Clean and Jerk
Every 90 seconds for 12 Minutes (8 working sets):
Performance: 2 Tough-and-Go Power Clean + Hang Clean (full) + Jerk
Fitness: 3 Clean and Jerk (bail and reset each rep)
Start at 60% and add weight as appropriate.
Exposure 1/8
Post loads to comments
5 Rounds Not For Time or 15 Minutes:
30 Unbroken Double-Unders
10 Dumbbell Bench Presses, as heavy as possible
3-5 Strict Chin-Ups, as heavy as possible
Post rounds/time and Rx to comments.
If you cannot perform 30 unbroken doubles then practice for a minute and score how many you can link successfully. Work up to a heavy 10 on the dumbbell bench and a challenging 3-5 on the chin-up. That might mean adding weight on one end of the spectrum or using a thin band or light partner assist on the other end.
Check out Matt U.’s video from Fight Gone Bad 2012. We’ve got 2 days left, CFSBK! We’re way past our goal—which means that Brooklyn Community Foundation’s Board is going to match every dollar you’ve put in past $15,000. How can you get weird and up your game in the next couple days?
- Want your heat assignment? Get it here!
- Want to know what prizes you could win? Check out Tuesday’s post!
Congrats to those teams and individually topping our leaderboards on CrowdRise! Below are our top fundraisers from both the individual and team divisions (as of 9pm Wednesday 10/14). Fight of the Living Dead and I’m Not a Player I Just Squat a Lot are tied—who’s going to come out on top?
Top Five Teams:
- Fight of the Living Dead: $2,320
- I’m Not a Player I Just Squat a Lot: $2,320
- Hollywood Heavies: $1,985
- Gowanusaurus Rex: $1,170
- Stop With the Whining: $1,160
Top Five Individuals:
- Jay-Star.: $1,500
- Allie C.: $1,225
- Elyssa S.: $1,080
- Morit S.: $900
- Steve H.: $820
Send a last-minute email to your friends and family! Maybe something like this?
Dear ______ [insert name],
I know you probably think I’m bananas for doing CrossFit, but I love it so much—largely because my gym, CrossFit South Brooklyn, is so freaking awesome and doesn’t just care about getting “swole” (defined by the Urban Dictionary as the state of being very muscular and/or buff and in good shape), but we also care about helping our neighbors in Brooklyn.
That’s why I need your help! Through this fun competition we’re doing on Saturday, we’re raising money for a local organization called Brooklyn Community Foundation. BCF supports tons of great and important programs in Brooklyn.
Donate here, and I promise to send you a photo of me drenched in sweat after I crush this workout on Saturday. Also, I’ll love you forever!
XXOO _______ [your name]
Strength Training for Women T Nation
Gyms in 1940 were very odd
C&J work (in kg) 60- 65 – 70 – 75 – 80 – 85 – 85 – 85
All felt solid. Jerks got better as the weight went up
Got through 4 rounds of the NFT
DB bench 60 – 65 – 75 – 80
PU – 45x5x4 – left forearm is still a little wonky, so I didn't push it here. Getting better though.
6am with Jess and a rare appearance from Noah
Partnered with Michael A on the EMOM work. We started lighter than 60% at around 115# and ended at 185#. I didnt finish the last set because my left wrist mysteriously gave out on me and I don't want to screw things up before FGB.
NFT Work. In typical 6am fashion I was a little too social and only got through 4 rounds.
Hit 25# for 5 on the chin ups and 75# for 10 on the bench.
Finished up with a good group of us doing 3 sets of 10 GHD sit ups.
Make up post from 7:30 last night with JB and Melo
Perf. Squat: Fast and easy.
Metcon: Played around with stroke rate a bit just out of curiosity, even though FGB is not in the cards for me this year. Big pulls with a slow stroke rate seemed ideal because my HR wasn't spiked, but the higher stroke rating definitely felt easier. Were I doing FGB this year I think I'd keep the same strategy as last year and pull hard for 5 calories, and then coast nice and easy the rest of the minute. Rounds as follows:
24cal – 25-26spm
23cal – 22-23spm
23cal – 20spm
21cal – 18spm
23cal – 28-30spm
6am with Jess and Noah
Perf. C+J: Jerks were better in that I was getting down under the bar – something I'm consciously working on – as opposed to trying to rocket the bar all the way up overhead. Footwork still leaves something to be desired.
