Fitness: Snatch Halting Deadlift + Snatch
If you have a hard time organizing the pull off the floor, perform snatch from the mid-hang.
Performance: 1-1-1, then 2 x 1 at 80%
After working up to a heavy single in 3 attempts, perform 2 reps at 80%.
Back Squat
Fitness: 3 x 5 Linear Progression
Add 5 pounds to last week.
Performance: 85% x 4 x 4, then 87.5% x 4 x 4
Rest about two minutes between sets. Use the lifting time wisely and get to work weight within 2-4 warm ups so you can get all your work sets in.
Post loads to comments.
Fresh Vegetables All Summer Long? Sign up Now!
Remember last summer, when those boxes of beautiful local produce showed up at the gym every Wednesday, and you thought to yourself, “Good heavens, I wish I could have a box of beautiful local produce delivered every week! Next year, I will sign up!” This is your lucky day.
For the third year in a row, CFSBK is partnering with Sol Flower Farm to provide weekly deliveries of gorgeous, hand-picked vegetables from June through November. The season is about to start, so the time to sign up is now.
The share cost is $670 through PayPal for the entire season or $650 if you pay by check.
A vegetable share will feed a family of 2-4, so if you would like to split a share with someone, please post as such to the comments below or email Michele, who will help you find a buddy, at mignyc [at] Sol Flower also offers a separate flower share.
All the specifics, including how to sign up, delivery info, and a detailed FAQ, are here. The season starts soon, so don’t delay!
Memorial Day Musings
Over the next week leading up to “Murph,” we’ll be running a few notes from some CFSBKers related to Memorial Day. Below is our first installment from Keith W.
Having come from a military family and being surrounded by many friends in the armed forces, Memorial Day has always been a day that is filled with fun and enjoyment, tempered with a bit of remembrance. There are others that have put themselves in harm’s way for the rights and freedoms we have here. From flying bomber escorts to Germany in WW2, moving ammo in the jungles of Vietnam, liberating Kuwait, to fighting insurgency and terrorism in Afghanistan, people have paid the price dearly.
“Murph” is a workout dedicated to Navy Lieutenant Michael Murphy, but this year I am also putting my efforts towards another outstanding person and his cause. I lost a very dear friend a few weeks ago to PTSD. His name was Kryn Miner and he was a father of four great kids and had a wonderful wife. When Kryn rotated out of duty after serving for over 22 years (including 11 deployments in seven years to Afghanistan and Iraq), he was a bit lost with what to do next and through my encouragement tried CrossFit. He became a Level 1 certified coach, Spartan certified coach, and recently received his CrossFit Endurance coach certification. Kryn coached in Burlington Vermont at CrossFit Burlington.
Kryn was troubled and haunted by a lifetime of war. He saught help after an attempted suicide in September of last year with the Lone Survivor Foundation. This is a foundation started by Marcus Luttrell, who served with Michael Murphy, and the foundation’s aim is to help those suffering from PTSD. Kryn established the Forgotten Fallen Foundation to help raise money through CrossFitting to send returning and retired soldiers in need of help to the Lone Survivor Program. I hope you will join me in pledging a dollar a minute of your “Murph” time to the Lone Survivor Foundation in Kryn’s Name.
More information about the Lone Survivor Program can be found here, and more about Kryn and and the forgotten fallen here.
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Thanks Keith
Funny thing, I was waiting on line in Whole foods this weekend and i saw you walk by with your ruck sack and i realized you served in the military. This was right before my youngest daughter asked me about why we celebrate Memorial Day. It got me thinking again, especially with MURPH coming up. I've done Murph 2x and thought that it was a pretty good way for me to show my Thanks to those who have sacrificed. In some ways, i thought it was pretty lame bc it was nowhere near what those who served have done. I was a volunteer/judge at the Mayhem in the Meadowlands and the volunteers wore shirts that said "Soldier" on the back. I get that the theme they were going for and all, but there on the field are actual soldiers, wearing gas masks, one missing a leg, performing the WODs. It made our attempts pale in comparison to there's.
I'm thrilled to see your post and link to the Lone Survivor Program and I too will donate my Murph time to that.
Made a resolution this morning to lurk less and post more . . .
Make up post from yesterday. Bench 165x3x5. Had more in me – maybe should have gone to 170 or 175 but want to de-load in advance of the Olympic Lifting program start next week.
