Back Squat
3 x 5 Linear Progression
Add 5-10 lbs to last week or establish a 3RM.
3 x 2
Go heavier than last week or establish a 1RM.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 8 of 8
For Time:
270m Run
25 Toes-to-Bars
25 Burpees
25 Kettlebell Swings 32/24kg
25 Dumbbell Thrusters
25 Calorie Row
Sub Hanging Leg Raises or Hanging Knee Raises for T2Bs as needed. The swings are Rx’d as overhead. For the Thrusters, Rx the dumbbells at about 45% of your (total) bodyweight. The goal is to move quickly through this chipper and not get bogged down too much on any one movement.
Post time and Rx to comments.
Alex B. Power Snatching at last year’s Subway Series event at CFSBK
Tomorrow! The 2016 Subway Series Kicks Off at CrossFit Virtuosity!
Another year has gone by, and it’s time once again for an NYC affiliate throwdown: the sixth annual Subway Series! All NYC affiliates are invited to participate—the affiliate with the best overall score at the end of four events wins the Subway Series Trophy and bragging rights for a whole year! The first event of the year will take place at CrossFit Virtuosity in Williamsburg this Sunday, August 7th.
CFSBK is sending Jason C., Coach KHarpz, James A., and Brad D. to compete. The first event kicks off at noon. More event info, including the Scaled and Rx workouts, can be found here. Head up to Virtuosity on Sunday to watch our athletes kick some ass!
The 2016 CrossFit Games… Through the Eyes of a Powerlifter Massenomics
When Wellness Becomes Fitness CrossFit
Love today's links. The powerlifter one is funny and CrossFit KMC is amazing. Hope to see more of this type of thing in the future.
Worked up to 330 for a double which felt plenty heavy.
WOD Rx'd (40# DBs) in 11:57.
If anyone finds it, can you please put the little piece of my soul that I left on the erg in the L&F? Thanks.
8 AM with the comedy duo Melissa/McDowell
3x5x160# exactly where I wanted to end the cycle. Still need to push depth.
metcon in 9:55
270m row
ring rows
24k KB
25# thrusters
way harder than I expected.
10am with McD
BSQ – opened at 295# which moved really well, McDowell gave a little boost of confidence and talked me into 315#
Hello triple blues
WOD – 10:03Rx
Kettlebell was really heavy
Sending Morit S. Good vibes and hope she kicks some butt at the NJ USAPL meet!! TFBA!!!
HBBS: 155# 1 rm, failed 165. Did 2reps at 145#. Last cycle was 160, but I think it was shallow and not a true 1 rm. Amazing to watch Molly (petitest of petite!) destroy 165 with great technique. That girl is an inspiration! Next time I will not do so many warmup sets. Will take bigger jumps and hopefully not be so tired.
WOD: something in the 12:–. Forgot it after the workout!
Run was fast, TTB all RX 5-5-3-2-2-2-singles, KB swings (green bell)/DB thrusters 25# both RX 8-7-6-4, row was very slow.
Go Morit!
8am with McDowell and Melo
305x2x3 – felt pretty solid
Metcon in 7:19 – thrusters were painful. The rest was OK
Noon after AR,
Went in for 215x5x3, didnt feel like I had it in me after warming up at 205, so went for 1 reps, called it at 275#. Felt plenty heavy.
WOD heavily scaled, 25cal row, plank burpees, white russian kb swings, 35# thrusters and 270m row in 8:31.
Pretty sure my sweat was 80 proof alcohol.
SUPER SATURDAY! sooooooo humid coaching all day. kind of wanted to lie on the floor and just eat ice cream instead of work out. but thank goodness for fitness buddies…
jumped right in. body felt warm after doing hip openers and demonstrating stuff through various classes.
45×5, 95×5, 115×3, 135×2
still a 10# jump from last week. this feels so different from how I used to FSQ. staying much more upright and bringing hips through, not back. more purchase on bar. focusing on neutral spine and bracing hard. think i should just go for 155 next week and push it from there.
1 arm OH Carry:
3 sets, each arm: ~150FT with 50# DB OH (3 passes up and down 597)
Not as terrible as I expected. 55# next time. half the battle will be snatching that sucker!
Comp Team…
"31 Heroes"
Teams of 2, AMRAP 31*:
8 Thrusters (155/105)
6 Rope Climbs, 15'
11 Box Jumps (30/24)
Continuous 400m run w/ sandbag
*One athlete works on the thrusters, ropes and boxes while the other runs. Once the running athlete returns they switch roles and continue accumulating rounds and reps for the entire 31 minutes.
WOW! This was brutal. A total assault. But also kind of fun, and good to buddy up and move.
Partnered with Joe. We did 6 rounds + 8 thrusters + 3 rope climbs.
*I used a vest instead of sandbag b/c last sandbag runs murdered my L knee. I also scaled to 3 rope climbs per round so as to keep moving, but they felt efficient today!!
*Thrusters mostly done in 3-3-2. These felt surprisingly put together. Yay for better stability!
*I was able to keep moving at a sorta decent pace on the 'inside' work, but my runs were little slow shuffle slogs.
Other descriptors: nauseous, overheating, dry mouth, dizzy, shivers, shaking.
@Whit THAT SOUNDS INSANE! You guys are amazing. Wow. That workout sounds… intense.
Today was meh. Lower back is really sore for yesterday's DLs
LBBS: 190×1, 190x1F, dropped weight and did 185x2x2
WOD in 12:39
T2B: in sets of 5, minus on middle set that was singles because I couldn't get my back to engage during the kip.
KBS: 24kg American-ish. Whit said I wasn't locking fully out on some. Should have done these with a 20kg bell with better form
thrusters: 25# DB. Exhausted after the swings. Had trouble keeping the DBs in a front rack position.
Row: slow