Coach Nick is racing at the Head of the Charles in Boston this weekend—the largest rowing regatta in the world. His team is defending its title in the men’s masters eights (40+) division, representing Shannon Boat Club from Limerick, Ireland. Last year they set the course record, so we expect great things this time around!
- ALL REGULAR CLASSES ARE CANCELED TOMORROW. The Floater WOD is in the comments below.
- Want to compete in FGB but aren’t here this weekend? Or still want to compete tomorrow? Email Info [at] ASAP!
Tomorrow’s Schedule
Please check the heat assignments to see when you’re competing and judging tomorrow. Plan to arrive at least 20 minutes before your heat to get registered and ready. 608 will be available all day to warm-up. Your team captain will pick up shirts at the Front Desk when everyone on your team arrives. Immediately after your heat, there will be a team portrait taken outside, so look your best!
At the end of the day, we’ll have an awards ceremony and group picture. We encourage everyone to hang out, drink beers (provided by Ho’Brah Tacos!), and cheer on the other teams. If you’re in an early heat, please hang out and then try to make it back for the awards ceremony… especially if you’re going to the podium. The Brookyn Community Foundation will also be introducing themselves and talking about the Foundation throughout the day.
8:30am Gym Opens
9:00-2:00pm Fight Gone Bad Heats
2pm Group Photo
2:15pm Awards Ceremonies
Afterward, some folks will trek to Swan Dive on 480 Union Street around the corner from CFSBK for some food and (probably more) beer. It will probably be chilly, so bring extra layers!
Top 3 Individual Fundraisers
Top 3 Team Fundraisers
Top 3 Rx’d Male and Female Competitors
Top 3 Team Score Totals (mixed Rx’d and Scaled)
Movement Standards
Everyone competing in Fight Gone Bad tomorrow also has a judging assignment slot. Please come familiar with the movement standards so you can accurately perform and judge the workout. We’ll review that day, too. The box jump is still a CrossFit Games standard box jump, which means you’ll need to show extension and control at the top of every rep as opposed to being able to reach extension as you jumped off.
Box Jump: Demo Video
Men’s Rx: 20″
Ladies’ Rx: 20″
Additional option: 16″
Start: Standing on Ground
Finish: Standing on top of the box with knees and hips fully extended and under control. Athletes may bound or step down. Step ups are also acceptable.
Sumo Deadlift High Pull: Demo Video
Men’s Rx: 75lbs
Ladies’ Rx: 55lbs
Additional option: 35lbs
Start: Both plates on ground
Finish: Knees and hips fully extended and barbell at approximately collar bone height.
Wall Ball: Demo Video
Men’s Rx: 20lb ball, 10′ target
Ladies’ Rx: 14lb ball, 9′ target
Additional option: 10lb ball, optional target
Start: Hip crease dips below parallel
Finish: Ball hits ABOVE target line
No Scales
No ROM standards
Push Press: Demo Video
Men’s Rx: 75lbs
Ladies’ Rx: 55lbs
Additional option: 35lbs
Start: Bar in a racked position in front of shoulders
Finish: Knees, hips, shoulders and elbows fully extended with the barbell above the shoulders
If you need any additional modifications, don’t hestitate to let us know!
Don’t be afraid to call a “No Rep” on someone if they’re not meeting the standards! You’ll be doing them and the event itself a favor.
If you think you’ve got a top 3 score in you and want to go for the CFSBK Leaderboards, please let one of the coaches know ahead of time so we can communicate with your judge.
Team CFSBK raised over $20K for charity! Check out our CrowdRise page to see who our top teams and individuals are so far.
Friday Floater WOD
Front Squat
Performance: Low Intensity, 65-70% x 7 x 4
Fitness: 3 x 8 Linear Progression
Start light enough to add weight for a few weeks.
Exposure 1/8
Post loads to comments.
3 Rounds For Time:
500m Row
400m Run
Post time to comments.
Help! Our car battery died and we need a jump. Anyone with a car willing to give us a jump at some point today? We are parked a few blocks from the gym. I will reward you in beer and Canadian candies. Email me at mathew.a.katz at Gmail dot Com. Thanks!
Good luck tomorrow with FGB all!
I am spending the year in Los Angeles and even though I joined the "best" box in my area (they've sent teams to regionals the last few years) it is such a different experience from CFSBK. So I hope you all appreciate what you got! CFSBK is so much superior in terms of programming, coaches, people, equipment.
Plus having been "brought up" at CFSBK by "OCD David" I find myself horrified at the disorganization of my current box. Bands left hanging on racks, abmats and foam rollers lying around willy-nilly and – worst of all – bumps lying on a heap on the floor, green and blue and yellow all mixed up together!
I keep imagining DO and how horrified he would be!
Matt Katz I don't know how soon you need your car but I should be home by 5pm tonight. I have jumper cables and happy to give you a jump if you don't find anyone in the mean time.
w1 C
FSQs: x8 175# (tough, but moved well)
Matador & GHDs: 5×10
My upper arms (Humerus) are on the short side, so if I'm in the front rack position (with elbows up), the natural place for the bar to sit is inside my mouth. The struggle is real.
@MattyChm – no huge rush, I bet I can just grab someone who drives to FBG tomorrow worst case. Thanks!
I'll be driving to FGB tomorrow, Matt, if you still need a jump.
Front Squat
Stayed on the low end of the percentages. 7 is a lot but they moved well.
Babying the shoulder for bit.
5 RNFT (aka, very slow)
2:00 Row
10 Turkish Get Up Sit Ups Left
10 Turkish Get Up Sit Ups Right
Used a 12kg KB. Was originally going to do 5ea TGUs but the first few on my injured side proved a little painful.
Had a good conversation yesterday with Jason Fidler who assessed that I likely have a mild supraspinatus tear. That's a lot better news than the labrum tear I thought I had. I haven't been at all proactive with my own mobility and recovery for a while now…Shame on me…Setting a 10 min ea day goal.
Good luck to Nick and to my client Chris Ahrens, who is also doing the HOTC race with his old team!
Dates announced. Power Monkey Camp 5: April 24 – 30 2016. Be there – its fun! Early bird price before Jan 1.
I think we can swing a discount if we get five or so peoples
Felt a bit sick today so I skipped the metcon today and just did the lifting.
FSQ: 185x7x4
Thanks for the FGB Support!! Tell Elijah we said hi too!
Also yes, that is horrifying. You could print out the following articles and slip them under the office door anonymously if you're so inclined.
Best of luck to everyone competing in FGB tomorrow! I'll be cheering you on from the Shore.
Kick its ass, Nick!
I had today off so I luxuriated with a 10 AM class. Did the floater workout, snowflake style:
HBBSQ, 150x7x4. Felt easier than 145 did on Tuesday.
I totally NFT-ed the second half, riding the assault bike for 2:00 in place of rowing. Gawd, I need to heal up so I never have to get on that thing again.
Nick – Good luck!!!
Kick the tree Nick!