Take 20 Minutes to work up to a heavy single on the Clean.
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compare to 7.23.11
Take 15 Minutes to work on Front Levers
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Steph P’s Box Jumps
Good luck to our 9am Foundations Class Starting Today!
CrossFit South Brooklyn Levels
Earlier this year we posted some CrossFit Levels to help assist you with goal setting and assessing your strengths and weaknesses. Today’s workout has two movements that show up on the levels test. See you how stack up today!
Level 2:
Men 75% BW x1
Women 60% BW x1
Level 3:
Men 100% BWx1
Women 75% BWx1
Level 4:
Men 125% BW
Women 100% BW
Level 5:
Men 150% BW
Women 125% BW
Levers/Ring Work
Level 2:
Able to get fully inverted on Rings without spot or heel hooking straps
Level 3:
Able to hold a mature Ring Support for :20
Level 4:
Single Leg Tuck Front or Back lever held at Horizontal for :05
Level 5:
Mature Front or Back Lever Held at Horizontal for :05
Confused what the “3 Pulls” in olympic style weightlifting are? Don’t know a hang clean from a power clean? Watch this video from Catalyst Athletics to find out
Eat Like A Man With Steve Pan Cathletics