A1) Back Squat:
4 x 5-8
A2) Three-Point Dumbbell Row:
4 x 5-8
Use a heavy load for the rep range that allows you to move with perfect form. Keep rest to a minimum, 30-60 seconds between movements.
*Warm up and then perform a set of Back Squat, followed by a set of Dumbbell Rows, heavier than last week. Repeat for 4 work sets of each, resting 30 seconds to a minute between movements.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 4 of 8
5 Rounds:
30 Seconds Max Deadlifts 225/155
30 Seconds Max Handstand Push-Ups
1 Minute Rest
Set a sustainable pace for both movements and try to stay within a rep or two on each round.
Scaling the Deadlift: The Deadlift today is Rx’d at “Diane” weight, and is intended to be a medium load at which 10+ reps can be done unbroken. That said, you can choose to use it as strength training if it’s heavy for you, as long as you can move well.
Scaling the Handstand Push-Up: Using up to 2 AbMats to reduce ROM is OK if you can kick up and perform a few reps. You may also choose to work full ROM strength by performing Push-Ups or heavy Dumbbell Push Presses.
Post work to comments.
This group of teenagers from Sandefjord, Norway spent yesterday afternoon at CFSBK. They’re traveling during their gap year and wanted to get a taste of CrossFit. They came to the right place!
Exercise Demo Library Now Live!
So here’s a cool new site feature: we’ve built an exercise demo library for all you fitness maniacs, which is accessible under Member Resources (to the right on a desktop computer or at the bottom if you’re on a mobile browser). This video library lists the primary exercises used in CFSBK’s CrossFit group classes. Click on the links to see a brief demo video with points of performance for each movement.
We’ve organized them into three categories (Bodyweight Exercises, Barbell Exercises, and General Conditioning Exercises), each with sub-categories organizing movements from basic to more advanced variations. If you’re new to CrossFit, it can be especially helpful to review the exercises we’ll be using in class each day before getting coached on them in class. And even veteran CrossFitters can use a refresher now and then. As always, if you have questions, don’t be afraid to ask a coach!
Yesterday’s Results Board: Rest Day
How Much Does Happiness Weight? Breaking Muscle
Why Too Much Experience Can Backfire Scientific American
Alright brief plug before the juicy stuff.
Monday May 7th is both my BIRTHDAY and my team’s sketch show. My birthday is all day, but my sketch show is at 7:30pm at Magnet Theater on 29th and 8th avenue. If you’re interested in more than just some great laughs afterwards we’re going to a “we do comedy and we’re cash poor” dive bar called Walter’s, getting the best slice in NYC, and then finding the secret 32oz to-go beer place in the bowels of Penn Station and riding the train home. Come for all or part!
K to the meat:
AG, super fun. Working on them straight leg toes to bars. These are hard. I can do like 7-8 unbroken with the flick but maybe only 4 with straight legs. Loved the long 25 min row.
Then spike ball practice. Everyone come to the next session, I won’t be there but spike ball is super fun.
Arnolds at 27.5lbs x8 reps all 4 sets
RDLs at 135lbs x8 reps across
“Ran out of time” to do the full burpee box jump over felony assault bike thing. So just just assault bike tabata, which I’ve never done before and was horrible.
Short circuit!
And then Strongfit! Which I credit with teaching me how to clean the 60lb bag of carrots onto my shoulder efficiently when the coop made me throw produce for 3 hours again. The carrot bag was the bane of my existence when i worked at Trader Joe’s because it’s like a cold, dead, vegetarian corpse when it falls on the ground. The accomplishment of the day though was that after a helpful cue about my elbows from Jenn my power cleans started feeling, and I believe looking, really good.
Probs gonna do group class later
“Felony assault bike” = great wordplay, or greatest wordplay?
Oh man wish I could take credit for that joke but it’s someone else’s. I don’t remember who’s, but they should step forward and claim their laurels!
I believe credit for this particular gem goes to Shawn 🚴🏻♀️
YAS KARINA!!! Your power cleans were looking beautiful at the end of Strong Fit! Awesome job! ❤️❤️
also: “cold, dead, vegetarian corpse” AMAZING
that part was my favorite
Yesterday’s Group with Whit:
Almost avoided this because I was feeling tired. Decided to stop babying myself since I had two good nights sleep in a row. Great class!
