Clean and Jerk
Warm up to a Clean and Jerk weight slightly heavier than the one you’ll use in the metcon.
Be patient and don’t rush the pull from the floor.
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Exposure 3 of 8
5 Rounds for Time:
10 Clean and Jerk 135/95
400m Run
Should be a weight you can power clean and jerk with ease, possibly being able to do unbroken sets in the first few rounds.
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Matt E. pulls a heavy Deadlift | Photo by Thomas H.
Common Hands Farm CSA: Sign Up Today!
Happy Spring! Getting fit and eating well starts now. We have your direct hook-up to fresh produce grown upstate, and its time to sign up to reserve your membership today!
In its fifth year, Common Hands will deliver CSA shares right next door to 575 Degraw (Brooklyn Boulders) on Tuesdays from 6 to 8:30pm.
What is a CSA Share?
It is a membership to a farm where you get an exclusive deal on fresh organically grown vegetables delivered straight from the farm to you! Once you pay the upfront membership fee (payment plans available) you receive a weekly delivery from the farm starting in June through November.
Why Should You Join?
Beyond receiving freshly harvested and health-giving food, grown cleanly with no pesticides or herbicides, you are also putting your money where your mouth is, and supporting the local food economy. This is food from real farmers, and by buying a share you are supporting small organic farms. We grow food for you, period. We are not a distributor or large conventional farm with lots of employees, but real down to earth people. On our farm, a team of less than ten people work to grow food for upwards of 200 members each year… and we care what you eat!
We offer Full and Half Vegetable Shares that can be paired with the optional Full or Half Fruit & Egg Share. A Full Share picks up weekly, while the Half Share picks up bi-weekly. Veg shares are $615 for a weekly (“full”) share or $375 for an every-other-week (“half”) share. Fruit and eggs can be purchased in addition to Veg Shares and are bundled together: a full share is $280 and a half share is $140. Pending interest, Flower Shares may be available as well.
Remember, your pick-up location is just down the block at Brooklyn Boulders!
Go to for details or click here to sign up directly! Questions? Email the farm at commonhandsfarm [at] gmail [dot] com, or the gym’s CSA coordinator, Michele, at mignyc [at] gmail [dot] com.
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