NFT work: Also only got through four rounds. Dubs were on target today. Tripped a few times in the first round but then found the timing and did the other three unbroken. DBBP at 40-50-55-60, but it was too easy. Any kind of DB work is always a crapshoot for me – the weights just don't register with me like the barbell and I always forget where I should be. Chins were all sets of 5 at bodyweight. Did not have the motivation to screw around with weighting them this morning.
Off to Austin, TX in a few short hours where I intend to check out Eastside Austin Elite/Exitium Crossfit based on Rio's recommendation in the travel gym write-ups. Have a great time at FGB everybody!
Hi everyone – our gym is holding a fundraiser for the Brooklyn Community Foundation THIS Saturday October 18. I know that many of you are avid crossfitters and I thought, hey, this is probably a great group of people to reach out to for help.. Any amount that you could contribute to the cause would be great. ($1, $2, $5, $10, $50, $100, $500 etc.) My team is named Fight of the Living Dead. Here is a link to our fundraising page:
Please remember to donate on behalf of me – Jay Reingold.
Together we can do amazing things!!!!!
Jay, I just gave you $10 because that post is really funny.
Last night at 7:30pm
Performance HBBS – (45×5, 135×5, 185×3) 225x7x4
Reps 6 and 7 in the last two sets felt a little slow, but overall no big deal. Hit everything without much of an issue. Came forward on my toes a couple of times because I was definitely trying to move quickly through the reps, so I need to watch out for that going forward.
For the rows, I hit 36-31-28-28-27, with damper settings at 7-8-9-8-7. I think I'll be looking at keeping the damper between 7 and 8 on Saturday. If I can get 20 calories a round in about 30-35 seconds, that would be nice.
w1 B
HBBS: x8 215#
BB Lat Pulls: EMOM 8' 3×10, 3×8, 2×5 135#
Yesterday's WOD: 5 rounds Row max cal 1'/2' rest
17, 17, 19, 20, 20
My HBBS were all over the place. Too far on my toes and, on the last rep, I felt my R knee drift inward while coming up. I will not go up in # next week.
I hate rowing. I openly wept as I watched the calorie counter not change.
Last time I posted the Mets won…so gonna go ahead and do this again.
7am with Jess and Noah. C&J @ 105# for the first few sets then dropped to 95# for the last five. This was way more of a gasser than I had anticipated. No fails and movements all felt good and snappy today.
NFT work I kinda sandbagged and only did 3 total rounds. DBs all at 40#, chin-ups @ bodyweight +10# for the second and third sets. Was caught kipping a little by accident on the first round. Didn't even realize it. I guess that means it's becoming more a part of the muscle memory — nice. DUs are still WIP and today wasn't my best day. Strung together 18 on my best set.
6am with Jess and Noah. I managed 6 C&J sets between 95lbs and 145 lbs. By the last couple of sets, my jerks got a little squirrelly. Noah and Jess both observed that I wasn't dipping straight down, so on the way up I was sending the bar in directions other than straight overhead. Something to work on.
I didn't feel like I was sandbagging, but I only completed 3 rounds of the NFT work. DU's were bloody awful with occasional sets of 10, but mostly just a short sets of 1-4 and assorted crap attempts. This is just a matter of doing way more of them. DB bench presses were with 45 lb. DBs and chin-ups were strict and unweighted. I'm looking forward to a day off tomorrow before FGB, so my quads can recover from being crazy sore (not sure what that's about – probably wall balls).
6am with Jess and Noah
C&J – Partnered with James. Started out at 115# and worked up to 145#. Probably should have gone a bit heavier but nice to work on squat clean form at a lighter weight, especially since I tend to power clean as it gets heavier. Was a bit chaotic to keep on the 90 seconds with a partner and changing weights.
NFT work. I feel like I was far less social than the rest of the 6am gossip crew and only got through 3 rounds. DUs were all unbroken. Two workouts in a row now with multiple rounds of unbroken DUs. Hopefully that transfers to harder workouts. 45-50-55 on the DB and 10-20-25 on the chin-ups. Then some GHD sit-ups as a cash out.
6am with Jess and Noah
Partnered on the cleans with Kayleigh: 83, 93, 103, 113, 118, 118, 123, 123. Pretty sure I got that right. I did the perf version and skipped the jerk. These started to get heavy quickly and it was a little chaotic trying to increase the weight between sets, but we managed to do a pretty good job of staying on track.
