Fitness and Performance
Snatch 1-1-1-1-1
Work up to a new 1RM or heavy single for the day.
“OPEN Workout 14.1”
As Many Rounds as Possible in 10 Minutes of:
30 Double Unders
15 Power Snatches 75/55
This workout has appeared twice in the CrossFit Open, most recently in 2014. The top scores in the world are are listed below. To see a side by side comparison of these incredible performances, click here.
Dan Bailey: 10 Rounds + 11 Double Unders (461 Reps)
Samantha Briggs: 10 Rounds + 22 Double Unders (472 Reps)
75 Hollow rocks in as few sets as possible
Post workout results to comments.
Flashback to the set-up for one of last year’s Subway Series events held at CFSBK.
CFSBK currently has 23 athletes signed up to compete this year and there is still plenty of room left! If you’ve got questions about the Subway Series, post to comments and we’ll do our best to answer
- Tuesdays “Keep Hope Alive” CrossFit commercial with CFSBKer Constance T has racked up over 40,000 views in the last two days alone! Thanks for sharing everyone! It was also shared on Huffington Post!
- We need Judges and a score keeper for our Subway Series event on 8/23! Judges are expected to monitor range of motion and reps for each workout. DO will do a session to review movement standards and protocol before the event. The Score keeper needs to do data entry on the scoring system and should be comfortable with spreadsheets. Please email David (AT) if you’re interested.
Preparing to CrossFit Total
By Coach Fox
“What are you hoping to hit for the CrossFit Total?”. When your mate asks you this question you may exaggerate a bit but when it comes time to get under a bar you’d better have a plan. Here’s how.
1- Take it easy in the gym or rest completely for a day or two prior to doing a CFT. If you were going to total on a Saturday it would be a good idea to work at 70% or so effort on Thursday, rest completely on Friday (maybe some light mobility work or active recovery type stuff) and go for it on Saturday. Make sure your nutrition is in line with your goals. Do you want to perform well on the total? Do you think that boozing it up the night before and eating offensive (for you) foods will help, or hinder, that performance? If you take your training seriously and want to better yourself then act like it.
2- Have goals. Know what numbers you’d like to hit. You can take numbers that you’ve been working at recently and extrapolate 1RMs using a nifty 1 Rep Max Calculator. Preferably you will have some rep maxes in the 2-5 rep range since the further away you get from that the less reliable the predictions become. If you haven’t been training long and don’t yet have any 2-5 rep max then use the CF Total to establish those and wait until next time around to do 1RMs. There is still so much learning to do on the lifts and hence no sense hitting 1RMs with such little experience, ego be damned.
3- Have a plan. Map out your warm ups. Today is not the day to be doing a metric ton of warm up reps. Let’s take a hypothetical lifter with a previous 1RM of 355 hoping to establish a new 1RM on the squat of 365lbs, his or her time under the bar should look something like this.
45×5, 135×5, 185×5, 225×3, 275×3, 315×1, then
1st attempt – 335
2nd attempt – 355
3rd attempt – Set a new 1RM at 365
Establishing a new 1RM of 185 with a previous best of 177.5 might look like this.
45×5, 75×5, 105×5, 125×3, 145×1
1st attempt – 165
2nd attempt – 177.5
3rd attempt – 185
This is obviously subject to change depending on how the warm ups feel and how the 1st two attempts go. Maybe you have more in you than you and the 1RM calculator thought you did, but maybe you don’t. As Rip says “Don’t be pig-headed. If your first attempt tells you that you need to lower your second, do so, without a misplaced sense of diminished self-worth. It’s a test, and it’s designed to measure what’s there, not create something that’s not. That’s what training is for.” There is a world of difference between training and testing, but that is an entirely different topic. Just remember that today is a test day.
4- Realize that the press is a finicky lift. Gains made are often small and hard won. To go from a 1RM of 85 to 87 represents a 2.5% increase. If you have been training long enough you may (read should) be thankful for this type of increase. My point is to say that you should not be greedy with the press. Instead be frugal and take small rewards. Also, don’t overdo the warm ups as this lift fatigues quickly. Usings the example above of hoping to set a new 1RM of 87, here’s a possible warm up scheme.
33×5, 53×3, 63×2, 73×1, 77×1
1st attempt – 81
2nd attempt – 85
3rd attempt – 87
5- The deadlift will be largely warmed up by the squat and will not need a lot of warm up reps on it’s own. Here’s an example of the above 365 squatter hoping to establish a new 1RM of 405 with a previous best of 395
135×5, 225×3, 315×1, 365×1
1st attempt – 385
2nd attempt – 405
3rd attempt – Go for it, it’s the last rep of the day!
6- You need to rest between attempts (possibly 3-5 minutes) and if you are doing the CrossFit Total in a group class, you also have time constraints. During the warm ups is not the time to dilly-dally and wonder what you should load on the bar next. Having a plan allows you and your rack mates to move smoothly through the warm ups and into the reps and allows time to rest between attempts. If you don’t have a plan you will also cost your rack mates valuable time…don’t be that guy or gal.
The CrossFit Total should be a fun day where you get to move some heavy weight around but that doesn’t mean don’t take it serious, too. Approach each lift with intent, unrack each squat from the uprights with authority and readiness, set up with a BIG BREATH for all your attempts today. And if you don’t 1RM but gave your all, then celebrate that as well and live to lift another day. You’re a TFBA for showing up regardless.
An interesting look at the Games programming from The Outlaw Way
The Timmy Brothers: Water Makers
CrossFit Total
Back Squat 1-1-1
Press 1-1-1
Deadlift 1-1-1
If you can't stay over class time you may end up only performing two lifts if the deadlifts bleed over.
