Work up to a single set of a heavy 8 on your front squat.
Use this as a jumping off point for the next cycle
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4 Rounds Not for Time of:
3 Rep Deadlift
20 Wall Ball Shots
Find a heavy weight on the deadlift and stay there. Focus on perfect form.
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What movement is Noah demonstrating the set-up for?
Attention Bike People!
Bike parking will be limited today and tomorrow, as the sidewalk is being… revamped? Please plan accordingly.
Bend, Stretch, and Mobilize Today
- Yoga for Athletes with Coach Whitney at 10am.
- Active Recovery is back on at 11am and noon today with Coach David.
- If you are in Ken H.’s rings class, remember that you’re meeting today from 2-3:30pm!
The Woman Who Walked 10,000 Miles (No Exaggeration) in Three Years New York Times
How to Keep Elephants and Wolves Out of Your Yard MinuteEarth
Shawn says
8am with David and Nick. I went 95×5, 125×8, 135×8, 135×8 on the front squats. The tricep mashing beforehand definitely helps. Now I just need to find similar wizardry for my wrist.
I went 165, 185, 185, 205 on the deadlifts with a 20lb wall ball to 10 feet. My wallballs hot look great until about number 7, then…notsomuch. I think I just need to slow it down. says
Dropped in at CrossFit Shadyside. Let's play "what's wrong with this picture."
partner WOD with one person working at a time.
First: 5 rounds
5 snatches 155/105 (I did 65, probably should have gone for 75)
75 DU or 225 singles
If you finish by 10 min, rest until 10 min, then:
30 back squats 185/125 (Rx)
150 KB swings 2 pood/1.5 pood (Rx)
30 back squats
If you finish by 20 min, rest until 20 min, then
AMRAP 7 min
30 hang power cleans 135/95 (I was fried at this point and did 65)
20 FSQ
30 hang power cleans
Before we even get to the fact that people were not paired well by weight (my partner was a girl who's been doing CF for about a month, so she did the Oly lifts with an empty bar and 65 for the back squat)…and there were a bunch of weight changes even if your partner was lifting your weight…
Why would you have a 2-partner WOD with an odd number of reps/rounds? And why would you have an AMRAP where the first and last movements are the same?!
I'll be going back to this box tomorrow…because they have open gym on Sundays. But the lack of organization made me grateful for how spoiled we are at SBK. says
Noon with Fox, Whitney, and JB
Worked up to 185 on the front squats. I think 195 would have been fine, honestly, but I held it here since this was about 75% of my last 3 rep max. Then, I did all deadlifts at 275 with hook grip, which was nice as I usually do switch at that weight. Used a 30lb ball for the wall balls, and did them in sets of ten across. Last time I tried using that weight, let's just say the ball won. This time I felt much better. Had to no rep myself a few times, but mostly didn't have a problem with hitting 10 feet.
Peter says
Did this workout remotely. Worked up to 215# for the front squat. Harder than I expected. Deadlifts at 295# for the NFT work. Wallballs unbroken except for one errant toss. Finished up with a bit of double-under practice.
Charlie says
11am with Fox, Whitney and JB.
Front squat- 45 x 5, 95 x 4, 115 x 3, 135 x 8. Probably could have done more. I had some 'elbows up/ thoracic extension issues' which I now know about and will mobilize for.
WOD- DL @ 220# for first round send 235# for the rest. Great feedback from JB on these- specifically that I need to try to keep my chin down. I noticed this in the videos from the Totals too. Something to think about. Wall balls (14# /9') unbroken for rounds 1,2 and 4!! My previous unbroken PR was 14 a couple of weeks ago, so this is pretty f&@$ing amazing.
AR afterwards followed by a long walk home with Maisie ❤️
If anyone is in DUMBO this evening for the arts festival, come say hi! I'll be at Olympia Wine Bar on Jay St at Water. Don't let the name fool you- we have beer and cocktails too. says
1pm w/ Coaches Fox, Whitney & JB
Front Squat:
165# x8
Deadlift: 225,225,245 (Thanks for the tips Coach Whitney)
Wall balls: 20# 10' 20/20/15,5/15,5
Did some Kipping PU practice after class with Coach Fox. I have a lot of practicing ahead of me, but got some top tips from coach: keep your legs together and your body tight.
Whit H says
Did some accessory/recovery work today after classes.
R hip is better but still cranky, so didn't want to squat/lift.
Orb'ed out: anterior hip/thigh big time (R side is heinous), hamstrings, adductors, ext rotators on R side
Lax Ball: feet
SCAPJACK! (activation set)
Ring Dips: worked up to a total of 8 strict. mostly in singles or doubles with PLENTY of time in between.YAY! had Ro check my depth and we are good to go!
Lat Activation: 3 sets of 5 with a 2 sec hold
Couch Stretch ~2 min each side with some contract/relax. this is murder on the right side.
some random handstands and playtime alongside the gymnastics class.