Fitness: 3 x 5 Linear Progression
Add 2.5 to 5 lbs to last week.
Performance: 80% x 4 x 4, then 82.5% x 4 x 4
Rest two minutes between sets.
Post loads to comments.
For Time:
800m Run
40 Dumbell Reverse Lunges (use about 45% BW)
400m Run
800m Run
40 OHS 75/55
400m Run

Tweet The Deets
We’re totally crushing on all you guys and we love to hear what you’re up to. Got something of note going on in your life? Let us know! We want to hear about your promotions, events, art, personal victories, discoveries, media campaigns, small government coup d’états, interesting links, and birthdays! We also always love hearing about any CrossFit/athletic-related goals and accomplishments! Send awesomeness to David [at]
For example, Joel Z. has a photography blog that he updates daily. Check it out and make your eyes happy.
Monday Notes and Reminders
- CFSBKer Juno D.’s friend Jane Seymour is the photo director at Men’s Fitness and is looking for real people to participate in a photo shoot. Participants can be male or female, any age, and need to be in great shape. If you’re interested, email a photo of yourself to mfcrossfit [at] and share a few sentences about why you do CrossFit.
- There is a new article over Coach DO’s blog Inside the Affiliate called “The Organic Affiliate Growth Model.” Check it out to learn a bit more about CFSBK’s story.
- CFSBK Movie Night returns THIS Friday, May 16th at 8:15pm after Open Gym. We’re screening Evil Dead and all Brooklyn CrossFit gyms are invited. RSVP over here!
- Happy birthday, Michelle B., Rachel J., Peter M., Charmel, and belatedly to front desk super star Ava P.!
Strength Cyclers: How’d it go yesterday?
Standards Worth Having Power Athlete
‘Fed Up’ Asks, Are All Calories Equal? New York Times