Snatch (in kgs)
40×3, 50×2, 60×2, 70×1, 75×1, 80(M), 80×1, 70×1, 70×1
80 is my best snatch since before I hurt my back last fall. Everything went pretty smoothly today up through 75. The miss at 80 was just not locking out aggressively enough. The make was a little high, but otherwise pretty solid.
14.1 – 6 rounds + 30 DU (300 reps). Exact same score as the last time I did this. Would have liked a couple extra reps at least, especially since I felt like I was moving better than last time.
6am with David
Snatch 75 x 3, 85 x 2, 95 x 2, 100 x 1, 105 x 1, 115 x 1, 125 x 1, 135F
Credit to DO for really pushing me on the weight. Snatch is still newish to me but 125 is 25# higher than my previous max. I pulled 135 high enough but just didn't commit to dropping under the bar. Next time.
WOD – 3 rounds + 4 DU, rx'd. First time doing a barbell snatch in a metcon so was happy with the result. Shocked myself with my DU's and was able to get through 30 in 2-4 sets each time. Although I was so sweaty that even the chalk couldn't help my grip on the bar…
Squats last night at 7:30
I ended up hitting 300×3, 305×3, and 310×3. Weird thing – my first rep in each set invariably sucked and was really slow, grindy, and sticky. However, reps 2 & 3 of each set improved markedly. I had to remind myself each time to stay tight and keep tension all through the lift, rather than just dropping. Last time I did a 1rm it was around 330, so I'm hoping to add to that this Saturday.
For the WOD, I used a 24kg bell and did 5 rounds plus 5 swings. Being under the fan didn't even remotely help with the heat.
Glad to see 14.1 on tap for today. I really like this one.
Rudy loves to defend the Games, but I do think there is a way to make an event challenging but still accessible. 2 women out of the whole field being able to get past the very first part of the workout (and still not get close to finishing) seems like poor planning, plain and simple.
I thought this article better summed up how I started to feel about the Games as the bodies started to pile up:
SWEAT SESSION x a billion today.
Coached 10am, then I demo'd a bunch of stuff for the standards video for our subway series event with Fox… nothing that strenuous, but we had to turn all the fans off and I was POURING sweat. quite the warm up! did 10 min mobility, snatch drills.
63: high hang x3, hang x2, floor x2. focus on staying connected and pulling under. it was very helpful that david was drilling the 10am class on this at the same time and I got to see him do it.
KILOS today to try to trick my brain a bit:
57: F, F, F, MAKE on the 4th attempt! PR!! 57 kg = 125.4# , previous best was 123#
I knew I could hit this today. I made 121 with the men's bar as a power snatch in the competition this past weekend, so knew I just needed to commit to pulling under and punching up in a good receiving position. I did pretty well getting under all the attempts, but they were slightly out in front and just not committed. When I finally hit it, it felt smooth and easy and I came right out of the bottom. Seems like it's often that way: when you do it right, it really works!!!
The journey to bodyweight snatch continues. This is about 93%
Then, Open WOD 14.4, just because…
60 cal row
50 TTB
40 wall ball (14#, 9')
30 cleans (95#)
20 MU
172 reps (got through 22 cleans by 14min mark). This is a 7-rep improvement from when I did it during 2014 open. A bit disappointing! I thought I could make it through the cleans for sure. They felt like 125, not 95.
Row in 4:09
TTB: 5-5-4-4-3-3-3-3-3-2-2-2-1
WB: 15-15-10 (much better than last time!)
Cleans: 5-5-5-3-4… tried for a 5th rep on that last set and the bar literally flew out of my exhausted, sweaty hands. Last year I did these as all singles, and I debated if this would've been a faster way to chip through them and maintain some sort of steady HR without needing to rest so much.
Finished the last 8 cleans (3-3-2) by about 15:40, then tried for a MU. Missed the first one (not tight enough in the swing), then got 1 by 17:40. Called it.
If anyone wants a banging smoothie recipe: frozen cherries + acai packet + a small amount of your milk of choice + 1 tbsp peanut butter + chocolate protein powder = PERFECTION.
Hey SBK riders–can anyone recommend a motorcycle mechanic for a 1980 Honda Hawk 400? I'm looking for someone who is less flaky than the one I have now, please!
vrrrooommm (soon I hope)
Everyone should watch "Road to Conviction"! (Episode 1 was posted on the blog yesterday) I watched the entire season and it's super inspiring. Also, it was filmed during the '14 open, so you see the protagonist do 14.1 ~4 times to improve his score.
4:30 w Whit
Snatch: Stuck at 55#. Finally understood "pulling yourself under the bar" after a helpful warm-up from Whit. Gotta drill technique in order to move forward with load.
WOD: 3rnds + 15 DUs +10 snatches @42#
Hard! Proud of my DUs, albeit, they were single/single/DUs… I still did 15 of that combo every round. Was the first time I actually went for DUs in a WOD!
I plan on watching them all and will be posting them on the blog. I heard from a few different people/sources that they were really good so I figured I'd check it out. Glad you liked them!
39kg, 42, 45, 47, 49 ffff
10min AMRAP
30 DUs
15 Power Snatches @25kg/55#
4 rounds + 14 DUs
Frustrated not to have my rope — I think I could have done 30s unbroken w my rope. DUs were feeling great when we did the DU/DB Snatch work out last week, but I haven't seen my rope since… (If anyone has seen it, light blue again faster w my name on handle).
Hard to hold the bar with the constant stream of sweat today.
I felt kind of sick after this.