WOD – 3 rounds plus 17 WBs. DL @ 185. Man – I have really lost a lot of conditioning. Hope it find it soon. Many of the WBs were not (ahem) competition standard. [ I took a lot of blows to face – reminded me of my 2-week PSAL boxing career at age 12. Realized pretty fast that I did not like getting hit and wasn’t quick enough to get out of the way.] I wanted to try this workout Rx but I am not a fan of pushing the envelope on high rep DL workouts. Felt spent afterwards – even had a bit of an exertion headache. Cash out was tough.
FYI – My hamstrings are still blown from the banded good mornings over the weekend. This is the third time I have done this movement – each time I swore never to do it again, it just lights me up.
Very touched by Keith’s piece. I had the privilege of meeting Kryn a couple of years ago when I joined the CFSBK team for Ragnar Adirondacks. Because of the logistics of the race I was only able to talk with him a few times but he made a huge impression on me. We spoke a lot about triathlons because he was a multiple Ironman with an Elite ranking. Big personality and someone I wish I had a chance to get to know better. Really sad to hear of his passing – way too soon. I am planning on doing a ½ Murph on Saturday – but will double my time and pretend I did a full one for the Lone Survivor Foundation.
6am. Snatch (kilos): 40×3, 55×2, 65, 70, 75, 82F, 60x2x2. Was feeling a bit creaky this morning and my pulls were feeling slow. The rep at 75 wasn't terribly pretty, pulled too early. 82 would been a 2kilo PR. Pulled it plenty high, but didn't get down fast enough and my left shoulder wasn't stable on the catch. I'll have that weight soon. HBBS: 255x4x4, 265x4x4. That left me smoked. Skipped the cash out.
Yesterday, worked up to #73 on the snatch. A couple of misses with the bar up to face-level earned me a look of "c'mon, girl!" astonishment from McD as he told me that there's no way that I shouldn't be able to drop under when I've pulled the bar that high. He's right. More pulls from the high hang for me, to get the hang of it.
Squats felt smooth and pretty snappy at 130#. Finally over the weird mental hump of 120#.
Keith, this is a lovely bit about Kryn. Like Jay, I too had the privilege of meeting Kryn at the Ragnar race a few years back. He was super outgoing and friendly (and was CRAZY fast to boot). I was sorry to hear of his passing, especially as a direct result of his dedication and service in the military. I'm not sure that I'll be able to make Murph this weekend, but I'll certainly donate in Kryn's name to the Lone Survivor Foundation in recognition of him and for all of our soldiers.
Keith- thanks for a great, heartfelt piece, incredibly touching, sad I never got to meet Kryn, sounds like a helluva guy.
All- We are working with LSF to set up a gym specific donation page, so on Monday we will be able to take donations through the iPad. We are suggesting people pledge a set amount (.50, $1, $2, etc.) per minute they take on the workout, and then swipe when all is said and done. Also glad to have flat fee donations. Will get a link up in the next few days for our specific page if people are going to be out of town Monday but still want to donate.
Here's the link to the CFSBK Team Page
Thanks for sharing, Keith. LSF is doing good work and there really couldn't be a more apt foundation to donate to on the day we remember Michael Murphy and the thousands of others who have given their lives, like your friend Kryn. For me it helps to focus on people, not politics.
Noon class
Next time. Was pulling too early today on a few and soft in the catch on a few. I should probably be doing snatch balance but I HATE them…
It felt good to be done with these squats.
5:30 with Ro and McDowell. I haven't posted in forever.
Everything above 100# was a power snatch, but when I dropped back to 93#, it felt as good as a snatch ever has for me.
Hbbs was kind of a miserable failure
185x4x3 then failed on the last rep of the 4th set. Dropped to 165# but it felt shaky and ugly even there so I called it and did the cash out. Sucks to fail.
Monday's bench press was 125x4x4, 130x4x3, then failed on the last rep of the last set. Really glad to be done with all this volume. Got 4 rounds and 5 deadlifts in Monday's AMRAP.
And Sunday: deadlift at 240x3x3, felt good. Made it through 8 rounds of Cindy in that murph-ish AMRAP thing, which was the first time I've done pull-ups rx'd in a workout without a mixed grip. Slow but steady.
Great write-up Keith. Sorry about the loss of your friend but glad that we can channel some of that energy to help out those still in need of support.
