Snatch Complex
Snatch Pull + Snatch:
5 x 1
Warm up to a medium-heavy load and perform 5 reps of the complex at that weight. No press-outs, no misses.
Snatch Pull + Snatch:
Perform singles of the complex at: 70%, 75%, 80%, 85%, 90%, 80%, 85%, 90% (of best Snatch)
Go up to 90% if it’s feeling good, and if you feel great, then move up. If you’re not feeling great today, then go back to 80% and work back up from there.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 8 of 8
15-12-9-6-3 Reps for Time:
Deadlifts 225/155
The Deadlifts should be light-medium and unbroken on the fast end. Scale volume on the Pull-Ups or to Jumping Pull-Ups to avoid breaking the sets up too much.
Post time and Rx to comments.
Kristin C. caught mid-Box Jump by Thomas H.
This Sunday: The 2016 Subway Series Kicks Off at CrossFit Virtuosity!
Another year has gone by, and it’s time once again for an NYC affiliate throwdown: the sixth annual Subway Series! All NYC affiliates are invited to participate—the affiliate with the best overall score at the end of four events wins the Subway Series Trophy and bragging rights for a whole year! The first event of the year will take place at CrossFit Virtuosity in Williamsburg this Sunday, August 7th.
CFSBK is sending Jason C., Coach KHarpz, James A., and Brad D. to compete. The first event kicks off at noon. More event info, including the Scaled and Rx workouts, can be found here. Head up to Virtuosity on Sunday to watch our athletes kick some ass!
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Front Squat | Double-Unders, Ring Muscle-Ups
Why CrossFit and BJJ Should Never Be in the Olympics Breaking Muscle
Big Goals Can Backfire. Olympians Show Us What to Focus on Instead NY Mag
7am with DO and Jess
Snatch Complex – up to 115# (88%)
Tore pretty bad in warmups and it really screwed up my snatch game. Few fails mixed in here.
Metcon @ 185# – 6:53
Pull-ups all singles starting in the round of 12. Stupid hands.
Worked up to 165# which is 88% of my 1RM. These felt great today which is refreshing since the last three weeks I have been struggling with the pull portion.
WOD Rx'd in 6:08.
High volume DLs and I dont get along so I knew this would be a slog. Broke both movements up more than I wanted to but I got through it.
Also, there was no towel in my bathroom this morning so I managed to dry myself off completely with just a washcloth. Feeling pretty good about that.
7am with DO and Jess
worked up to 80 and stayed there to keep working on my shrug-extension and some great cues Jess was giving me. im way too eager to get it up there so i keep pulling early. patience! an exercise in patience! man, snatching is hard .
7:26 @155
something like 15, 9-3, 5-4, 6, 3 for the deadlifts and 10-5, 8-4, 6-3, 4-2, 2-1 for kipping pullups. i tore and and made a bloody mess around the 3rd round so everything after that was a giant struggle. its been so long since ive torn! i forgot what showers were like with open wounds. f@ck.
6am with DO and Jess
Snatch – Not a great day. Worked up to 187. Made one kind of sketchy rep there and missed the second one. Not feeling it today.
Metcon – 2:51 Rx'd PUs got hard after all those DLs but managed to do everything unbroken.
6am with DO and Jess
First day back after about 10 days off for work then pneumonia. Not 100%, so didn't push anything today.
Snatch – focused on getting low and had 1 good catch at 145.
Metcon – Had to leave early so only got 15 round in. DL unbroken, kipping pullups doubles – good practice.
6am with Jess and DO
Snatch – Worked up to 135. Had one sketchy muscle snatch at 135 then got my act together and hit another 135 no problem. Just need to get out of my head.
WOD in 7:40 Rx. I haven't deadlifted above 135 since mid-June so took my time here and broke them up and my hip thanked me. Also didn't help that I had to walk the length of 608 to get from my pull-up station to my barbell and the barbell kept creeping closer and closer towards the gate every round. At least I didn't tear.
