The 4th Annual Iron Maidens Raw Open: Register Today!
Hosted by CrossFit South Brooklyn
Saturday, June 2, 2018 from 9:00am to 6pm
Squat, Bench Press, Deadlift
You are invited to test your one-rep maxes in a women-only environment of badassery. Compete for awesome prizes and cheer on female feats of strength. This meet is open to all women; you do not need to be a member of CrossFit South Brooklyn to participate. We have space for 60 participants, so sign up soon!
All lifters will have three attempts to lift one maximal rep, in the following order, for:
1. Back Squat
2. Bench Press
3. Deadlift
The sum of the heaviest successful attempts will constitute each lifter’s Total. For each weight class, a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place will be awarded to the highest Totals.
Weight classes: 123lbs and under; 132lbs and under; 148lbs and under; 165lbs and under; Over 165lbs
All ages are welcome.
Iron Maidens Stay Strong Scholarship
For the 3rd year in a row, we are thrilled to continue our partnership with Grace Outreach, a Bronx based nonprofit that works with women to further their education and gain financial independence. Through competitors’ fundraising efforts, the annual Iron Maidens Stay Strong Scholarship assists low-income women in paying for their college tuition.
In 2017, competitors raised $35,000 in scholarship money. In total, we have raised over $65,000, and supported 10 women pursuing a higher education. We hope to match or exceed last year’s incredible show of support.
Entry Fee: $60 for non-CFSBK members; $50 for CFSBK members.
Includes: Eligibility for prizes, and a t-shirt.
Registration Deadline: April 27, 2018
Cancellation Policy: No refunds will be made after April 27, 2018. If you are not able to compete, please notify the Meet Director as soon as possible.
Competition Rules and Regulations can be found here.
Submit required additional registration information here.
Please visit our blog for more information, stories, and updates.
Questions? Want to get on the waitlist? Contact Meet Director Margie Lempert at margie [at]
News and Notes
- Come out to the gym tonight from 5:30 to 8pm for the 5th and final Friday Night Lights event of the Open. Go HERE to sign up for a heat!
- Missing something? Be sure to check out the results of our latest lost and found dump, and be sure to claim your stuff at the front desk!
Yesterday’s Results Board: Clean | Handstand Walking
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CrossFit Athlete Emily Abbott Athlete Daily
WOD 3.21.18
20 Minutes Not for Rounds:
Row 300m
10 Alternating Heavy Dumbbell Snatches
Single-Arm Farmer’s Carry (down and back, each side)
15 Supine Leg Raises (4-2-4 tempo)
The tempo for the leg4 seconds down, 2 seconds hold at top, 4 seconds lift. Rest as needed at top.
Post work to comments.
Front Squat
Warm up and work up to a heavy single for the day.
Post loads to comments.
As we mentioned in Monday’s post, Robert C. has been doing some really fun stuff with data pulled from the Games leaderboard. First thing’s first: the chart above shows that close to 90% of you did 18.4 as Rx’d. That’s awesome. It’s what the Open is all about! The gym collectively lifted 854,310 pounds or 427 tons, which is about five and a half Space Shuttle Endeavours (OV-105). Hell yeah. Robert also created this cool chart showing the falloff from round to round. “You can see that the two most significant blockers were the first round of Handstand Push-Ups followed by the first set of heavy Deadlifts,” Robert says.
Swole Hearts: The End of the Challenge
By Chris Fox
The 2018 Look, Feel, Perform Better Challenge is coming to a close, and we couldn’t be prouder of all the positive changes that took place among so many of you. Great work! Recently we asked the question, “What’s one small thing that you’re proud for doing over the past 10 or so weeks?” on the LFPBC private Facebook group page, and the replies spoke volumes. Here’s a sampling:
You guys make our hearts swell, or “swole,” as one LFPBCer suggested. So proud!
If you participated in the Challenge, don’t forget to complete the Post-Challenge Submission, which is due next Wednesday, March 28th.
Yesterday’s Results Board: Rest Day
How to Cheat at HSPU CrossFit Games
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