BBRDL: 165×8, 165×8, 175×8, 185×8
Hook grip, this was most likely slower down faster up, but faster than last time for sure. My hammies were immediately SPICED. Whit said form looked A-ok!
Half Kneel Arny Press: 4×8 @ 30#
felt strong but very tough. Tried not to be a jerk about my positioning. I like this position cause I’m cheating way less for sure
This was pretty tough. Pushing on the bike is death right now, i feel stuck in the mud! Cant believe how quickly this stuff goes away. This was all mostly because I was going super fast on BBJO. Bike didnt record halfway through round 6 so I stopped and waited til round 7. Been getting some mild asthma ever since this cold I had three weeks ago. So I was doing okay but I really couldnt breathe well at all. Chest so tight during this. It may be bronchitis or something? nobody got time for that! Will look into getting it checked out if it isnt gone by next week.
7am with Brett and Ro:
Partnering with Christine and Kirby is the best! Only got through 3 rounds, but I’m cool with it.
BSQ: 125×8, 135×8, 145×6
3pt DB Row: 30#ea x6, 35×6, 35×6
WOD: Subbed KB swings for DL’s because my left hamstring is still feeling a little buggy! Thank you Brett, for all your guidance on hamstring stretches and coming up with movement alternatives for me. Big help!
R1: 20 kb swings, 10 HSPU’s
R2: 21 kb swings, 6 HSPU’s
R3: 20 kb swings, 5 HSPU’s
R4: 20 kb swings, 6 HSPU’s
R5: 22 kb swingss, 8 HSPU’s
It was very obvious that I came out way too hot on the HSPU’s in the first round!
Your squats were AWESOME today! 145×6 was moving like an empty bar.
Yes, those squats looked STRONG!
7am w/ Brett + Ro
Came in cranky after getting totally drenched in a monsoon on the walk over. Then I tweaked something in my mid-back doing a freaking wall-walk (?!)…probably on account of skipping my normal pre-class shoulder mobility stuff. Now it hurts every time I breathe in, which is great. Good news is my low-back thing from last week feels better…though lately it seems like if it isn’t one thing it’s something else. I have a follow-up acupuncture appointment on Friday that I’m looking forward to; it really seemed to help last week.
Very half-hearted squatting and I ran out of time so didn’t get to go up to 140 as planned…this was basically a wash. 95×5, 125×5, 130×5.
DB rows: Didn’t want to push this too much because of the aforementioned back thing. 40#x8eax3 or 4. Same weight as last week but fewer reps. Dumb.
WOD: RX weight, got between 6 and 9 reps per round. HSPUs to one ab mat felt great! Think I got ~4 each round. These didn’t bother my back…go figure.
OK, I’m done complaining!
Kirby- that sounds like a back thing that I get fairly often when we’re doing single arm farmers carries. It feels like a rib is out of place, no? Mine almost always goes away by the end of the day. Doing some big shoulder rolls (backward) helps. Motrin does too. Maybe this is too true to form but drinking helps too (I’m talkin’ booze). So, If it still hurts this evening or if you’re allowed one of those martini lunches….. Feel better!
Yes, totally! I think it’s actually getting better as the day goes on. Thank you!! <3
7am crew!
BSQ: 125×8, 145x6x2 – ran out of time for a 4th round
DB Rows: @ 35#, up from 30 last week
DLs at 135#, and hspu with 2 abmats
Between 7 and 10 DLs per round, and between 2 and 6 (!) hspu. I actually strung together 4 hspu at one point which is DEFINITELY the first time that has happened. Fun!!!!
7am SQUAD w/Ro & Brett
HBBS: 95×8, 135×6, 145x5x4 – spent like a million years under the bar trying to stop my hips from going up faster than my shoulders. Last two sets were ‘better’.
3PT DB row: 35x6ea x4, bruh
10 – 3
11 – 4
12 – 4
13 – 3
15 – 4
Backed off the weight after DLs yesterday & squats today, did this at 125# & pushed up for reps each round instead. HSPU to two mats in the first round, and then 1 mat + little grey mat for the rest. I am VERY happy to have done this many HSPU at this ROM unbroken (without having to kick up again). Took it very slow but felt organized & under control. No pain all gainz!
