Clean and Jerk Complex
Clean Pull + Clean + Jerk:
5 x 1
Warm up to a medium-heavy load and perform 5 reps of the complex at that weight. No press outs, no misses.
Clean Pull + Clean + Jerk:
Perform singles of the complex at 70%, 75%, 80%, 85%, 90%, 80%, 85%, 90% (of best Snatch)
Go up to 90%. If it’s feeling good and if you feel like a PR ,then move up. If you’re not feeling great today, then go back to 80% and work up from there.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 8 of 8
AMRAP 14 Minutes:
40 Double-Unders
40 AbMat Sit-Ups
40 Lunges
Post rounds, reps, and Rx to comments.
It’s almost that time of year again…
SAVE THE DATE: Fight Gone Bad 2016!
Since 2008, CrossFit South Brooklyn has conducted a yearly fundraiser in the form of a workout called Fight Gone Bad. Last year, we raised over $60,000 for the Brooklyn Community Foundation (BCF), a local organization dedicated to improving the lives of people in Brooklyn by strengthening communities through local giving, grantmaking, and community service. This year, we’ll be partnering with BCF again and hope to surpass last year’s donation numbers.
We’ll have registration info up soon. For now, here’s what you need to know!
When is Fight Gone Bad?
Saturday, October 15th, 2016. First heat begins at 9am.
What is Fight Gone Bad?
Three rounds, AMRAP, of:
Wall Balls, 20lb, 10ft / 14lb, 9ft
Sumo Deadlift High Pulls, 75/55 lb
Box Jumps, 20″ box
Push Presses, 75/55 lbs
In this workout, you move from each of five stations after a minute. The clock does not reset or stop between exercises. When the announcer calls “Rotate,” athletes must move to next station immediately. Each of the three rounds is five minutes, followed by a one-minute rest. One point is given for each rep, except on the rower where each calorie is one point. Scaling options will be available!
Why are we fundraising?
In the past, our annual FGB fundraiser has been a great way to bring our community together to support great charities—and we chose to support the Brooklyn Community Foundation because Brooklyn has been exceptionally good to us and we want to help give back to the community that CFSBK is proud to call home. If you’re not familiar with BCF, make sure you visit their website to check them out. Or if you’re lazy, at least check out their list of grantees; we’re sure you’ll find one or two not far from you!
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Back Squat: Chipper WOD
If You Want to Bond with Someone, Swear at Them NY Mag
Olympic Weightlifting Schedule NBC
Olympic Rowing Schedule NBC
10 Band Goodmornings
10e Paloff press
3 Wall walks
Pull up strength
1.Strict pull ups 3×10
2. DB Bench 3×10
2-1. DB single arm row 3x10e
2-2. Barbell Roll outs 3×10
Partner Workout
12 min AMRAP
Partner 1 completes the entire round before Partner 2 goes
10 cal Row
15 Burpees over the erg
9am with the Foxes.
Clean pull + clean + jerk
Worked up to 113#.
4 rounds 118 reps.
225 x 5 x 3 (PR for high bar- also for LP)
Clean and Jerk
93ish- couldn't get it together at all. Legs were tired.
Got halfway through the partner WOD (31 Heroes) with Kayleigh and Mike but couldn't take it at all and stopped.
Glad I came in today as I was feeling quite disappointed in myself yesterday after this and thinking maybe I should just stick to powerlifting, but today's workout reminded me that CrossFit is fun 90% of the time and if you're reeeeallly not feeling something or if it's just a little over your skill level or ability, then it's ok not to finish a workout once in a while.
8 AM with the Foxes and the multitudes.
worked up to a 100# clean- PR.
45# push jerk- started going back overhead at 22# 3 weeks ago, so really psyched this
is painless.
3 rounds + 133 reps (s/u).
Thanks for all the ideas for CRUSH WEEK!
Noon class
Up to 231 then back down to 198. Didn't feel great today.
3 rounds plus 100 reps. Sit ups, sit ups, sit ups…
8am with the Foxes
C&J – up to 175#
Came in looking for heavy banter and light cleans but got the opposite. Hit my clean at 185# and let the jerk get too far in front. Only made Sundays two or three times this cycle so happy I'm within 10# of my 1RM for the complex.
Metcon – 3 rounds + 84 reps
Could have pushed a little harder to finish the 4th round, but heard too many terrible crush week ideas thrown around to work up the effort. Go easy on us, Fox.
wanted to take another crack at 172 for the front squat. Closer today but still failed!
Clean and jerk- worked up to 113
Cleans felt good so I switched to cleans only and did 132 which is a 1 lb PR and finally a body weight clean!
today's wod with Crum and Erik. Did 5 rounds plus 14 reps. RX. Fun one!
Worked up to 103 for C& J. Stayed here because jerks were giving me problems today.
WOD: 4 rounds +35 DUs with all the hardcore ladies at 608! 😛 If I could string my doubles together better, I definitely think I could have gotten 5 rounds.
Great accessory work at AG. Good to work on some pull-up strength. Bench/DB Rows: 35#, Pullups with green band–> only way I could do 10 in a row for three sets. Kevin and I did 7 +7 calories on the partner wod.
So glad there aren't enough ropes and sandbags so we don't have to do 31 heroes for crush week!!!
Back from a week off and despite no sleep on a red eye last night, I felt good in the gym today compared with the prior 3 weeks where I could not take the heat.
3 rounds – 15 cal row, 10 superman push-ups, 3 pull-ups, shoulder warm ups
3 rounds – 3 handstand walk attempts, 3 ring dips
1 mile run – 8:34, each lap faster — could start faster next time, finished as hard as I could make myself today.
200 DUs w 5 burpee box jumps every missed rep — results: 8 sets to complete, 35 burpee box jumps @20", best set 50, worst set 6 🙁
3 rounds – 8 ea split squats w 20# DBs, 8 ea single arm press 20#, 16 GHD sit-ups
Clean complex: 93-103-113-123×2 cleans only, 113
Cleans at 123 were inefficient so was too tired to attempt the jerks. Dropped down to 113 and finally felt what fast elbows should feel like!
WOD: 3 rounds + 25 or 35
DUs were terrible today. Maybe strung one set of 15 together! Mostly 5s!!
Lack of sleep definitely showed today! Hopefully tomorrow is better!
CF South Brooklyn since day one. It is one of my favorite blogs, and I've literally visited every one of the first 5000 affiliate blogs. I saw the link to the first Fran. that you posted this week. I am pretty sure this is an error. I know that this came after my February 2004 Certification, and Fran existed prior to my certification. I am curious as to what you are relying upon when you posted the link indicating that it was the first time Fran was posted on the site?