Coach David visited Crossfit Medis on his last day of vacation in Stockholm, Sweden. He had a great class at this small gym with good coaching and a great crew. He recommends them for a drop-in if you’re in the area, and he will write a full review soon.
This Week at CFSBK in Review
1. The showers and plumbing are back up and working at 608. David made a bad joke and posted a photo of the carnage it took to get things back in shape on Instagram. Thanks for your patience, and enjoy some cold showers!
2. The Fifth Annual Subway Series is coming for us this August. If you’re interested, register ASAP, because spots will sell out very soon. Check out Asta F.’s insane photos from the event at CFSBK last year to get hyped.
3. Mary M. is starting a Whole30 in July, and is also organizing a potluck on July 18th in Prospect Park. Even if you’re not uber Paleo, you should still come. And if you’re that person, you should bring alcohol. And probably a beach ball.
4. Dude, horseback riding. Interested in a riding day trip involving horses on Sunday, July 12 in the Hudson Valley? It’s beginner-friendly if you’re not already friendly with odd-toed ungulate mammals and costs $95. Email Mare [at] by next Tuesday if you want in.
5. Sean “Diddy” Combs recently tried to assault someone with a kettlebell. What’s even funnier than that was previous Athlete of the Month Matt C.’s response to our blog QOD on Wednesday about how else one might repurpose CrossFit equipment. He wrote: “I think the weight vests double pretty efficiently as bullet proof vests. Sometimes I wear my weight vest around town to run errands and I find myself thinking, “Go ahead roof top sniper. Take your best shot. You will be sadly disappointed when I get back up and dust myself off.”
6. Thomas H. snapped some sweet action shots of past Athlete of the Month Michael C. Also, Thomas used to work as a professional sports photographer. Point, CFSBK.
7. So many of you were born this week! HBD to all we missed, and here’s a friendly PSA: If you don’t get a birthday shout-out on the blog, it’s because you haven’t shared your birthday with the Front Desk. We do not have mysterious psychic powers that tell us when you were born. We want to know this information, and if in return, you would like us to know this information, please tell our friendly folks at the Front Desk the day on which you entered the world.
8. There are many upcoming competitions! Check out Tuesday’s post to learn more, and our event page for the Starting Strength Fall Classic, which is close to selling out.
9. JJ is in Hawaii (so we should feel bad for all the ugly things she’s been forced to look at) and she wrote some recommendations for gyms in our Travel Gym Recommendations forum. If you’ve been traveling recently, you should write one, too!
10. Alona K. got her first chin-up! Congrats, Alona!
Supreme Court of the United States Slip Opinion, Obergefell v. Hodges