15 minutes to work on the complex of:
Fitness: Mid Hang Power Snatch + Power Snatch + OHS
Performance: Mid Hang Snatch + Snatch
Back Squat
Fitness: 3×5 Across
Add 5lbs from last week.
Performance: Performance 90%3RM x3x3
Use your 3RM from 12/26. If you were not here last week, find a new 3RM
Post loads to comments.
Snatch/BSQ e4/6
DIY Cash Out (For Time)
Row 500m
Run 550m (1 lap)
Although not for time, transition quickly between movements for all 10 rounds.
Welcome to 2014! Time is precious, start this year strong!
Class Schedule today
We will be running the following class schedule today:
The Look Feel Perform Better Challenge Starts Today!
While you’ve got until the 5th to get all your information in, the 2014 LFPB challenge starts today! Don’t forget that all the information you’ll need to get started can be found by clicking on the wigit on the top right of the page and using the LFPB navigation bar on the left. Good luck everyone and see you at the potluck on the 18th!
Describe your new years eve in three words