NFT work: I think I only got through two rounds+ DU. DU's were no good this morning. Bench press was 30, 35. Chin-ups were using the blue/red and then the blue band. I should do more of these since they don't seem to bother my shoulder like pull-ups do.
8x 3 power clean every 90 seconds
15 minute easy row
Question about tomorrow's workout: Will we have the option of today's workout and what would have been the first exposure to front squats, or other?
Michelle – yes, the options tomorrow will be today's programming or:
Front Squat
Performance Low – 65-70%x7x4
Fitness 3×8 Start light enough to add weight for a few weeks
500m Row
400m Run
Last heavy day before the meet next week.
Squat(1@9RPE, 2@9RPE, 2@10% BO)
45 x 10, 95 x 5, 135 x 4, 165 x 3, 185 x 2, 205 x 2, 225 x 1, 245 x 1, 265 x 1, 275 x 1 (10) 245 x 2, 225 x 2.
Definitely hit depth this time. Barely made the lift. Really didn't want to do the drop sets but made them lighter and got through them.
Press (1@9RPE, 2@9RPE, 2@10% BO)
45 x 5, 65 x 3, 75 x 1, 85 x 1, 90 x 1 (9), 85 x 2, 75 x 2.
Deadlift (1@9RPE, 2@9RPE, 2@10%BO)
135 x 5, 185 x 4, 225 x 2, 285 x 1, 305 x 1, 315 x 1, 320 x 1 (9) 300 x 2, 270 x 2
Deadlift felt much easier than Saturday somehow. Still hella heavy though.
I'm tired.
Partnered with Linda: 83, 93, 103, 113, 118, 118, 123, 123 (they are correct above). Failed on the hang clean of my first attempt at 123. It's a long time to hold onto the bar – just lost all energy. Probably went up in weight a little too quickly for the amount of rest – will remember for next time.
NFT with 25 and 30s for the bench, all but one set of DUs unbroken, and body weight chins that devolved to singles at the end.
Looking forward to Saturday!
Performance cleans: 185, 185, 205, 205, 225, 245, 265, 225
Got through 4 rounds with pull ups with a 35lb db and bench at 45, 65, 75, 80
Thanks Whitney and Noah for another great class!
I am new to Brooklyn and Crossfit South Brooklyn and I am looking for a place to live. Does anyone know of someone in need of a roommate? I have a 6 month dog and am looking to move in ASAP. If any room is available please email me at
Oy, I knew my clean & jerk was going to be a mess but I was hoping it would go a little better tonight. 6:30 class with McDowell and Whit/Dub Hub (unsure which is her given name).
Kept it light at 95 and 105#. Smashed myself pretty badly in the throat, feels un-good right now. Also once in the chin. I can clean a lot more than this, but I need to stick to these light weights until I can do them consistently. All sorts of bad habits today, coming forward onto toes, elbows too slow, etc.
WOD got messy pretty quickly for me, surprisingly sore from yesterday. Doubles 2xunbroken and 2×1 trip-up. Chin-ups surprisingly felt hard. Bench @ 60, 65, 65x9xF, 60x4xtime to go eat some tacos.
Fitness C&J: 63, 73, 73, 83, 83, 73, 73, 75.5. Got really tired at 83, so I went down. But man, I can feel the growth being made from these EMOM workouts! Technique got very solid and this was fairly heavy considering my 1RM is 100 and the number of reps I did today! LOVED it. Can't wait to get stronger 🙂
4 rounds: 4 strict BW chin-ups, 25# DB bench press (tried 30 and failed on rep 3 so stayed here every round), 10 DU attempts which were fairly good today (single/single/double)!
Can't wait for FGB! Tempted to front squat tomorrow at OG…but I don't know if I should before Saturday. : /
7:30 with Ro
63,68,73,78,83,83,88,93 (82% of 1rm)
Felt good. Very crisp through 88.
4 rounds + double unders.
Excited for Saturday!
8:00 Mobility
3 Rounds NFT
1:00 Row
12 Wall Balls with a pause at the bottom 14#/10'
24 Sit-Ups
Did the Fitness version of the three Clean and Jerks every :90
First set at 115
next two sets at 135
last 5 sets at 145
That was more of a metcon that I expected!
4 Rounds
10 DB Bench @ 50lbers
5 Chin-Ups (was too lazy to add weight)
Welcome Bryan! I'll keep you in mind if I hear of anything