6:30pm Group Class
Worked up to 187×1 (85kg) which is technically a 2lb PR
225x5x3 on the high bar back squats
Did two rounds of the cash out, 20kg then 24 kg bell and 55lb plate on my back for the planks
Snatch: 115, 125 (equaled PR), 130F
Progress report: Before this cycle, 115 was my PR and I think I'd only hit once or twice. During this cycle I made it quite regularly. I'm still coming off the floor too fast, my hips elevate too quickly and I'm landing too wide. The bar also stays out too much in front. But I'm getting better in the initial set-up I think, and also becoming a little better at getting under; I made more squat snatches this cycle than I have in the past.
HBBS: 235x4x4; 240x4x4
I had done 235x6x5 two weeks ago so this was a bit of a letdown, but I felt had to back just a tad bit because I felt rusty and did not want to push it excessively hard. Perhaps I was too cautious, but since a couple of the reps were a bit grindy, I think it worked out fine. Hope to make all six exposures next cycle. I had started the cycle a little aggressively so these weights represented 80% and a rounded down 85% respectively.
All in all, some modest work, but I'll take it for now.
Makeup from 7:30 last night.
Bench: 75x4x4, 80x4x4. Backed off the weight on these since my shoulder is still being a nuisance and that's what David told me to do.
WOD: Not really sure how many rounds, I pressed 17.5# dumbbells and did 115# on the deadlifts.
Tonight's 6:30 class.
Subbed snatching for some hybrid of push pressing and pressing because I haven't strict pressed since I was a wee CrossFitter and got confused. 65x5x5.
HBBS: 145x8x4. Knew I'd fail if I went up to 150 for my last four sets, so I stuck with this. Last reps of each set were fugly.
Lots and lots of AR and posture work the last couple days. This shit's way harder for me and less appealing to work on than even something nasty like 14.5.
Keith, thanks for sharing. And shout out to all the strong people who failed tonight going for heavy weights.
Tough times this week.. But so much support tonight making it all worthwhile.
Snatch. I guess I'm just sticking with 83. Whether I like it or not. Fun partnering with Jackie on this once again.
HBBS. I could tell this was going to be the weight that would crush me… Slo-mo fail on the 4th rep of the 3rd set of the first weight (157#). Thanks for being there McDowell, Kate R and Whit. As my team pushed onward, I was excused to begin the cash out. This secretly made me happy. See you can fail and not be miserable.
3 rnds of Cash Out. 16kg KB, 1 min. planks with 25# — this felt like old times.. i.e., I wasn't dying the whole time.
Things can only get better.
My body and CNS are slowly recovering from sunday…
HBBS- 350x2x6
Press-135×50 In as few sets as possible.
GHD Situps-60
Keith-Thank you for sharing about your friend. Im sorry to hear it. Vets with PTSD are a population I plan on trying to be involved with when I become a practicing psychiatrist.
Worked with DO on the snatch. I think that got in my head. Pulling with too many thoughts in my head and missed a bunch. Missed at 70kgs a few times. Like fox I am going to need to do snatch balances to get rid of the softness in my catches.
Squats were brutal. 300x4x4 and then 305x4x4. Just totally spent by the end though in general they felt good.
63, 83, 93, 103, 113F, 113F
OHHH boy. can't win em all. I hit 108# last week, so figured I'd trick myself — jump past that weight and just get on to 113, leaving time for a couple attempts. The rep at 108 last week was so smooth and I was feeling dialed in today, so I really thought I could get it. Both were pulled PLENTY high (like chest, and then face height), so I just didn't trust and drop down. at all. That is a common theme when I get to a new weight. So I'll hit it next week.
45×5, 95×5, 135×3
160x4x4, 165x4x3
Was coaching 7:30 and it was already overtime, so I had to quit before the last set. I was in strong disbelief that I could get through all these, but after adding the weight belt on the second set of 165#, I felt a bit more put together.
Seeing as 165 was a heavy triple for me less than a year ago, I'm very happy with the progress.
Also… STRONG LAURA, HOLY H#LL you are so strong!
Also, Keith, thank you for the post. I'm very sorry for your loss. I'm also grateful that we can come together on Monday to remember and honor all of those who have served, as well as donate to a very relevant cause.
Adding, belted, I was belted after the first set tonight, because, sometimes, you need a belt.