A friend (in need of a spot) is a friend indeed | Photo by Thomas H.
This Week at CFSBK in Review
1. This Sunday, CFSBKers Jason C., Coach KHarpz, James A., and Brad D. will be competing in the first of this year’s Subway Series events at at CrossFit Virtuosity! The first workout kicks off at noon. More event info, including the Scaled and Rx workouts, can be found here. Head up to Virtuosity on Sunday to watch our athletes kick some ass!
2. As you may have noticed, we’re now offering RxBars for purchase at the front desk! Go here to find out why we think you should consider these as a pre- or post-workout snack.
3. Prompted by an e-mail from Paul A., we reposted a CFSBK classic: Coach Fox’s “There Is No Wagon: Thoughts on Binge Eating and Dieting.” It’s great. Give it a read!
4. Herondale meat CSA customers: please note that the farm has informed us that August’s delivery will be delayed by one week. Delivery will be Wednesday, August 10th. The time remains 6-8:30pm.
5. CFSBK is in the process of redesigning its website (not too much!) with the help of the fantastic Chris Y. Now we’re looking for a front-end web developer familiar with the Squarespace CMS to help us see the project through. Have professional services to offer? E-mail david [at] crossfitsouthbrooklyn.com if you’re interested.
6. Packer is looking for a few more people to fill out his team for the Wawayanda Lake Ragnar Race (September 30th to October 1st). Interested? Contact him directly at david.packer [at] gmail.com!
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Snatch | Deadlifts, Pull-Ups
Tolerance of Smoke May Have Given Us an Edge Over Neanderthals New Scientist
Load the Squat to Increase Mobility Barbell Rehab
Fitness Blogger Proves that Weight Is a Meaningless Number NY Post
Saturday's Programming
Back Squat
3 x 5 Linear Progression
Add 5-10 lbs to last week or establish a 3RM.
3 x 2
Go heavier than last week or establish a 1RM.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 8 of 8
For Time:
270m Run
25 Toes to Bars
25 Burpees
25 KB Swings 32/24kg
25 DB Thrusters
25 Calorie Row
Sub HLRs or HKRs for T2Bs as needed. The swings are Rx'd as overhead. For the thrusters, Rx the dumbbells at about 45% of your (total) bodyweight. The goal is to move quickly through this chipper and not get bogged down too much on any one movement.
Post time to comments.
6am with McD doing Saturday's workout
Squat: Went for the 1RM today and hit it at 370#. 15# PR from last cycle so that felt great. Thanks to Roy and Scott for the support (and spot).
Metcon: 10:07 Rx. This a burner. Run was fast, did 20/5 on the T2B, burpees were fast and steady, then screwed up and had to grab the correct kettlebell (red –> green). Did those as 15/10, then the thrusters were 5's as my arms just felt like jelly. Row was awful, 2/1 strokes to calories.
6am squats with McD
HBBS 245 x 5 x 3. Continued my 3×5 LP. No issues.
WOD in 10:2x Rx. DJ Flash played his hits too early and missed a few beats with the kb so thought I could catch him on the row. Still had 5 to go when he got off.
10-5-5-5 on t2b
burpees were steadily slow
10-8-7 kb
6-6-7-6 db thrusters <– these sucked
1 cal per stroke on the row
7am with McD
BS – up to 225# (20# PR)
McD has been my squat whisperer this week. Big jumps to my 1RM the last two cycles. Hit singles at 210 / 220 / 225.
Metcon Rx – 12:46
TTB 15-10
Burpees 25
KB 8-7-6-4
Thrusters Crips-shit-wheeze-huh?-2-1
Row kept a 28 s/m pace
Woo hoo! That's me squatting on the front page! Thankfully I was not a friend in need of spotters Jill and Adam coming to the rescue.
6am with McDowell
Squat 3×5 at 195# felt good. Up five pounds from last week. Good way to end the cycle.
Joy had everyone laughing with her method for calling for spot: "Oh my god! No!"
Metcon: 13 min. Green kb, 30# DBs. Not sure if the burpees or the thrusters were the worst. Tore my hand pretty bad on the T2B but was stoked to do that many, even though some reps were "toes-really-close-to-bars".
LBBS: 205 x 2, 215 x 2, 220 x 2.
Still feeling this out after missing most the cycle. Heavy, but not max effort. Need to continue to keep my chest up right away when coming up.
WOD: 11:30 Rx.
T2B started with a set of 5 and slowly moved down to doubles. Burpees steady with an extra breath after 10 and 18. KB in two sets (15-10). Thrusters (the worst) in four sets, I think. Row was much slower than my usual – just didn't have it in me.
Took about a half hour to recover from this (and to play with dogs) before adding doing some additional fitness.
800m run
30 Power Snatches (65#)
800m run
30 OHS
800m run
30 Thrusters
Finished just over 23 min. Runs were definitely leisurely.
Clients away = Morning of fitness.
8am class
Worked up to 330 for a double. Wasn't feeling testing a single today. Felt good and heavy.
WOD Rx'd (40# dbs) in 11:57
Three of my goats: running, t2b, and DB thrusters didn't kill me so there's that.
After 9am clients
30 rounds of :30 hard and :30 easy on the assault bike. Didn't push too hard and kept the work portion around 64 RPM
Incline DB Bench 45x12x4
Bent over reverse flyes 15x12x4
DB Curls 30x12x4
Neutral bar OH Triceps 45x12x4
DB Lateral raises 15x12x4
So much fun.
8am with Lady Fox
Snatch Complex
5:44 Rx
Deadlifts unbroken, pull-ups in many, many sets.
Snatch: 63-68-73-78-83M-83-88-93Mx2
WOD in 5:46 Rx'd
DLs: 9-6, 7-5, 6-3, 6, 3
PUs: 15, 7-5, 6-3, 4-2, 3
Charlie, if only I hadn't taken that sip of water ๐
Accessory work:
3 Rounds:
10 temp press @20#DB
10 banded air squats
12 GHD situps
12 GHD back extensions
3x30m waiter walks with a 40#DB
Good people of south brooklyn! I will be posting up around 1pm tomorrow to practice my rock taping on whoever wants to volunteer a body part. Free of charge and absolutely 0% risk! Do t because you love me! I only have one roll so first come first serve! ๐
Brendan! So awesome!
OG at CF Prime in Philly
HBBSQ 207.5×1, 195×3, 185×3. I've never squatted high bar this heavy without a belt. It was tough but I hit depth, so I feel pretty great about that.
Press 72.5x5x3. This lift is feeling easier as the weights get heavier! I guess my body is getting used to pressing the regular bar again. ๐
RDL 145x6x2, following 125x6x2 because I was an IDIOT and didn't notice that my bar was shy of 20 pounds of my work weight! DUH. I thought, "this feels so easy!" And then I realized why.
Tabata assault bike, then 3×12 GHD situps.
Then AMRAP ribeye at Butcher & Singer, which I highly recommend should you find yourself in Philly. Beautiful restaurant and a killer tomahawk ribeye.
Back Squat
22KBS (72#)
22Box jumps
400m Run
22 Burpees
22 WallBall