Here’s Patrick S. representing CFSBK at New Jersey Motorsports Park back in September!
This Week at CFSBK in Review
1. Our 5th Art Show is NEXT SATURDAY, November 17th. This is a super-fun event that showcases the talents of our community. Yesterday we posted this year’s roster of artists. We can’t wait to see you there!
2. Do you subscribe to our newsletter? Go HERE to get on the list!
3. Beginner and Level 2 classes of our Brazilian Jiu Jitsu with Coach Callie class start this Sunday, November 11th. Check out Monday’s post to learn more and sign up!
4. In case you haven’t checked them out yet, there are so many great photos from Fight Gone Bad 2018 on our Flickr account!
5. Join Stacey C. for a women’s yoga retreat in the Catskills from February 1st to February 3rd! For more details and teacher bios click this link, check out the evite, or contact Stacey at staceylcerv [at]
6. Here’s the 2nd installment in our Inside the Affiliate video collab with Beyond the Whiteboard and CrossFit HQ. Ever wonder how we staff our classes or why we rely primarily on full-time coaches? Now you know!
Yesterday’s Results Board: Push Press | Run, Deadlifts
Dissecting the Bloodthirsty Bliss of Death Metal Scientific American
8 Holistic Tips to Keep You Moving Breaking Muscle
Saturday’s Programming
In teams of 3 with one partner working at a time…
AMRAP 30 Minutes:
30 Russian Kettlebell Swings 32/24
30 Box Jumps 24/20
30 Pull-Ups or Ring Rows
30 Burpees
30 Calorie Row
Split the work up into 10 reps/calories each. Aim to move at about 80-85% throughout, with a focus on controlling your breathing during your rest periods.
Post rounds, reps, Rx, and partner to comments.
7 AM with KHarpz doing yesterday’s work.
Got to 115 on push press. I think I could have been a bit more ambitious with my jumps in weight. I got a little intimidated by the no-cycling rule.
WOD 2:32, 2:34, 2:36 Rx. I’m the slowest runner but I’ve got 225 deadlifts for days, as it turns out! I guess I have to readjust how I think of myself after this summer’s strength cycle. I always used to think of 225 as pretty heavy, and something I can totally do for sets of 5 but that wouldn’t be appropriate for touch and go. As it turns out, I did them ALL touch and go, and all unbroken. Yay deadlifts!
PS Vanessa was tearing tomorrow’s workout UP this morning. It was a treat to watch during the rest periods!
wow, thanks stella!
You beast! 225 for days she days, damn, that is something to aspire to 😛 I was sprinting those damn 400m and DL 165 was a draaaaaag
Today doing Saturday:
Partnered with Steve and ghost partner doing the Mens Rx weights. Made it through 5 rounds + 10 calories on the row. Fun one with enough variety to keep moving through.
Push Press: 75×3, 95×3, 105×3, 115×3, 120×3
That pause really adds up – not sure if I had more in me.
Deadlift/Run WOD: 1:55, 1:54, 1:54.
Happy the runs stayed so consistent.
is that the right link to the “roster of artists”?
AM sesh:
A)Sustained pace – 80-85% Aer
2k bike
20 plank marches
20 plank toe taps
20 plank walk ups
x 5 rounds
tough but a good pump! somewhere around 30 min
PM Sesh:
A1)Paused Push Press
2,2,2,2,2; rest 90 sec
YAS. honestly i felt strong today so i just went for it! PR double without a doubt. and with a pause! Fack ya
A2)Supinated Chest to Bar
4-6 x 5; rest 2 min
5×6, EZ and quick
B)5 rounds – sustained pace 80-85% Aer:
15 C2B unbroken
10 SBC – 100#
250m row
This went well, I tried to film it so i could count my splits but my phone died as soon as the clock finished so video didnt save. at least i got my time! This was a pipe. i ripped in the middle of my hand on rep 73 of 75…..with no warning sign whatsoever! sucks but oh well i couldnt have prevented it.
Chest to bar: all unbrokeN!!!!
Sandbag cleans: went slow and steady but could rip these bad boys off the floor no problem today. felt good.
250: stuck somewhere between 2:05-2:09 for first 4, 2:45 for last one
C)Sustained pace:
500m ski @ same split as last week
rest 90 sec
x 4 rounds
my hand wouldnt stop bleeding so i went with the bike, did a 4k for 15:00