Row 1500m
Rest exactly 3:00, then
3 Rounds For Time of:
6 Dumbbell Hang Power Snatches, each side 32% BW
12 Kipping Pull-Ups
18 Burpees
It should be heavyish. Hands must dip below the knee at the bottom.
Sub 9 Strict Pull-Ups or 18 Ring Rows for Kipping Pull-Ups
Post 1500m time and total time and Rx to comments.
Coach’s MeLo J-Mart and McDapper Get Their WOD on
Rowing a 1500m Race
by: Nick Peterson
The milestones for the 1500m piece are going to be slightly different from those during a 2000m test, but still in the same vein. Start your piece as we’ve discussed in the past: first stroke at three-quarter slide, second at half-slide, third at slightly longer than three-quarter slide. Attack the next 10-15 strokes aggressively – you will not suffer from going extra hard here in the long term, and it’s a great way to deal with nerves. But as soon a you finish that last aggressive stroke, settle down IMMEDIATELY into your pace and rhythm for the rest of the piece. It will feel too easy, but don’t be fooled. It’s very important to get into your groove early on. Focus on breathing, length, and relaxation.
I suggest throwing in a few 10s and maybe a 20 into your piece. By this I mean 10- or 20-stroke segments during the piece to focus on something. That “something” can be whatever works for you: sitting up tall, length, breathing, aggressiveness, loose shoulders, etc. Typically in a 2000m piece you’d do a 10 at about 500m into the piece, a 20 at about 1000m, and another 10 at about 500m to go. There are alternatives, such as 10 at 400m, 10 at 900m, etc. But the principle holds: marking milestones in the piece in a way that helps carry you through mentally.
I suggest marking similar milestones, with some adjustments. I think I’ll do the following:
Start: three start strokes; 10 sprint strokes at about 40 SPM (strokes per minute)
450m: “power 10” with focus on rhythm and relaxation
800m: power 20
1,100m: tighten screws, i.e., try to pick up the pace about 1 or 2 sec. per 500m
1,250m: “throw in the kitchen sink,” “go blind,” “even if you don’t believe in God, now’s when you see Him,”