For Time:
30 Clean and Jerks 135/95
The Cleans for this benchmark should be power and the Jerks are shoulder-to-overhead anyhow. Be sure to come to complete knee and hip extension with the bar held overhead at the top of each rep. If you can do the Rx’d loads, then go for it. Choose a weight when scaling that allows you to get through the 30 reps fast. You can cycle or you can do singles but the weight should be on the light side for you. There is a soft 7 minute cap today.
Post time and Rx to comments.
Fight Gone Bad Fundraising Update (T-2 Days!)
Well, you guys are kicking some serious ass. Since Tuesday, we’ve raised more than $3,000 dollars for Brooklyn Community Foundation, surpassing our $15,000 goal for a total of $18,163 raised.
But that’s not it! We have some big news. Brooklyn Community Foundation is thrilled to announce that they will match funds raised by CrossFit South Brooklyn’s 2016 Fight Gone Bad! Now that we’ve passed the $15,000, the Board will match your contribution dollar for dollar. You or your friend puts in $10, their Board puts in $10, doubling your impact on Brooklyn’s communities. All the more reason to hit that $20,000 dollar mark by Friday!
We’ll have more info about Satuday’s big event in tomorrow’s post, but we’re also pleased to annouce that the Kimchi Taco truck will be peddaling its delicious foods at Fight Gone Bad. Try the Korean fried chicken taco. And the short rib taco. And the spicy pork. In fact, just eat all of them.
Short Circuit: A Testimonial from Ariela R.
For the past couple of weeks, we’ve been telling you about Short Circuit, a new class utilizing some of the best training methods to give you a great total body workout in just one hour. Each class includes two circuits programmed specifically to help you shed pounds while increasing your strength, stamina, and flexibility. Today we’re thrilled to bring you our first testimonial. It’s from Ariela R., and here’s what she has to say:
“For the past year, I’ve been attending circuit and HIIT (high-intensity interval training) classes around the neighborhood. Though I enjoy the workouts, it’s hard to ignore the shoebox size rooms they are crammed into, the unlabeled dumbbells that are seemingly kept in as much disorder as possible, the lack of corrections from coaches, and that dust bunnies that are getting their workout right alongside of you. Yes, CFSBK spoils you! So imagine my delight when I heard about the new Short Circuit classes. A total body workout in an hour, CFSBK level coaching with small tweaks throughout to make sure your form stays on point, and a ton of variety within the workout that makes it fly by. What more could you ask for? And, there is no need to have taken Foundations class in order to participate, which means you can drag along all three of your non-Crossfit friends in for a great workout.”
Yes! As Ariela mentions, unlike our CrossFit group classes, you don’t have to have taken Foundations or have any kind of CrossFit background to participate in Short Circuit, so now you can sweatily bond with your friends and family. Now they’ll get to find out what this CFSBK place you’ve been talking up is all about!
How is this different from CrossFit? While some movements will be familiar, Short Circuit does not include barbell training or higher-skilled calisthenics (like Kipping Pull-Ups or Handstand Push-Ups). You will get a a kick-ass workout, though, and as with our other specialty offerings like Active Recovery, Anti-Gravity, Pilates, and Yoga for Athletes, it’s up to you to decide how Short Circuit might fit into your overall training. That’s why members with CrossFit Group class memberships can use their existing memberships to attend any of these classes!
Monday 9:00am
Wednesday 9:00am
Friday 9:00am
For more info on drop-in pricing and packages, head over to the Short Circuit program page.
Yesterday’s Whiteboard: Rack Thruster | “Karen”
Dan Bailey Does “Grace” in 1:01 CrossFit
8-Year-Old Does “Grace” YouTube