Dylan K. on his way to landing a Box Jump | Photo by Thomas H.
- Searching for something? Uh, no. Not like… in life. We mean your personal belongings, of which there are many in our lost and found. Claim your stuff before we donate it to CHIPS in two weeks.
This Sunday: The 2016 NYC Subway Series at CrossFit Virtuosity
Another year has gone by, and it’s time once again for an NYC affiliate throwdown: the sixth annual Subway Series! All NYC affiliates are invited to participate—the affiliate with the best overall score at the end of four events wins the Subway Series Trophy and bragging rights for a whole year! The second event of the year will take place at CrossFit Gantry on this Sunday, August 14th.
The action kicks off at 12:00pm, and workout info can be found here. Head to Gantry to support CFSBK’s athletes!
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: “Fran”
It Gets Real with These Ring Handstand Push-Up Fails Break Parallel
Lock It In… NOW Catalyst Athletics
Wednesday's Programming
Crush Week
AMRAP 20 Minutes:
10 Power Cleans 185/125
10 Double Unders
9 Power Cleans 185/125
20 Double Unders
8 Power Cleans 185/125
30 Double Unders
7 Power Cleans 185/125
40 Double Unders
6 Power Cleans 185/125
50 Double Unders
5 Power Cleans 185/125
60 Double Unders
4 Power Cleans 185/125
70 Double Unders
3 Power Cleans 185/125
80 Double Unders
2 Power Cleans 185/125
90 Double Unders
1 Power Clean 185/125
100 Double Unders
The Power Clean should be on the heavy side of medium. Scale half attempts or 3x singles for dubs as needed. If you complete through the 100 double unders then stop there and score time to complete. If you scaled the dubs at all then use the remainder of the time to practice them.
Post rounds, reps, and Rx to comments.
14 min EMOM
EVEN: 5-7 sec handstand push up negative
ODD: 10 cal row
3 Rounds
550 m run
21 Box Jump Overs
15 V-ups
9 Push ups
6am with DO
Made up Fran from yesterday. Hadn't done this in probably a year and a half and this was the first time I'd done it since getting butterfly pull-ups.
2:53 Rx'd – all unbroken til the last round of PU when I fell off the bar with 2 reps left (probably cost me 10 seconds). Pretty painful but about a 0:40 PR which I'm super excited about!
6am with Jess
Finished round of 7 Rx. 1rm for power clean is 190 so this was definitely on the heavy end for me and that 190 is probably now low. Could have pushed the cleans a little faster but I was near my limits at the end. Had to really focus and properly setup for each one.
Jess described this workout as fun. She has a perverse sense of fun.
First post from Austin:
That's a badass workout.
That's all I got. Heyyyy everybody!
@Noah – I came across this on the interwebz. Is it still active?
6am doing tomorrow's workout
I am always more comfortable catching cleans and snatches at the bottom of a squat so "power" anything makes me mad.
My form on the cleans got better as I went but it started out ugly. Made it through the round of 4 cleans and then 6 DU. Lots of sweat.
Roy crushed this.
6am with Jess doing Wednesday
Made it through the cleans in the round of 3 but ran out of time on the rope. 185 moved pretty well. Spent a lot of time on the DUs.
Roy was unstoppable this morning.
Fun workout
7am with Jess
Cleanageddon™ – 7+ rounds @ 135#
Tweaked my back doing the Outwod workout @ 155#, so went maybe a little too conservative here with the weight. Still took each super slow and properly set up for each one. Fun workout.
8 am doing Monday's work w/ David
Fran Rx'd! It took twelve minutes and thirty-one seconds, and I failed the final pull-up three times before finally, barely sneaking my chin over the bar, but WHO CARES, I FINISHED IT.
I owe this achievement to two things:
1. Fox telling me I looked swole during the warm up.
2. The Spotify playlist "Confidence Boost," which blessed me with Beyonce's "Love on Top" as I walked to the gym this morning. (Seriously, that song is just delightful.)
7am Fran w/DO
Really enjoyed all the time talking through Fran strategy and lore ahead of starting. I had the biggest knot in my stomach all through warmups, but once I started moving it just felt like crossfit. 7:40 with 95# thrusters (8-7-6, 6-5-4, 5-4) and 9-6-3 strict pullups (which of course I regretted scaling afterwards). Itching to give this one another go with full volume pullups. Congrats all, was awesome to be surrounded by all that badassary this morning.
It's time to get up on this board. Join all the cool kids. (Especially after James and Matty's shout-outs.)
Monday 6 am (make-up post):
"Fran" – 6:36 Rx. Previous time was 8:39 so big PR. Felt really good about this but still need to work at shortening my breaks and staying on the bar for longer chunks.
Thrusters (15/6, 8/4/3, 6/3) and Pull-ups (13/8, 6/5/4, 4/3/2).
Tuesday 6 am:
Feeling it today! Also helped being set-up across from Matty to keep me on point.
Finished round of 3 cleans and 55 DUs. Cleans were strong and moved well throughout but trips on DUs in the rounds of 70 and 80 killed my momentum. Lungs were on fire.
6am with Lady Fox
Cleans and double unders! I made it through 5 cleans and 16/60 DU at 145#. I liked this one.
