Snatch Complex
Every Minute on the Minute x 15:
1 Power Snatch + 1 Overhead Squat
Use your heaviest weight from last week’s complex. Focus on getting under every Power Snatch.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 4 of 8
For Time:
20 Thrusters 75/55
30 Calorie Row
20 Burpees
Light and low skill, hit high intensity today.
Post time and Rx to comments.
Coach Brett on BTWB
“Earlier in my career I didn’t even know what ‘the process’ was, but I knew I didn’t like it. It means working on weaknesses. It means putting in hours of training (not exercise, but training) to improve technical skills, strength imbalances, or incorrect motor patterns. It’s the small, daily work that doesn’t seem to make any change in the short term but pays off in the long run. This is often hard for my ego because I want to be able to do things now.”
Over at Beyond the Whiteboard, Coach Brett has written an awesome post called “Trusting the Process.” It’s about, well, trusting the process—putting in the unsexy day-to-day work that all adds up to sexy results. It’s also about enjoying all the stuff that makes the gym a fun place. Listen to Brett!
Sunday: Starting Strength Total at CFSBK
Coach Jeremy’s Starting Strengthers will wrap up their eight-week cycle this Sunday, April 29th starting at 2:00pm. Lifters will be testing their 1RMs in the Back Squat, Press, and Deadlift. All are welcome to come by, hang out, and do some cheering. Get ready for some massive PRs!
Yesterday’s Results Board: Back Squat / DB Row | Deadlift, Handstand Push-Ups
Gray Cook’s Search for Sasquatch CrossFit Journal
The New World of Weed Athlete Daily
73 on the snatch work. Worked on patience in the first pull and shoulders back (thanks Lauren!).
WOD in 3:54, which is only like 30 seconds slower than Kayleigh? I’ll take it! Usually I’m about 1.5 Kayleighs when we do something for time.
Off to Pittsburgh for the weekend for my niece’s pharmacy school graduation (WTF how am I so old that my niece is done with grad school?!). Let’s see if I’m ambitious enough to make it to CF Athletics while I’m there.
7am crew w/Lauren and Jess
Snatchin’ complex w/Stella @ 73# across all sets
First time snatching in many weeks. Rusty to start but no pain. Lady Fox gave me a “well, that looked pretty expert” on one rep so I’m just gonna put that feeling in a bottle & give it a good sniff as needed throughout the day.
WOD: 4:18 rx
Thrusters surprisingly easy, row as slow as expected, couldn’t quite get my legs back on the burpees. Have a little cough now, but fun!
7am w/ Jess + Lauren
Partnered with the lovely Janet on the super speeeeeedy snatch work. I did 67# for about half, then bumped it up to 72# for the rest. Everything was moving well today! Usually overhead squats scare me but for some reason, when we’ve done them in these snatch complexes, I’ve been able to get to full depth and they’ve felt really strong.
WOD in 4:23 RX. Can’t believe I’m saying this about a workout with thrusters and burpees but this was fun! Volume of each movement was low enough that it was a great opportunity to push myself to go fast. I did have one weird failed thruster (??) where I kind of lost my balance coming up out of the squat, so I lost a little time there. Felt like I kept a good pace on the burpees and the row!
6am with Jess and Lauren
135# across on the snatch work. Minute went by very quickly but felt good today.
Metcon in 2:49 Rx. This one didn’t hurt until after it was over.
Very impressive
Power Snatch + OHS: 93# across.
Focused on keeping the bar close throughout (a bad habit of just ripping it off the ground when its heavy) and faster turn overs after some feedback from Jess.
WOD: 3:25 Rx Probably could have pushed everything a bit more, but overall kept it moving.
Some accessory work after:
Tempo Bench (31×1): 95 x 5 x 4
High pulls: 3 x 8 each, slower down on the last set
Noon class
Snatch Complex
Started at 115 ended up at 155
3:24 Rx’d
That hurt, but I shoulda rowed harder
4:30pm Group Class
Power Snatch + OHS EMOM
Started at 115 and worked up to 155
THR/ROW/BRP metcon
4:06 as rxd
5:30pm short circuit
Fun! I rarely get to take this class, it’s a less chaotic version of SC, we got to push some sleds and play with a roller hamstring thing from hell.
6:30pm group class
Snatch complex 115×5, 125×7, 115×3. This got nasty on my wrists, so backed down to 115. It was a lot of volume.
Metcon 3:23 Rx – had a 3:33 finish time, but after reviewing the video replay with the judging panel, I was given a 10s bonus because my rower wasn’t ready and it took me a while to start counting calories. I thought the burpees would hurt more than they did.
7:30pm AR
To recover from all the madness above and get ready for a weekend at the beach.
See you all next week!
Snatch complex:
63×3, 68×3, 73×4, 78×3, 83×2
Failed second rep at 83 bc I felt the bar was way out in front and didn’t drop under it. Hit it on my last rep and it wasn’t a pretty one. Lost my balance and pressed out.
WOD Rx’d in 3:51
Kept the rower over 900 for all of it except a few pulls which is pretty good for me!
Started at 95 then went to 115 then went to 95. I realized halfway through I was doing squat cleans. My wires were crossed.
Metcon RX’d at 3:21
I mean squat snatches. Gah