That’s exactly what happens to me when I back squat and never know how to put it into words!
Might just need to make up this workout this weekend – OG FOMO…
Today’s Squatzzz: 185×3, 205×3, 220×3, 230 x 3 x 4
Matador Dips: 6 – 7 – 8 – 8
Had a few minutes to do five round of the 7 BBJO/7 cal Row E3M:
54, 51, 53, 55, 52 seconds. 7 of each is just enough to be doable throughout.
Monday Makeup…
Bench: 95×3 (pause), 105×3 (pause), 110×3, 115 x 4 x 4, 95 x 10 (close grip)
Was planning on triples here, but was glad to squeak out a fourth rep each time.
6 rounds EMOM:
6 Goblet 1.25 Squats (35#)
3 Goblet with Pulse (25#)
6 Rounds E90s:
5 each Rear Foot Elevated Goblet Split Squats (35#)
3 each lateral squats
3 Rounds: 300m Row (stayed sub-1:55), 6 T2B, 9 push ups
10am group class w/ Brett
HBBS (45×8, 95×5, 135×3)
155x8x2 / 165x8x2
felt surprisingly good. legs felt tired in warm up but then good to go for work sets. focused on tension down and leading with the bar up.
SA DB BOR (30x5ea)
40x8ea, 45x8eax3
this feels badass
DL: 14-14-14-14-11 (5/5/4 ea … last set L side back just fried)
HSPU: 7-7-7-7-7 (kipping 5/2 each time… yay!)
2 x 20 wall push heel drops to reset my back
:30 forearm side plank + :30 forearm star plank
1 ea direction ea side hip CARs
5-10 ea foam roller end range hip ext … terrible on L
7 am with Brett and Ro
LBBS 100×8, 110×8, 120×8, 120×8
Arnold 30×8, 30×8, 35×8, 35×8
120 x 8 got slow after the first 4, and I took a long pause after 6 but wanted to get the full sets in. Sonia’s encouragement made the difference!
Janet said 35 didn’t feel different from 30 and that was pretty true. I don’t feel as uneven in strength on these. Sometimes I even feel better on my weaker side.
120 DL/1 abmat
8/5, 8/4, 6/5, 7/4, 8/5
I planned to take the abmat away after a first round warm-up but these were really hard today! Did some in AG last night with no abmat but I’m just not to the point of cycling at that range of motion. Recent tips to get my head through from the beginning proved helpful today!
Sometimes 30 seconds is a short time and sometimes is it a long time.
30sec ea sleeper stretch
8ea DB ext rotation @15#
8ea Powell raise 1@15#, 2@12.5
10 bootstraps
10 alt cossacks
10 alt groiners w/rotation
A) Conventional Deadlift
@2211 7,5,3,7,5,3, rest 3-4 min
230 x 7
255 x 5
285 x 3
245 x 7
265 x 5
300 x 3
Lost the tempo a bit on the top set. Will try again next week. Stuck with hookgrip 😄 My thumbs are used to the abuse at this stage.
Bench press
@2011 7,5,3,7,5,3, rest 3-4 min
107.5 x 7
120 x 5
132.5 x 3
110 x 7
122.5 x 5
137.5 x 3
1. 5 TTB
2. 9 burpee
3. 16 KBS, 24kg
Charlie how do you still HAVE thumbs after all that?
Back squat:
Legs felt like jello today. ]155 actually felt the strongest- probably because I took my time on and braced well for each rep more so than at the lighter weights.
Row: 35×8, 40x8x3
Paused at the top of each rep. Probably should have gone up to 45 because these were fine.
DLs: 13-14-14-14-15
Pushups: 13-11-9-10-9
Unbroken and steady on the deadlifts which I did at Rx weight. Still avoiding kipping HSPUs and uncertain about my strict HSPUs since I’m not currently in AGS so opted for pushups. Plus, Murph is coming up and even though I’m doing a leisurely version with half reps (if at all) because Iron Maidens is the following weekend, figured it would be smart to build up my pushup capacity.