Lots of respect for the guys jamming through this one Rx'd.
6am with Jess doing Wednesday
Did this with half of the DU (and counted some attempts), yet still spent nearly all my time lashing my lower legs. Made it through the cleans in the round of 4 + 8 more DUs. 185 moved pretty well, but I let my form get sloppy and was rushing through no-hook-grip heaves at the end to get back to the double unders.
Fun workout and more good DU practice for me.
8 am with DO
I was wrong when I told Charlie that I cannot do 65# at that volume. I did it. I did not warm up with more than 65 though because I had no intention of rxing the weight. David said I could and encouraged and Charlie kept encouraging so I went for it. I wanted to give up in my second set within the set of 15 because I actually failed the clean to get the bar onto my shoulders. But it got there. I scaled the pull ups to 15-9-6 and have a bloody hand.
@Jack – I was counting on you to post your time because we were like swimmers finishing a 100m race in time-closeness. but I can't recall (13.41 or 14.31 or??? – anyway, a bit longer than Fran, more like Francine).
The last time I did thrusters at mass volume was in the open and I scaled to 45# so this was a big jump and I'm still kind of excited from it. Thanks DO and Charile.
Shout out to Charlie and to Molly who both RXed all of Fran for the first time and both achieved braggable times!
Who is Noah?
@Shawn — I thought it was 12:31? Or, rather, I thought I was 12:31 and you were 12:30, because you're better than me.
Pretty interesting video on the clean pull by Klokov.
Overhead Squat
2x20sec time under tension 155#
MU drills
Swings and strict pulls
(still can't get it!)
6 rounds
Assault Bike
:10 max speed / 2:50 rest
It sounds easy with that long rest, but trust me, it ain't. Besides, I got the workout from big Bob S, so it can't be easy. I should probably start avoiding him actually…
Metcon: 3 cleans in the round of 6 Rx. Cleans were on the heavy on the heavy side for me. First metcon where I looked forward to the double unders.
8am with DO
Very happy to finally be able to Rx this. It was one of my goals for this year to do so, and it took me 6:16. If I am honest, I was not in the mood for any pain cave scenario so I just did it and paced myself and tried to move properly and efficiently.
Thrusters were slow and controlled in 11/10, 8/7, 9. Pull-ups were sets of 3 until the last set which was 3,2,2,2.
10am class
Fran in 6:12
Well over a minute slower than my best effort which increasingly seems like it will stay behind me. Broke everything up.
Thrusters: 12/9, 9/6, 5/4
Pull Uos: 8/7/6, 6/5/4, 3/3/3
Arms felt like jelly and this hurt. It always hurts.
@Jack – Oh! That's even better! I'm sure you beat me by at least 1/100th of a second and you did all your pulls ups so you're better than I am. Deal with it.
At one point today I thought it was becoming cloudy but it was just Jack's arms at the top of a thruster.
I paid Fox to write that.
Shawn- you're a badass.
Last August: 8:32 with 52#
Christmas Break 2015: 10:56 RX
Today: 7:28 RX. Feeling so proud of the progress! Crossfit works, guys.
Was so happy to watch how Kharpz attacked this workout in the 5:30 class.
Super inspiring and showed me how to just stick to it! Can't wait to build my pull-up strength so I can go faster!
Recovered pretty quickly, so I had fun with AG after! Nice little workout at the end!! Great job to everyone pushing their limits… Considering Monday and Wednesday's workout, I think this crush week is going to be awesome!!!
Fran Rx'd in 5:40
Thrusters: 12-9, 8-7, 9
Pullups: 9-7-5, 5-5-5, 4-3-2
2:30 Improvment from August 2015 (8:10). Goal was 6 minutes so happy with this!
6:30pm with Wonder Twins Whit and Harpz
Wed = 195 RX. So, I finished 5 Power Cleans.
Honestly, I'm proud of this one. Double unders are one of my many nemeses (plural of nemesis?). So, 3-4 months ago, I barely would've escaped the round of 30 DUs. Today, it felt great to finish 50 and still have a minute left to grind through 5 Power Cleans. Cleans were solid, but my form was quite trashy in the round of 7. Around then, I really started feeling inconsistent with elbow speed or standing up too early. Gotta work on that form. Also gotta get stronger.
Fun way to expose my myriad weaknesses and I look forward to the remaining presents this week!
First time Fran-ing since the subway series! Haven't had the CrossFit scaries in awhile, which became apparent when I wacked my chin on the bar SUPER hard and bit my tongue during my first pull-up of the warm up. Was slurring my words for the majority of the group classes I coached to follow, so that was a nice little treat for everyone.
3:08 RX!
Had no idea where I'd end up with this, so I'm obviously happy with the improvement (2 min and some change). Went in with the intention to go unbroken. All thrusters and pull-ups were unbroken except for the set of 15 pull-ups, which I had to break up into sets of 3. My system freaked out and my grip strength disappeared, which miraculously returned for my last set of 9. My only complaint here was grip, did not feel too winded?? I've been training a lot of high intensity/short burst workouts in this time frame recently, so it's nice to see that this is paying off.
It was great to read the comments and see so many people hit their goals/PR their times!!! Congrats to all, mighty proud.