much better as a strong, somewhat fearless human being.
WU: 3 Rounds:
4-5 strict HSPUs with 2 ab mats
10 front squats with the 45# bar
4-5 practice kips for T2B
Front Squat:
Drop set at 95#. Paused at the bottom, then half way up, then went back down and all the way up. Did this three times. DO had me do this to work on the fact that my knees crash in on the way up when I front squat. It helped a lot because for the first time I could feel the point at which my knees start buckling. Normally I don't feel it until it's too late and I'm correcting it. Excited to work this into regular warmups and during front squats.
Row: 14, 15, 14, 14, 14
Pushups: 14, 13, 12, 11, 12
Kipping Pullups: 10, 10, 11, 10, 11
Total Reps: 185
Rows were consistent. I could usually get one cal per pull/pull and a half. I knew my pushups wouldn't be strong as they are a constant work in progress. I was disappointed in my low volume of pullups! I thought I could get 15 each round. I had trouble pushing off the top to get a strong kip. I think I was just tired from the pushups which were immediately before the pullups. I tore on the last rep. I felt it happening and should have just stopped. Not worth it for one rep.
Free hair ties – YES!!!
Matt Fraser coming in 2nd on Murph! Really impressive start.
OG LIfts
Last Heavy day before the meet next weekend!
355×5 (PR)
These felt heeeeaaavy, but the video shows that they moved well.
Decided to test a touch and go with Ro after a heavy paused single.
255 (paused PR)
I'll try 275 again after the meet and without any paused reps on the way up.
Felt good.
Felt good, no hammy issues like last Friday, but..I thought I was going to pull sumo next week and now am not entirely sure. FUCK!
Just saw the progenex commercial with Constance and DO!!! Love it!!
I just saw the commercial too! It made me so proud of our gym and DO!
I'd pay to see jb vs. Michael a with burpees!
Way to go, Charlie & Amanda!
3 rnds:
15 white KB swings
20 ab mat situps
Rope climb
DL 145x5x3
BP 78 5×3- keeping a wider grip thanks to Margie
13:00 DU practice
5 HSPU- 1 ab mat
OG is fun!