Bench Press
Work up to a heavy triple Bench Press. No failing.
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2 Rounds for Time:
800m Run
25 Dumbbell Push Press, Left
25 Dumbbell Push Press, Right
800m = 1 lap around the block + to 4th Ave. and back. Choose a heavy weight for the dumbbell that you have to break up the reps into 2-4 sets.
Henry P. fighting for it at the most recent Starting Strenth Program Total. There are still a few spots in the A cycle that begins tomorrow. Hurry up and get on it before it sells out!
- Be sure to submit your individual scores to the CrossFit Open website by 8pm tomorrow night. Team Captains: please submit your team score to the intramural spreadsheet by 12pm on Wednesday. Due to some weirdness with the Open leaderboard, we’ve extended that deadline to Wednesday.
Register Now For Starting Strength Program (formerly known as Strength Cycle)
We all want to get stronger. That’s because we implicitly understand that building strength is the foundation for increasing overall physical capacity. It has been proven again and again that lifting heavy primes our bodies to be more effective and efficient at metabolic conditioning workouts. Strength is the only mode of training that supports everything else we do in the gym and in life. Plus: it’s pretty badass.
Upcoming Program Times and Dates:
A cycle: Novice, 7pm Mon/Wed and 6pm Fri | Monday March 14th – Friday May 6th
All other cycles are sold out
Each cycle will culminate in a CrossFit Total on Sunday, May 8th.
Class Sizes: Space is limited to 4-8 participants
Class Length: 90 minutes
Cost: 3x Per Week Cycles:
$300 paid upon registration and then another $300 at the halfway point
Cost: 2xW Cycles:
$200 paid upon registration and then another $200 at the halfway point
Group Class/Open Gym/Active Recovery/Yoga/Pilates Add-On Option!
This add-on membership allows our 2x/week Starting Strength Program to attend two additional classes per week, outside of the regularly scheduled strength cycle classes. This includes group classes, open gym, and Active Recovery/Yoga/Pilates.
Price is $100 per four weeks, first bill due at sign-up and second bill ($100) charged automatically to the card on-file four weeks later. Register here!
Questions? Contact Coach Jeremy directly at Jeremy [at]
How to Bench Press with Mark Rippetoe Art of Manliness
Awkward Metal Band Photos