WOD 8.1.18
AMRAP 15 Minutes:
5 Front Squats 185/125
10 Lateral Bar Burpees
15 Toes-to-Bars
The Front Squats come off the floor. The first rep can be a full Clean, and they should be on the medium-heavy side for you for 5 reps. The Burpees are Rx’d as a two-foot take off and landing. Stepping over is a scaling option. Scale range of motion on the Toes-to-Bars to Hanging Leg or Knee Raises as needed.
Post rounds, reps, and Rx to comments.
November 3rd: CrossFit Jump Rope Workshop at CFSBK
Want to get better on the rope? On November 3rd, we’re hosting the CrossFit Workshop: Jump Rope. This is a hands-on, fast-paced, fun seminar at which participants learn how to use a simple and effective tool to energize their programming and workouts. The workshop features longtime CrossFit proponent and 1992 U.S. Olympian Buddy Lee, who is widely recognized as one of the world’s foremost jump-rope authorities. Participants will leave the workshop with clear paths to elusive jump-rope skills such as double-unders, triple-unders and more.
The CrossFit Workshop: Jump Rope teaches participants how to:
- Use optimal biomechanics for jump-rope mastery.
- Properly set up jump-rope equipment.
- Correctly adjust the jump rope for optimal results.
- Use progressions that form the base of jump-rope techniques: basic jumping, speed jumping, power jumping (double-/triple-unders).
- Use visualization, imagery, breathing and relaxation techniques in combination with dynamic jump-rope path patterns (forward, backward, sideways, crossover, infinity).
- Program various jump-rope techniques into CrossFit workouts—beyond single-/double-/triple-unders.
What are you waiting for?
Yesterday’s Results Board: Rest Day
Dial in the Phases of the Snatch and Clean Catalyst Athletics
Myles Turner: In the Flow The Players’ Tribune (video)
Squat / Step Up
Back Squat:
Front Squat:
Using a “slower down, faster up” tempo and no belt, traps or wraps. Work up to a 1RM for both the Back Squat and the Front Squat.
Active Life Front Rack Step-Up Test
Using 30% of your best Back Squat from earlier, perform a max rep set of Front Rack Step-Ups for each leg. Use a box that places your hip crease below your patella. Your score should be in the double digits and within +/- 3 reps between each leg.
Post loads to comments.
Exposure 8 of 8
4 Rounds Not for Time:
8e Dumbbell 3-Point Rows (build to a heavy set)
15-30 Second Ring Support
Scale to a :30 Prone Ring Support for those that can’t do a mature hold.
Post work to comments.
Here’s Brian D. and family representing CFSBK at The Gunks. Going somewhere cool this summer? Be sure to send photos of yourself repping CFSBK at said locale to Josh [at] CrossFitSouthBrooklyn.com!
Friday, August 3rd: CFSBK Cornhole Tournament
An evening of friendly cornhole competition. Haven’t played before? Don’t worry! It’s pretty simple, and this video explains everything. All are invited! Please leave a comment on the event page if you plan to participate. Teams (of 2) can declare beforehand, or we’ll pair you up at the tournament.
Friday, August 3rd at 6:30pm during Open Gym. We’ll have the cornhole boards set up periodically over the next few weeks so you can practice.
This Saturday, July 28th and Sunday, July 29th, we are hosting a sold out Barbell Medicine Seminar at 597 Degraw. We’re mostly running on our normal schedule, with the exception of the following classes:
All classes will run out of 608 Degraw (except for those that usually meet in the Annex).
Yesterday’s Results Board: Rest Day
Nude Man at Planet Fitness: It’s a “judgment free zone” USA Today
Decoding Cardio & Fixing Your Engine Athlete Daily