Handstand Push-Up / Dumbbell Split-Stance Single-Leg Romanian Deadlift Superset*
A1) Tempo (40×1) Handstand Push-Up:
5 x 6-10 reps
Add a few reps to last week. These should all be sub-max sets, adding a deficit if you’re able to. Full range of motion, no AbMats. No crashing or resting on your head! Perform the reps strict if you can. You can kip the concentric if you must, but keep true to the tempo on the eccentric through the full range of motion and do not crash or rest on your head.
A2) Dumbbell Split-Stance Single-Leg RDL:
5 x 6-10 reps
Add weight and/or reps to last week.
A1) Tempo (40×1) Seated Dumbbell Press:
5 x 5-8 reps
Add weight and/or reps to last week. Optional: Perform a Kick-Up to the wall with a few second hold immediately after each set of Presses.
A2) Dumbbell Split-Stance Single-Leg RDL:
5 x 6-10 reps
Add weight and/or reps to last week.
*Warm up and then perform a set of Handstand Push-Ups, followed by a set of DB Split-Stance Single-Leg RDLs. Repeat for 5 work sets of each, resting about a minute between movements. The last few reps of each set should be tough, but the goal is no misses.
Post loads/reps to comments.
Exposure 3 of 8
3 Rounds:
30 Seconds for Max Reps of Burpee Box Jump Overs 24/20
120 Seconds Rest
30 Seconds for Max Calories of Rowing
120 Seconds Rest
All out efforts on each work interval.
Post reps per round of each movement to comments.
At CFSBK most of our classes are led by more than one coach. How does our coaching staff work together? Part 4 of CrossFit Journal’s series on our Group Class Coaching Expectations provides some of the answers!
Tandem Coaching Guidelines
We’ve been posting these CrossFit Journal videos for a few weeks now, but don’t forget that you can read all about our Group Class Coaching Expectations on Inside the Affiliate, our business blog! Here, for example, is the full list of our Tandem Coaching Guidelines:
- Discuss work distribution before class starts, trying to keep overall workload even.
- While one coach is leading flow, the second coach should be organizing logistics for the following segment or working with troubled movers.
- Evenly distribute athletes between coaches.
- If a class goes over, one coach should finish out that class while the other coach begins the next class.
Read more about these guidelines here! And be sure to poke around ITA for some crucial insights into all the stuff that makes CFSBK tick.
Looking for a Sublet Near the Gym?
Mer R. is going to DC for work for a while (*sniff*) and is looking to sublet her apartment at the start of January. It’s a large quiet one bedroom in Park Slope with a separate study, good light, laundry in the building and shared backyard. Most importantly, it’s just a half mile from the gym! Email her at mr3340 [at] nyu.edu for more details.
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