Mobility Tip from Coach David: The ability for your shoulder to internally rotate is an important component of many movements you see at the gym, and this rotation is critical for maintaining a fully mobile shoulder girdle. In the above photo, Coach Fox demonstrates a common mobilization we perform using a partner to help keep the head of the humerus anchored down in the joint to prevent loss of position while stretching out. Check out these three Mobility WOD videos to learn more about internal rotation.
- Happy birthday, David L.!
- Happy belated birthday, Kayleigh!
Ever Wanted to Compete in a Strength Competition?
Now’s your chance—and you don’t even need a singlet (but you can wear one if you want)! On Saturday, October 25th, eight gyms across the US and Canada will hold a strength lifting meet organized by Starting Strength coaches. Three attempts to establish a one-repetition maximum in the Squat, Press, and Deadlift. The competition will be both local and international. Coach Fox and others will be attending the event in Queens from 8am to 4pm, and there are still a few places left if you want to compete. Learn more here.
Each meet will have its own winners, but the results from all the meets will also be combined and the best lifters announced. Each best lifter wins a spot at a Starting Strength Seminar.
Want to be in a Comedic Short about CrossFit?
An athletic tape company that specializes in CrossFit needs fit, funny men to audition for the lead role in a series of comedic shorts. Comedic experience is a plus. The production company will be shooting on October 4 and 5, and will pay $400. If you’re interested in learning more about the project or would like to audition, reach out to Chris at chris [at], and send your info (resume, headshots, reel).
APPLE Iphone 6 Parody Commercial by IKEA “BookBook”
Want to get more sleep into your routine? Try “Face Time Party Snoozer” Adult Swim
Stretching Doesn’t Work (the Way You Think It Does) Breaking Muscle
What Do You Wish You Had Learned in College? The Atlantic says
Saturday's Programming
Front Squat
Work up to a single set of a heavy 8 on your front squat.
Use this as a jumping off point for the next cycle
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4 Rounds Not for Time of:
3 Rep Deadlift
20 Wall Ball Shots
Find a heavy weight on the deadlift and stay there. Focus on perfect form.
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Linda says
6am with NickDowell. Elliot and I got a semi-private with McDowell, doing tomorrow's programming. On the FSQ, I hit 155×8, which started to feel heavy, especially after yesterday's clean work.
NFT – used 185 on the deadlift and 14/9 on the wall balls. My quads were feeling the burn after this one. I was very happy it was NFT as it was nice to take a breather between rounds.
ginacatto says
aw, i wish i were a funny man. sigh.
Stella says
Aaaawww, I wish I were doing this WOD. I am planning to hit open gym in Pittsburgh on Sunday so maybe then!
lady fox says
Makeup post from yesterday's 5:30pm class.
-was able to go from a single to a triple under and then back to a single.
-then I tried going from a double under to a triple and that felt much easier and more fluid. It also made me much more efficient in the triple under jump and gives me hope that I might be able to link a couple together sometime in the near future.
Clean-heavy single in kgs
(35×3, 45×3, 55×2) 65, 70, 75, 80f, 80f
-75kg (165#) felt good so I thought I'd finally get passed that today. I still don't know how I ever hit 185…
MattyChm says
6am with NickDowell making up yesterday
I was able to do a triple under on my first attempt and every other time I tried it was just short. Twice I landed on the rope after the third revolution. Fun to try them. Not fun to whip myself in my shins and forearms on each attempt.
Worked up to 195# on the Clean. 200# is my PR so I might do my calculations off that number on the next cycle since it is not very old.
Jynne says
After six months of crossfit I did my first ever double unders today!!! I actually thought those would never ever happen. Huge thanks and credit to Mcdowell for helping explain the mechanics so lucidly.
Charlie says
Yay Jynne! Congrats!! says
Make up post from last night at 7:30 with Ro and JB
I really enjoyed the warm-up. I did one round of hollow rocks, then switched to planks with a 45lb plate. I lasted a minute-ish in a couple of rounds, and had to take a knee for a few seconds in a couple others. That got heavy very quickly. Last week I posted about how crappy my DUs felt during a workout, but this week they seemed okay. I practiced a bit on Monday and hit 13 consecutive (PR!), and then last night hit 15 (new PR!). I had several strings of 8 or 9 unbroken. I still need to work on keeping my elbows in and staying long during the jump, but I think these are starting to click. I have a better sense of the rhythm now.
Cleans were fun. Did 115, 135, 185, 195, 205, and then hit a 10# PR at 215. I kind of had designs on hitting a body weight (225) clean yesterday, and decided at the last second to give it a go. I got under it fine, but I think I was pitched forward slightly, and didn't bring my elbows up high enough, so I bailed at the bottom of the squat. I really feel like this is within my reach now, though. I really like the approach of breaking up jerks and cleans on separate days this cycle. I'm looking forward to progressing on both.
Shawn says
6am with Nick and McDowell. I was kind of dreading the double under work, but it actually went really well. I think the bouncing-while-tapping-our-thighs drill helped a lot with the timing – despite my feeling a bit like a seal. I actually managed to string together about 20 double-unders (could have been a few more or a few less – I lost count around 15), which is about double my last PR and probably about four times what I've managed the last five or six times I tried.
The cleans felt slow today. I wasn't getting my elbows around quickly enough. Nevertheless, I hit 155#, which ties my PR – which tells me I can probably pile a lot more weight on if I just dial my technique in a little bit. says
6am with Nick and McD. Just Linda and I with McDowell this morning.
FSQ 185×8. Felt great and I think I could have hit a set of 8 at maybe 195, but it wouldn't happen after that set at 185.
DL @ 275. Glad this was a NFR.
Anyone else doing the Civilian Military Combine tomorrow? I'm in heat 6 at 9:25, so hope to see some other CFSBKers crushing the course. says
I just purchased a Face Time Party Snoozer! Thanks, Cinco!!!!
Camille says
DO, to go with the Cinco phone? says
Awesome week at the gym. I am not sure if it was because of backoff week or because of my new weightlifting shoes!
Push Jerk – clean jerk at 108. Pressed it out at 113, so will work with the 108 number.
Back Squat – Paused squats at 140lbs.
Clean – worked between 93-98lbs. Need much faster elbows and to drop below deeper into a squat as it gets heavy. Lots to work on here.
Front Squat – Heavy set of 8 at 115. Last 2 were tough.
So, one note to those who read that that don't own weightlifting shoes. Since I started crossfit last year I never considered getting them, not sure why, just didn't think much about it. Then I did a competition 2 weeks ago and my team convinced me to try a pair for the barbell complex. So I did, and what a difference!! I ordered myself a pair the next day and used them for the first time all week. The stability and balance during squats and lifts is much better. Looking forward to this cycle!
Fox says
Back Squat
All felt great. The deadlift was 10 pounds off my last week 1 where I only hit 4 reps at 415. Figured I would benefit from a slight drop back especially since these will be coming after squats now.
JakeL says
Muscle Snatch + sots press
176(1+1). *pr sots press
Power clean +push jerk
HBBS, 80%x3x6