10-5, 8-4, 5-4, 6, 3 on the deadlifts
9-6, 5-4-3, 4-3-2, 3-3, 3 on the pull-ups
6am with Jess & DO
Snatch worked up to 65kg. Snatch felt good today. Ro gave me some good stuff to work on. I've also been spending some time on shoulder mobility and I think it's finally helping.
Metcon – 6:24 Rx
Deadlifts I broke up round of 12 the rest were unbroken.
Pullups – I've been having some trouble with my butterflies lately and it showed. A lot of regular kipping here. Broke these up more than I wanted to. Fun workout
I took three days off and was really happy to be back in the gym this morning. It is a happy place.
Snatches. Attempted 115# but failed. Then failed some and made some at 105#. Going way to far forward with the bar. Good tips from DO, so next week is going to be so so much better!
Metcon: 7:49 at 185#. As I was finishing the round of 12 I saw Dan sitting down and almost thought he was resting or hurt or something because there is no freaking way a human can move that fast. 😉
head's up to all the dog obsessed and pit bull lovers! there's a bowling fund raiser for pit bulls Wednesday 8/17 at Lucky Strike. all lanes are sold out but you can still come as a cheerleader and join in the rest of the fun!
Before class assault bike:
Tabata: 50 calories
Reverse Tabata: 32 calories
Snatch Pull + Snatch: 63, 73, 78, 83, 93, 98, 103, 113F, 113 PR
Snatch felt good today (I don't know if I have ever said that), so went for it. Nice little 3 pound PR.
WOD: 6:12 at RX weight with 2/3 of the pullups (10-8-6-4-2)
Cash out of beach with Charlie!
Apparently there is a 14,000-person waiting list for rosé-flavored gummy bears. 6AM, is that you?
PS, Brainz n Gainz totally kicked ass last night. 2nd place again! We couldn't have done it without Kevin Y, who helped make an earsplittingly bad audio round (grunge covers of pop songs) at least not a disaster because he helped us get a few right!
Never heard a grunge cover of Lou Bega's Mambo No. 5? No? Good. You should keep it that way!
8 a.m. w/Fox. My Olympic sport is rhythmic irony.
Snatch complex: 95, 102, 107, 112, 117, 124, 127 (94%). 127 felt good on the landing, but slow on the pull during the snatch proper (as Fox pointed out). I didn't get a whole lot of sleep last night (gotta edit that politics podcast, shameless-plug-shameless-plug) so didn't want to push it.
Metcon: 8:18 @ 205#, started out 1/2 kipping and switched to chins as the danger of tearing reached critical levels. Will probably move up to doing deadlift metcons written out at 225# rx'ed, which is a big step forward. Progress!
Heavy congrats to Brainz n Gainz!
@Stella and @6amcrew: you can make rose gummy bears!
Perhaps you've heard of a certain someone who likes to work out at cfsbk with no music and all the lights out? I never understood that until today… There's definitely a place for using a heavier than normal weight and slogging through it in silence! I never thought I'd hear myself utter those words, but sometimes you just gotta move through it. Today was one of those days.
Snatch: 78#. Missed 83 twice, which would have been a PR.
WOD: 9:48? 135#, touch n go. 8-7, 6-4-2, 5-4,4-2, 3 for deadlifts. Pull-ups very broken up. I now feel super appreciative to Ro and teammates for the encouragement as I finished up super slow… Deadlifts bring out the inner b@&(: in me for some reason :/ thanks y'all
Oh and congrats Brainz n Gainz! Man… I love mambo no. 5 AND grunge music. Way to holdout down, guys!
5:30 class
Up to 176
WOD Rx'd in 6:40
Moved very slow through this and broke most of it up. Not my best effort.
First class in over a month, post injury and vacation– and boy did I get my butt kicked with the Thursday workout. 155# deadlifts never felt like so much work and I had to come down to 135 6 reps into my 12 set, and I am still babysitting my back, afraid to try kipping pull ups again, so I jumped. Even that felt like work, so am just happy to have gotten the work done. I must remember to be patient and focus on building my brain back up–the body will follow…at any rate, feels so good to be back. Thanks Coach Whit for your ever useful cuing and advice!